Now showing items 1781-1800 of 1987

    • 2149c - Mini-Workshop: Variable Curvature Bounds, Analysis and Topology on Dirichlet Spaces (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-58] (2021) - (05 Dec - 11 Dec 2021)
      A Dirichlet form $\mathcal{E}$ is a densely defined bilinear form on a Hilbert space of the form $L^2(X,\mu)$, subject to some additional properties, which make sure that $\mathcal{E}$ can be considered as a natural ...
    • 2149a - Mini-Workshop: (Anosov)$^3$ (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-56] (2021) - (05 Dec - 11 Dec 2021)
      Three different active fields are subsumed under the keyword Anosov theory: Spectral theory of Anosov flows, dynamical rigidity of Anosov actions, and Anosov representations. In all three fields there have been dynamic ...
    • 2149b - Mini-Workshop: Scattering Amplitudes, Cluster Algebras, and Positive Geometries (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-57] (2021) - (05 Dec - 11 Dec 2021)
      Cluster algebras were developed by Fomin and Zelevinsky about twenty years ago. While the initial motivation came from within algebra (total positivity, canonical bases), it quickly became clear that cluster algebras ...
    • 2142a - Mini-Workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-51] (2021) - (17 Oct - 23 Oct 2021)
      By definition, an $R$-matrix with spectral parameter is a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation, introduced in the 1970's by C.N. Yang and R.J. Baxter. Such a matrix encodes the Boltzmann weights of a lattice model of ...
    • 2140a - Statistics of Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds and Stratified Spaces (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-48] (2021) - (03 Oct - 09 Oct 2021)
      Statistics for stochastic differential equations (SDEs) attempts to use SDEs as statistical models for real-world phenomena. This involves an understanding of qualitative properties of this class of stochastic processes ...
    • Curvatura escalar positiva y aplicaciones 

      [SNAP-2019-004-ES] Rosenberg, Jonathan; Wraith, David (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021)
      Introducimos la idea de curvatura, incluyendo su desarrollo histórico, y nos enfocamos en la curvatura escalar de una variedad. Uno de los temas principales de investigación actual es entender la curvatura escalar positiva. ...
    • Braid groups, the Yang–Baxter equation, and subfactors 

      [SNAP-2021-005-EN] Lechner, Gandalf (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021)
      The Yang–Baxter equation is a fascinating equation that appears in many areas of physics and mathematics and is best represented diagramatically. This snapshot connects the mathematics of braiding hair to the Yang–Baxter ...
    • Espacios de métricas Riemannianas 

      [SNAP-2017-010-ES] Bustamante, Mauricio; Kordaß, Jan-Bernhard (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021)
      Las métricas riemannianas dan a las variedades suaves, como las superficies, propiedades geométricas intrínsecas, por ejemplo la curvatura. También permiten medir cantidades como distancias, ángulos y volúmenes. Estas son ...
    • Boundary Conditions for Scalar Curvature 

      [OWP-2021-01] Bär, Christian; Hanke, Bernhard (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-01-04)
      Based on the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index formula, we construct an obstruction to positive scalar curvature metrics with mean convex boundaries on spin manifolds of infinite $K$-area. We also characterize the extremal case. ...
    • Lifting Spectral Triples to Noncommutative Principal Bundles 

      [OWP-2021-02] Schwieger, Kay; Wagner, Stefan (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-01-11)
      Given a free action of a compact Lie group $G$ on a unital C*-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ and a spectral triple on the corresponding fixed point algebra $\mathcal{A}^G$, we present a systematic and in-depth construction of ...
    • Amorphic Complexity of Group Actions with Applications to Quasicrystals 

      [OWP-2021-03] Fuhrmann, Gabriel; Gröger, Maik; Jäger, Tobias; Kwietniak, Dominik (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-02-02)
      In this article, we define amorphic complexity for actions of locally compact $\sigma$-compact amenable groups on compact metric spaces. Amorphic complexity, originally introduced for $\mathbb Z$-actions, is a topological ...
    • From the dollar game to the Riemann-Roch Theorem 

      [SNAP-2021-001-EN] Lamboglia, Sara; Ulirsch, Martin (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-02-23)
      What is the dollar game? What can you do to win it? Can you always win it? In this snapshot you will find answers to these questions as well as several of the mathematical surprises that lurk in the background, including ...
    • $C^*$-algebras: structure and classification 

      [SNAP-2021-002-EN] Kerr, David (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-02-23)
      The theory of $C^*$-algebras traces its origins back to the development of quantum mechanics and it has evolved into a large and highly active field of mathematics. Much of the progress over the last couple of decades ...
    • The C-Map as a Functor on Certain Variations of Hodge Structure 

      [OWP-2021-04] Mantegazza, Mauro; Saha, Arpan (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-03-15)
      We give a new manifestly natural presentation of the supergravity c-map. We achieve this by giving a more explicit description of the correspondence between projective special Kähler manifolds and variations of Hodge ...
    • The Elser Nuclei Sum Revisited 

      [OWP-2021-05] Grinberg, Darij (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-03-16)
      Fix a finite undirected graph $\Gamma$ and a vertex $v$ of $\Gamma$. Let $E$ be the set of edges of $\Gamma$. We call a subset $F$ of $E$ $\textit{pandemic}$ if each edge of $\Gamma$ has at least one endpoint that can be ...
    • On the Computational Content of the Theory of Borel Equivalence Relations 

      [OWP-2021-06] Bazhenov, Nikolay; Monin, Benoit; San Mauro, Luca; Zamora, Rafael (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-03-17)
      This preprint offers computational insights into the theory of Borel equivalence relations. Specifically, we classify equivalence relations on the Cantor space up to computable reductions, i.e., reductions induced by Turing ...
    • Searching for structure in complex data: a modern statistical quest 

      [SNAP-2021-003-EN] Loh, Po-Ling (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-03-29)
      Current research in statistics has taken interesting new directions, as data collected from scientific studies has become increasingly complex. At first glance, the number of experiments conducted by a scientist must ...
    • Invitation to quiver representation and Catalan combinatorics 

      [SNAP-2021-004-EN] Rognerud, Baptiste (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-04-08)
      Representation theory is an area of mathematics that deals with abstract algebraic structures and has numerous applications across disciplines. In this snapshot, we will talk about the representation theory of a class ...
    • Diophantine Approximation in Metric Space 

      [OWP-2021-07] Fraser, Jonathan M.; Koivusalo, Henna; Ramírez, Felipe A. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-06-14)
      Diophantine approximation is traditionally the study of how well real numbers are approximated by rationals. We propose a model for studying Diophantine approximation in an arbitrary totally bounded metric space where the ...
    • Zopfgruppen, die Yang–Baxter-Gleichung und Unterfaktoren 

      [SNAP-2021-005-DE] Lechner, Gandalf (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-06-24)
      Die Yang–Baxter-Gleichung ist eine faszinierende Gleichung, die in vielen Gebieten der Physik und der Mathematik auftritt und die am besten diagrammatisch dargestellt wird. Dieser Snapshot schlägt einen weiten Bogen ...