Now showing items 1221-1240 of 1987

    • How to choose a winner: the mathematics of social choice 

      [SNAP-2015-009-EN] Powers, Victoria Ann (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)
      Suppose a group of individuals wish to choose among several options, for example electing one of several candidates to a political office or choosing the best contestant in a skating competition. The group might ask: what ...
    • Visual analysis of Spanish male mortality 

      [SNAP-2015-012-EN] Marron, J. S. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)
      Statistical visualization uses graphical methods to gain insights from data. Here we show how a technique called principal component analysis is used to analyze mortality in Spain over about the last hundred years. This ...
    • Billiards and flat surfaces 

      [SNAP-2015-001-EN] Davis, Diana (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)
      Billiards, the study of a ball bouncing around on a table, is a rich area of current mathematical research. We discuss questions and results on billiards, and on the related topic of flat surfaces.
    • Composition of Irreducible Morphisms in Quasi-Tubes 

      [OWP-2015-03] Chaio, Claudia; Malicki, Piotr (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-04-09)
      We study the composition of irreducible morphisms between indecomposable modules lying in quasi-tubes of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of artin algebras $A$ in relation with the powers of the radical of their module category ...
    • Virtual Polytopes 

      [OWP-2015-02] Panina, Gaiane; Streinu, Ileana (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-04-10)
      Originating in diverse branches of mathematics, from polytope algebra and toric varieties to the theory of stressed graphs, virtual polytopes represent a natural algebraic generalization of convex polytopes. Introduced as ...
    • Realizing Spaces as Classifying Spaces 

      [OWP-2015-01] Lupton, Gregory; Smith, Samuel Bruce (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-04-10)
      Which spaces occur as a classifying space for fibrations with a given fibre? We address this question in the context of rational homotopy theory. We construct an infinite family of finite complexes realized (up to rational ...
    • Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-isolated surface singularities and matrix problems 

      [OWP-2015-06] Burban, Igor; Drozd, Yuriy (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-05-13)
      In this article we develop a new method to deal with maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over non-isolated surface singularities. In particular, we give a negative answer on an old question of Schreyer about surface singularities ...
    • Gibbs measures associated to the integrals of motion of the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 

      [OWP-2015-04] Genovese, Giuseppe; Lucatti, Renato; Valeri, Daniele (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-05-18)
      We study the one dimensional periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation. This is known to be a completely integrable system, in the sense that there is an infinite sequence of formal integrals of motion $\int ...
    • Discrete Translates in Lp (R) 

      [OWP-2015-09] Olevskij, Aleksandr M.; Ulanovskii, Alexander (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-06-18)
      A set $\Lambda$ is called $p$-spectral if there is a function $g \in L^p (\mathbb{R})$ such that all $\Lambda$-translates $\{g(t-\lambda),\lambda \in \Lambda\}$ span $L^p(\mathbb{R})$. We prove that exponentially small ...
    • Cocharacter-closure and spherical buildings 

      [OWP-2015-12] Bate, Michael; Herpel, Sebastian; Martin, Benjamin; Röhrle, Gerhard (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-29)
      Let $k$ be a field, let $G$ be a reductive $k$-group and $V$ an affine $k$-variety on which $G$ acts. In this note we continue our study of the notion of cocharacter-closed $G(k)$-orbits in $V$. In earlier work we used a ...
    • The algebra of differential operators for a Gegenbauer weight matrix 

      [OWP-2015-07] Ignacio Nahuel Zurrián (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-29)
      In this work we study in detail the algebra of differential operators $\mathcal{D}(W)$ associated with a Gegenbauer matrix weight. We prove that two second order operators generate the algebra, indeed $\mathcal{D}(W)$ is ...
    • Instability of point defects in a two-dimensional nematic liquid crystal model 

      [OWP-2015-05] Ignat, Radu; Nguyen, Luc; Slastikov, Valeriy; Zarnescu, Arghir (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-29)
      We study a class of symmetric critical points in a variational 2$D$ Landau - de Gennes model where the state of nematic liquid crystals is described by symmetric traceless $3 \times 3$ matrices. These critical points play ...
    • Hight functions on quaternionic Stiefel manifolds 

      [OWP-2015-10] Macías-Virgós, Enrique; Strom, Jeffrey; Tanré, Daniel; Oprea, John (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-29)
      In this note, we study height functions on quaternionic Stiefel manifolds and prove that all these height functions are Morse-Bott. Among them, we characterize the Morse functions and give a lower bound for their number ...
    • Time and band limiting for matrix valued functions, an example 

      [OWP-2015-08] Grünbaum, F. A.; Pacharoni, I.; Zurrián, Ignacio Nahuel (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-29)
      The main purpose of this paper is to extend to a situation involving matrix valued orthogonal polynomials and spherical functions, a result that traces its origin and its importance to work of Claude Shannon in laying the ...
    • Graphical constructions for the sl(3), C2 and G2 invariants for virtual knots, virtual braids and free knots 

      [OWP-2015-13] Kauffman, Louis H.; Manturov, Vassily Olegovich (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-07-31)
      We construct graph-valued analogues of the Kuperberg sl(3) and $G_2$ invariants for virtual knots. The restriction of the sl(3) and $G_2$ invariants for classical knots coincides with the usual Homflypt sl(3) invariant and ...
    • Prediction and Quantification of Individual Athletic Performance 

      [OWP-2015-11] Blythe, Duncan A. J.; Király, Franz J. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-08-27)
      We present a novel, quantitative view on the human athletic performance of individuals. We obtain a predictor for athletic running performances, a parsimonious model, and a training state summary consisting of three numbers, ...
    • Euler Reflexion Formulas for Motivic Multiple Zeta Functions 

      [OWP-2015-17] Thuong, Lê Quy; Nguyen, Hong Duc (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-11-18)
      We introduce a new notion of *-product of two integrable series with coeficients in distinct Grothendieck rings of algebraic varieties, preserving the integrability and commuting with the limit of rational series. In the ...
    • Noncommutative Marked Surfaces 

      [OWP-2015-16] Berenstein, Arkady; Retakh, Vladimir (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-11-18)
      The aim of the paper is to attach a noncommutative cluster-like structure to each marked surface $\Sigma$. This is a noncommutative algebra $\mathcal{A}_\Sigma$ generated by “noncommutative geodesics” between marked points ...
    • Right Unimodal and Bimodal Singularities in Positive Characteristic 

      [OWP-2015-14] Nguyen, Hong Duc (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-11-18)
      The problem of classification of real and complex singularities was initiated by Arnol'd in the sixties who classified simple, unimodal and bimodal w.r.t. right equivalence. The classification of right simple singularities ...
    • Torsion-free Covers of Solvable Minimax Groups 

      [OWP-2015-15] Kropholler, Peter H.; Lorensen, Karl (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-11-18)
      We prove that every finitely generated solvable minimax group can be realized as a quotient of a torsion-free solvable minimax group. This result has an application to the investigation of random walks on finitely generated ...