• 1744a - Interplay between Number Theory and Analysis for Dirichlet Series 

      [OWR-2017-51] (2017) - (29 Oct - 04 Nov 2017)
      In recent years a number of challenging research problems have crystallized in the analytic theory of Dirichlet series and its interaction with function theory in polydiscs. Their solutions appear to require unconventional ...
    • 1715 - Discrete Geometry 

      [OWR-2017-19] (2017) - (09 Apr - 15 Apr 2017)
      A number of important recent developments in various branches of discrete geometry were presented at the workshop. The presentations illustrated both the diversity of the area and its strong connections to other fields of ...
    • 1744b - Copositivity and Complete Positivity 

      [OWR-2017-52] (2017) - (29 Oct - 04 Nov 2017)
      A real matrix $A$ is called copositive if $x^TAx \ge 0$ holds for all $x \in \mathbb R^n_+$. A matrix $A$ is called completely positive if it can be factorized as $A = BB^T$ , where $B$ is an entrywise nonnegative matrix. ...
    • 1745 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics 

      [OWR-2017-53] (2017) - (05 Nov - 11 Nov 2017)
      The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics” was centered around proof-theoretic aspects of core mathematics and theoretical computer science as well as homotopy type theory and logical aspects ...
    • Jahresbericht | Annual Report - 2016 

      Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017)
    • 1736 - Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic 

      [OWR-2017-40] (2017) - (03 Sep - 09 Sep 2017)
      The workshop brought together leading experts and young researchers at the interface of automorphic forms and analytic number theory to disseminate, discuss and develop important recent methods and results. A particular ...
    • 1712 - Statistical Recovery of Discrete, Geometric and Invariant Structures 

      [OWR-2017-16] (2017) - (19 Mar - 25 Mar 2017)
      The main objective of the workshop was to bring together researchers in mathematical statistics and related areas in order to discuss recent advances and problems associated with statistical recovery of geometric and ...
    • 1746 - Variational Methods for Evolution 

      [OWR-2017-54] (2017) - (12 Nov - 18 Nov 2017)
      Many evolutionary systems, as for example gradient flows or Hamiltonian systems, can be formulated in terms of variational principles or can be approximated using time-incremental minimization. Hence they can be studied ...
    • 1720 - Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations 

      [OWR-2017-24] (2017) - (14 May - 20 May 2017)
      The problem of determining unknown quantities in a PDE from measurements of (part of) the solution to this PDE arises in a wide range of applications in science, technology, medicine, and finance. The unknown quantity may ...
    • 1749 - Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems 

      [OWR-2017-56] (2017) - (03 Dec - 09 Dec 2017)
      This workshop was dedicated to the presentation of recent results in the field of the mathematical study of kinetic theory and its naturalextensions (statistical physics and fluid mechanics). The main models are the ...
    • 1740 - Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematical Quasicrystals 

      [OWR-2017-46] (2017) - (01 Oct - 07 Oct 2017)
      The mathematical theory of aperiodic order grew out of various predecessors in discrete geometry, harmonic analysis and mathematical physics, and developed rapidly after the discovery of real world quasicrystals in 1982 ...
    • 1748 - Reflection Positivity 

      [OWR-2017-55] (2017) - (26 Nov - 02 Dec 2017)
      The main theme of the workshop was reflection positivity and its occurences in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Noncommutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems, ...
    • 1725a - Reaction Networks and Population Dynamics 

      [OWR-2017-28] (2017) - (18 Jun - 24 Jun 2017)
      Reaction systems and population dynamics constitute two highly developed areas of research that build on well-defined model classes, both in terms of dynamical systems and stochastic processes. Despite a significant core ...
    • 1706b - Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Differential Equations: Regularity and Numerical Analysis in Finite and Infinite Dimensions 

      [OWR-2017-9] (2017) - (05 Feb - 11 Feb 2017)
      This Mini-Workshop is devoted to regularity and numerical analysis of stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations (SDEs for both). The standard assumption in the literature on SDEs is global Lipschitz continuity ...
    • 1722 - Stochastic Analysis: Geometry of Random Processes 

      [OWR-2017-26] (2017) - (28 May - 03 Jun 2017)
      A common feature shared by many natural objects arising in probability theory is that they tend to be very “rough”, as opposed to the “smooth” objects usually studied in other branches of mathematics. It is however still ...
    • 1702c - Mini-Workshop: Adaptive Methods for Control Problems Constrained by Time-Dependent PDEs 

      [OWR-2017-4] (2017) - (08 Jan - 14 Jan 2017)
      Optimization problems constrained by time-dependent PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) are challenging from a computational point of view: even in the simplest case, one needs to solve a system of PDEs coupled globally ...
    • 1705 - Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences 

      [OWR-2017-7] (2017) - (29 Jan - 04 Feb 2017)
      The aim of this workshop was to gather a mixed group of experts and young researchers from different areas of applied mathematics in which optimal transport plays a central role. Applications in one of the classical areas ...
    • 1743c - Mini-Workshop: Interactions between Low-dimensional Topology and Complex Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2017-50] (2017) - (22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017)
      Recent developments exhibit a strong connection between low-dimensional topology and complex algebraic geometry. A common theme is provided by the Alexander polynomial and its many avatars. The mini-Workshop brought together ...
    • 1733 - Proof Complexity and Beyond 

      [OWR-2017-37] (2017) - (13 Aug - 19 Aug 2017)
      Proof complexity is a multi-disciplinary intellectual endeavor that addresses questions of the general form “how difficult is it to prove certain mathematical facts?” The current workshop focused on recent advances in our ...
    • 1741 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Additive Combinatorics, Entropy, and Fractal Geometry 

      [OWR-2017-47] (2017) - (08 Oct - 13 Oct 2017)
      The aim of the workshop was to survey recent developments in fractal geometry, specifically those related to projections and slices of planar self-similar sets, and dimension and absolute continuity of self-similar measures ...