• 2309a - Skew Braces and the Yang-Baxter Equation 

      [OWR-2023-9] (2023) - (26 Feb - 04 Mar 2023)
      The workshop was focused on the interplay between set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation and several algebraic structures used to construct and understand new solutions. In this vein, the YBE and properties ...
    • Jahresbericht | Annual Report - 2022 

      Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2023)
    • Charakterisierungen von inneren Volumina auf konvexen Körpern und konvexen Funktionen 

      [SNAP-2022-011-DE] Mussnig, Fabian (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2023)
      Wenn wir die Größe einer zweidimensionalen Form mittels einer Zahl ausdrücken wollen, dann denken wir gewöhnlich an ihren Flächeninhalt oder ihren Umfang. Aber was macht diese Kennzahlen so besonders? Wir beantworten diese ...
    • 2318 - Tomographic Inverse Problems: Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications 

      [OWR-2023-21] (2023) - (30 Apr - 05 May 2023)
      This workshop brought together researchers working on mathematical problems related to tomography, with a particular emphasis on novel applications and associated mathematical challenges. Examples of respective issues ...
    • 2321 - Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-24] (2023) - (21 May - 26 May 2023)
      The workshop titled "Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry" was coorganized by Davide Barilari (Padova), Xiaonan Ma (Paris), Nikhil Savale (Köln) and Yi Wang (Baltimore). It was well attended by 55 participants, with 45 of ...
    • 2315 - Komplexe Analysis - Differential and Algebraic methods in Kähler spaces 

      [OWR-2023-18] (2023) - (09 Apr - 14 Apr 2023)
      Our workshop focused on recent results in our main field (complex geometry) and its connection with other branches of mathematics. The main theme of an important proportion of the talks was Hodge theory, combined with ...
    • 2319 - Group Actions and Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory 

      [OWR-2023-22] (2023) - (07 May - 12 May 2023)
      This workshop focuses on new problems and new methods at the interface of harmonic analysis (taken in a very broad sense) and ergodic theory, with applications focused on number theory. Special emphasis is put on ...
    • 2326 - Algebraische Zahlentheorie 

      [OWR-2023-28] (2023) - (25 Jun - 30 Jun 2023)
      Algebraic Number Theory is an area of Mathematics that has a legendary history and lies at the interface of Algebra and Number Theory. The last four decades of the last century witnessed rapid developments that led to ...
    • 2325 - Recent Trends in Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-27] (2023) - (18 Jun - 23 Jun 2023)
      Algebraic geometry has grown into a broad subject, with many different streams often advancing quite independently of each other. Nonetheless, important advances have often come from visionary applications of ideas in ...
    • 2320 - Tropical Methods in Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-23] (2023) - (14 May - 19 May 2023)
      The workshop "Tropical methods in geometry" was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the leading experts representing various points of view on the subject including tropical methods in symplectic and ...
    • 2323 - Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory 

      [OWR-2023-25] (2023) - (04 Jun - 09 Jun 2023)
      The workshop "Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory" covered interactions between geometric problems involving fractals, dimensions, patterns, projections and incidences, and ...
    • 2316 - Representations of Finite Groups 

      [OWR-2023-19] (2023) - (16 Apr - 21 Apr 2023)
      The workshop "Representations of Finite Groups" was organised by Olivier Dudas (Marseille), Meinolf Geck (Stuttgart), Radha Kessar (Manchester), and Gabriel Navarro (Valencia). It covered a wide variety of aspects of ...
    • 2324 - Machine Learning for Science: Mathematics at the Interface of Data-driven and Mechanistic Modelling 

      [OWR-2023-26] (2023) - (11 Jun - 16 Jun 2023)
      Rapid progress in machine learning is enabling scientific advances across a range of disciplines. However, the utility of machine learning for science remains constrained by its current inability to translate insights from ...
    • 2314 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Twistor D-Modules and the Decomposition Theorem 

      [OWR-2023-17] (2023) - (02 Apr - 07 Apr 2023)
      The purpose of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft is to introduce the notion of twistor $\mathcal{D}$-modules and their main properties. The guiding principle leading this discussion is Simpson's "meta-theorem", which gives a heuristic ...
    • 2317 - Mathematical Foundations of Biological Organisation 

      [OWR-2023-20] (2023) - (23 Apr - 28 Apr 2023)
      The workshop aimed to explore the use of new mathematical and computational approaches to investigate the fundamental principles governing the organization and dynamics of biological systems. This necessitated conversations ...
    • 2339a - MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop 2023: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory 

      [OWR-2023-42] (2023) - (24 Sep - 29 Sep 2023)
      This report presents a general panorama of recent progress in the arithmetic-geometry theory of Galois and homotopy groups and its ramifications. While still relying on Grothendieck's original pillars, the present program ...
    • 2334 - Geometric Spectral Theory 

      [OWR-2023-36] (2023) - (20 Aug - 25 Aug 2023)
      Spectral geometry is a rapidly developing field with new classes of operators, boundary value problems and geometric objects arising in different applications. At the same time, classical problems continue gaining novel ...
    • 2335 - Aspects of Aperiodic Order 

      [OWR-2023-37] (2023) - (27 Aug - 01 Sep 2023)
      The theory of aperiodic order expanded and developed significantly since the discovery of quasicrystals, and continues to bring many mathematical disciplines together. The focus of this workshop was on harmonic analysis ...
    • 2336 - Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems 

      [OWR-2023-38] (2023) - (03 Sep - 08 Sep 2023)
      The workshop focused on the collective behavior of many-particle systems in various application fields: physics (gas dynamics, plasmas, quantum mechanics), mathematical biology (cell mobility, evolution of trait-structured ...
    • 2333 - Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics 

      [OWR-2023-35] (2023) - (13 Aug - 18 Aug 2023)
      Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) is concerned with finding optimal solutions to mathematical formulations of optimization problems combining discrete and nonlinear phenomena. The scientific program was ...