• 0546c - Mini-Workshop: Heterotic Strings, Derived Categories, and Stacks 

      [OWR-2005-53] (2005) - (13 Nov - 19 Nov 2005)
      This workshop brought together both mathematicians and physicists interested in mathematical aspects of heterotic strings and physical aspects of derived categories and stacks. These three topics in mathematics and physics ...
    • 0545 - Combinatorial Optimization 

      [OWR-2005-50] (2005) - (06 Nov - 12 Nov 2005)
      This report summarizes the meeting on Combinatorial Optimization where new and promising developments in the field were discussed. The
    • 0511 - Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 

      [OWR-2005-13] (2005) - (13 Mar - 19 Mar 2005)
      Abstract. The study of Enveloping Algebras has undergone a significant and continuous evolution and moreover has inspired a wide variety of developments in many areas of mathematics including Ring Theory, Differential ...
    • 0503 - Graph Theory 

      [OWR-2005-3] (2005) - (16 Jan - 22 Jan 2005)
      This is the report on an Oberwolfach conference on graph theory, held 16-22 January 2005. There were three main components to the event: 5-minute presentations, lectures, and workshops. All participants were asked to give ...
    • 0518a - Mini-Workshop: Numerical Upscaling: Theory and Applications 

      [OWR-2005-20] (2005) - (01 May - 07 May 2005)
      Numerical upscaling is often the only way in which various multiscale problems can be handled. Numerics related to solving auxiliary problems appearing in asymptotic homogenization, as well as numerical treatment of ...
    • 0602 - Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity 

      [OWR-2006-2] (2006) - (08 Jan - 14 Jan 2006)
      The conference covered mathematical general relativity. The Einstein equations, the key to the subject, can be split into constraints and evolution equations. Many of the talks at the conference concerned the constraints ...
    • 0651 - Konvexgeometrie 

      [OWR-2006-56] (2006) - (17 Dec - 23 Dec 2006)
      The geometry of convex domains in Euclidean space plays a central role in several branches of mathematics: functional and harmonic analysis, the theory of PDE, linear programming and, increasingly, in the study of other ...
    • 0641 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Twisted K-Theory 

      [OWR-2006-46] (2006) - (08 Oct - 14 Oct 2006)
      The “Arbeitsgemeinsschaft mit aktuellem Thema ‘Twisted KTheory’ ” gave an introduction to several aspects of twisted K-theory. It started with a couple of different definitions of twisted K-theory, suitable in situations ...
    • 0618a - Mini-Workshop: Feinstrukturtheorie und Innere Modelle 

      [OWR-2006-20] (2006) - (30 Apr - 06 May 2006)
      The main aim of fine structure theory and inner model theory can be summarized as the construction of models which have a canonical inner structure (a fine structure), making it possible to analyze them in great detail, ...
    • 0620 - Mathematical Biology 

      [OWR-2006-24] (2006) - (14 May - 20 May 2006)
      This years meeting on Mathematical Biology focussed on the mathematical modeling and analysis of some specific bio-medical questions, where quite detailed experimental findings are available. A main aim for this decision ...
    • 0624 - Classical Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2006-27] (2006) - (11 Jun - 17 Jun 2006)
    • 0638 - Topologie 

      [OWR-2006-43] (2006) - (17 Sep - 23 Sep 2006)
      The participants in this conference covered all areas of algebraic and geometric topology. The talks covered a wide range of recent developments, such as the Farrell-Jones conjecture, knot theory, geometric group theory, ...
    • 0636 - Spatial Random Processes and Statistical Mechanics 

      [OWR-2006-41] (2006) - (03 Sep - 09 Sep 2006)
      The workshop focused on the broad area of spatial random processes and their connection to statistical mechanics. The subjects of interest included random walk in random environment, interacting random walks, polymer models, ...
    • 0643 - Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Chemistry Problems 

      [OWR-2006-47] (2006) - (22 Oct - 28 Oct 2006)
      This workshop was aimed at strengthtening the interactions between well established experts in quantum chemistry, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis and computational metodology. Most of the mathematicians present ...
    • 0648a - Mini-Workshop: Statistical Methods for Inverse Problems 

      [OWR-2006-51] (2006) - (26 Nov - 02 Dec 2006)
      Inverse problems appear naturally in a broad range of applications. Numerical analysis and statistics have – often independently – developed methods for regularisation and inversion. The aim of this mini-workshop is to ...
    • 0612 - Geometric Numerical Integration 

      [OWR-2006-14] (2006) - (19 Mar - 25 Mar 2006)
      The subject of this workshop was numerical methods that preserve geometric properties of the flow of an ordinary or partial differential equation. This was complemented by the question as to how preserving the geometry ...
    • 0628 - Calculus of Variations 

      [OWR-2006-31] (2006) - (09 Jul - 15 Jul 2006)
      Research in the Calculus of Variations has always been motivated by questions generated within the field itself as well as by problems arising
    • 0644 - Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 

      [OWR-2006-48] (2006) - (29 Oct - 04 Nov 2006)
      One of the exciting phenomena in mathematics in recent years has been the widespread and surprisingly effective use of probabilistic methods in diverse areas. The probabilistic point of view has turned out to be
    • 0640 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2006-45] (2006) - (01 Oct - 07 Oct 2006)
      The program covered a wide range of new developments in geometry. To name some of them, we mention the topics “Metric space geometry in the style of Alexandrov/Gromov”, “Polyhedra with prescribed metric”, “Willmore surfaces”, ...
    • 0614 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Higher Torsion Invariants in Differential Topology and Algebraic K-Theory 

      [OWR-2006-16] (2006) - (02 Apr - 08 Apr 2006)
      The purpose of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to study and—as far as possible—compare three generalisations of the classical Franz-Reidemeister torsion to families E → B of manifolds. Dwyer, Weiss and Williams construct ...