• Cocycle Superrigidity and Group Actions on Stably Finite C*-Algebras 

      [OWP-2017-01] Gardella, Eusebio; Lupini, Martino (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-01-17)
      Let $\Lambda $ be a countably infinite property (T) group, and let $D$ be UHF-algebra of infinite type. We prove that there exists a continuum of pairwise non (weakly) cocycle conjugate, strongly outer actions of $\Lambda ...
    • 1823b - Cohomological and Metric Properties of Groups of Homeomorphisms of R 

      [OWR-2018-26] (2018) - (03 Jun - 09 Jun 2018)
      In recent years, the family of groups sharing features or design principles with classical Thompson groups has grown considerably. The workshop highlights new developments in this field with special emphasis on algorithmic ...
    • 2236 - Complex Geometry and Dynamical Systems 

      [OWR-2022-40] (2022) - (04 Sep - 10 Sep 2022)
      The workshop focused on recent developments in holomorphic dynamics, several complex variables and complex geometry. The topics of the talks included dynamics of holomorphic and rational maps, the theory of currents, ...
    • 1631 - Computational Group Theory 

      [OWR-2016-37] (2016) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2016)
      This was the seventh workshop on Computational Group Theory. It showed that Computational Group Theory has significantly expanded its range of activities. For example, symbolic computations with groups and their representations ...
    • 1131 - Computational Group Theory 

      [OWR-2011-37] (2011) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2011)
      This sixth workshop on Computational Group Theory proved that its main themes “finitely presented groups”, “$p$-groups”, “matrix groups” and “representations of groups” are lively and active fields of research. The talks ...
    • 1209 - Control Theory: Mathematical Perspectives on Complex Networked Systems 

      [OWR-2012-12] (2012) - (26 Feb - 03 Mar 2012)
      Control theory is an interdisciplinary field that is located at the crossroads of pure and applied mathematics with systems engineering and the sciences. Its range of applicability and its techniques evolve rapidly with ...
    • 1744b - Copositivity and Complete Positivity 

      [OWR-2017-52] (2017) - (29 Oct - 04 Nov 2017)
      A real matrix $A$ is called copositive if $x^TAx \ge 0$ holds for all $x \in \mathbb R^n_+$. A matrix $A$ is called completely positive if it can be factorized as $A = BB^T$ , where $B$ is an entrywise nonnegative matrix. ...
    • 2208 - Data Assimilation - Mathematical Foundation and Applications 

      [OWR-2022-10] (2022) - (20 Feb - 26 Feb 2022)
      The field of "Data Assimilation'' has been driven by applications from the geosciences where complex mathematical models are interfaced with observational data in order to improve model forecasts. Mathematically, data ...
    • Demailly’s Notion of Algebraic Hyperbolicity: Geometricity, Boundedness, Moduli of Maps 

      [OWP-2018-20] Javanpeykar, Ariyan; Kamenova, Ljudmila (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-10-08)
      Demailly's conjecture, which is a consequence of the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture on varieties of general type, states that an algebraically hyperbolic complex projective variety is Kobayashi hyperbolic. Our aim is to ...
    • Demailly’s Notion of Algebraic Hyperbolicity: Geometricity, Boundedness, Moduli of Maps (Revised Edition) 

      [OWP-2018-20.2] Javanpeykar, Ariyan; Kamenova, Ljudmila (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020-01-23)
      Demailly's conjecture, which is a consequence of the Green-Griffths-Lang conjecture on varieties of general type, states that an algebraically hyperbolic complex projective variety is Kobayashi hyperbolic. Our aim is to ...
    • 2207b - Descriptive Combinatorics, LOCAL Algorithms and Random Processes 

      [OWR-2022-8] (2022) - (13 Feb - 19 Feb 2022)
      The aim of this mini-workshop was to discover and deepen connections between the fields of descriptive combinatorics, distributed computing and random processes. The common link is played by the so-called local coloring ...
    • 1808 - Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies 

      [OWR-2018-7] (2018) - (18 Feb - 24 Feb 2018)
      This was the fifth workshop on mathematical and statistical methods on the transmission of infectious diseases. Building on epidemiologic models which were the subject of earlier workshops, this workshop concentrated on ...
    • 2308 - Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies 

      [OWR-2023-8] (2023) - (19 Feb - 25 Feb 2023)
      This was the sixth workshop on mathematical and statistical methods for the transmission of infectious diseases. Building on epidemiologic models which were the subject of earlier workshops, this workshop concentrated on ...
    • 1839 - Differential Equations arising from Organising Principles in Biology 

      [OWR-2018-43] (2018) - (23 Sep - 29 Sep 2018)
      This workshop brought together experts in modeling and analysis of organising principles of multiscale biological systems such as cell assemblies, tissues and populations. We focused on questions arising in systems biology ...
    • 2216 - Diophantische Approximationen 

      [OWR-2022-21] (2022) - (17 Apr - 23 Apr 2022)
      This workshop was focused on a large variety of problems which have seen important progress during the last few years, such as extensions and refinements of Schmidt Subspace Theorem, together with new applications, works ...
    • Discretization of Inherent ODEs and the Geometric Integration of DAEs with Symmetries 

      [OWP-2022-10] Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022-06-08)
      Discretization methods for differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) are considered that are based on the integration of an associated inherent ordinary differential equation (ODE). This allows to make use of any discretization ...
    • 0531 - Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Dynamics 

      [OWR-2005-34] (2005) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2005)
      The workshop was organized around the infusion of new techniques from dynamical systems, geometric methods, multiscale analysis, scientific computation, and control theory into traditional methods in fluid mechanics. It ...
    • 0528 - Dynamical Systems 

      [OWR-2005-31] (2005) - (10 Jul - 16 Jul 2005)
      This workshop, continued the biannual series at Oberwolfach on Dynamical Systems that started as the “Moser–Zehnder meeting” in 1981. The main theme of the workshop were the new results and developments in the area of ...
    • 0728 - Dynamische Systeme 

      [OWR-2007-33] (2007) - (08 Jul - 14 Jul 2007)
      This workshop continued the biannual series at Oberwolfach on Dynamical Systems that started as the “Moser & Zehnder meeting” in 1981. The main theme of the workshop were the new results and developments in the area of ...
    • 1328 - Dynamische Systeme 

      [OWR-2013-34] (2013) - (07 Jul - 13 Jul 2013)
      This workshop continued the biannual series at Oberwolfach on Dynamical Systems that started as the “Moser-Zehnder meeting” in 1981. The main themes of the workshop are the new results and developments in the area of ...