• 1318b - Geometric Knot Theory 

      [OWR-2013-22] (2013) - (28 Apr - 04 May 2013)
      Geometric knot theory studies relations between geometric properties of a space curve and the knot type it represents. As examples, knotted curves have quadrisecant lines, and have more distortion and more total curvature ...
    • 1833 - Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis 

      [OWR-2018-37] (2018) - (12 Aug - 18 Aug 2018)
      The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Complex Dynamical Systems with a special focus on the exchange of ideas and methods among these areas. The main ...
    • 1115 - Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis 

      [OWR-2011-19] (2011) - (10 Apr - 16 Apr 2011)
      The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Symplectic/Contact Geometry with a special focus on the interplay and exchange of ideas among these areas, which ...
    • 1505 - Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis 

      [OWR-2015-4] (2015) - (25 Jan - 31 Jan 2015)
      The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Complex Dynamical Systems with a special focus on the exchange of ideas and methods among these areas. The main ...
    • 2120 - Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-25] (2021) - (16 May - 22 May 2021)
      The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Complex Dynamical Systems with a special focus on the exchange of ideas and methods among these areas. The main ...
    • 1107 - Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting 

      [OWR-2011-9] (2011) - (13 Feb - 19 Feb 2011)
      The purpose of the workshop was to bring together mathematicians interested in ”quantization of manifolds” in a broad sense: given classical data, such as a Lie group G acting on a symplectic manifold M, construct a quantum ...
    • 2334 - Geometric Spectral Theory 

      [OWR-2023-36] (2023) - (20 Aug - 25 Aug 2023)
      Spectral geometry is a rapidly developing field with new classes of operators, boundary value problems and geometric objects arising in different applications. At the same time, classical problems continue gaining novel ...
    • 1824 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2018-27] (2018) - (10 Jun - 16 Jun 2018)
      The workshop Geometrie, organized by John Lott (Berkeley), André Neves (London), Iskander Taimanov (Novosibirsk) and Burkhard Wilking (Münster) was well attended with over 53 participants with broad geographic representation ...
    • 1221 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2012-27] (2012) - (20 May - 26 May 2012)
      During the meeting a wide range of topics in geometry was discussed. There were 18 one hour talks and four half an hour talks which took place after dinner.
    • 0640 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2006-45] (2006) - (01 Oct - 07 Oct 2006)
      The program covered a wide range of new developments in geometry. To name some of them, we mention the topics “Metric space geometry in the style of Alexandrov/Gromov”, “Polyhedra with prescribed metric”, “Willmore surfaces”, ...
    • 0831 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2008-34] (2008) - (27 Jul - 02 Aug 2008)
    • 1024 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2010-26] (2010) - (13 Jun - 19 Jun 2010)
      The program of this meeting covered a wide range of recent developements in geometry such as geometric flows and connections to transport problems, metric and Alexandrov geometry, positively curved manifolds and the positive ...
    • 1425 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2014-29] (2014) - (15 Jun - 21 Jun 2014)
      The topics discussed at the meeting ranged from geometric evolution equations to minimal surfaces, Riemannian foliations and hyperbolic geometry. Because of a flexible schedule, the 53 participants had ample time for discussion.
    • 2224 - Geometrie 

      [OWR-2022-28] (2022) - (12 Jun - 18 Jun 2022)
      The workshop Geometrie, organized by Aaron Naber (Evanston), André Neves (Chicago) and Burkhard Wilking (Münster) was well attended with over 42 participants (35 in person and 7 online) with broad geographic representation ...
    • 1920 - Geometry and Physics of Higgs Bundles 

      [OWR-2019-23] (2019) - (12 May - 18 May 2019)
      This workshop focused on interactions between the various perspectives on the moduli space of Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface. This subject draws on algebraic geometry, geometric topology, geometric analysis and ...
    • Getzler rescaling via adiabatic deformation and a renormalized local index formula 

      [OWP-2016-18] Bohlen, Karsten; Schrohe, Elmar (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-10)
      We prove a local index theorem of Atiyah-Singer type for Dirac operators on manifolds with a Lie structure at infinity (Lie manifolds for short). After introducing a renormalized supertrace on Lie manifolds with spin ...
    • 1648 - Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities 

      [OWR-2016-55] (2016) - (27 Nov - 03 Dec 2016)
      The general topic of the 2016 workshop Heat kernels, stochastic processes and functional inequalities was the study of linear and non-linear diffusions in geometric environments including smooth manifolds, fractals and ...
    • 1319 - Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities 

      [OWR-2013-23] (2013) - (05 May - 11 May 2013)
      The general topic of the 2013 workshop Heat kernels, stochastic processes and functional inequalities was the study of linear and non-linear diffusions in geometric environments: finite and infinite-dimensional manifolds, ...
    • 1947 - Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities 

      [OWR-2019-54] (2019) - (17 Nov - 23 Nov 2019)
      The aims of the 2019 workshop 'Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities' were: (a) to provide a forum to review recent progresses in a wide array of areas of analysis (elliptic, subelliptic and ...
    • 2321 - Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-24] (2023) - (21 May - 26 May 2023)
      The workshop titled "Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry" was coorganized by Davide Barilari (Padova), Xiaonan Ma (Paris), Nikhil Savale (Köln) and Yi Wang (Baltimore). It was well attended by 55 participants, with 45 of ...