Because of the pandemia, the workshop on "Topological and Smooth Dynamics on Surfaces"
could not be realized in the usual format or in the new hybrid format. Instead, a subgroup
of 3 participants used the week mostly for informal discussions, collaborations and research
in the topic of the workshop. Namely, a study of a parametric family
of planar homeomorphisms was carried out by Boroński and Štimac.
Recently a novel approach to the study of parametric families of
disiaptive diffeomorphisms on surfaces was introduced by Crovisier
and Pujals in their seminal paper [1], in which they initiate the study
of the class of strongly dissipative diffeomorphisms. These maps are
shown in [1] to be very close in a certain sense to 1-dimensional maps.
In particular, Crovisier and Pujals showed that for any of them there
exists a reduction to a 1-dimensional model, that consists of a metric
tree and a continuous map on it that is semi-conjugate to the original
diffeomorphism. The authors also showed that the class of strongly
dissipative diffeomorphisms contains maps in the Hénon family, for an
open set of parameters.
The study carried out by Boroński and Štimac at MFO attempted
on generalizing the aforementioned results to a new setting. Namely, a
Crovisier-Pujals-like 1-dimensional model was constructed for a Lozi
family of maps [3], within the Misiurewicz parameter set [4]. This
model conjugates each Lozi map in the studied parameter set to the
natural extension of a continuous map on a metric tree, thus extending
the earlier result to the $C^{0}$ case, but also improving semi-conjugation
to a conjugacy. Further results in this direction are expected to come
in a timely fashion.
The Ph.D. student Kilassa Kvaternik studied and presented the
paper [2].