• 1603 - Lattices and Applications in Number Theory 

      [OWR-2016-3] (2016) - (17 Jan - 23 Jan 2016)
      This is a report on the workshop on Lattices and Applications in Number Theory held in Oberwolfach, from January 17 to January 23, 2016. The workshop brought together people working in various areas related to the field: ...
    • 1635 - Measured Group Theory 

      [OWR-2016-41] (2016) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2016)
      The workshop aimed to study discrete and Lie groups and their actions using measure theoretic methods and their asymptotic invariants, such as $\ell^2$-invariants, the rank gradient, cost, torsion growth, entropy-type ...
    • 2149a - Mini-Workshop: (Anosov)$^3$ (hybrid meeting) 

      [OWR-2021-56] (2021) - (05 Dec - 11 Dec 2021)
      Three different active fields are subsumed under the keyword Anosov theory: Spectral theory of Anosov flows, dynamical rigidity of Anosov actions, and Anosov representations. In all three fields there have been dynamic ...
    • 1215c - Mini-Workshop: Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-Algebras of Rings 

      [OWR-2012-20] (2012) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2012)
      The main aim of the workshop was to explore recent progress in the study of endomorphisms of $C*$-algebras, semigroup crossed products, graph algebras, ring $C*$-algebras, purely infinite $C*$-algebras and related algebraic ...
    • 2348b - Mini-Workshop: Homological Aspects for TDLC-Groups 

      [OWR-2023-55] (2023) - (26 Nov - 01 Dec 2023)
      This mini-workshop aimed at bringing together experts and early career researchers on finiteness conditions for discrete groups, and experts on varying aspects of locally compact groups to find a common framework to develop ...
    • 1606a - Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Geometry in Interaction 

      [OWR-2016-6] (2016) - (07 Feb - 13 Feb 2016)
      In recent years, operator space theory has made remarkable appearances in noncommutative geometry, notably in the study of $C^*$-algebras of real reductive groups and the unbounded picture of Kasparov theory. In both these ...
    • 1915b - Mini-Workshop: Reflection Groups in Negative Curvature 

      [OWR-2019-17] (2019) - (07 Apr - 13 Apr 2019)
      Discrete groups generated by reflections constitute an important source of examples of lattices in simple Lie groups of real rank $1$ (whose associated symmetric spaces are negatively curved). Yet a classification for ...
    • 1449c - Mini-Workshop: Reflection Positivity in Representation Theory, Stochastics and Physics 

      [OWR-2014-55] (2014) - (30 Nov - 06 Dec 2014)
      The central focus of the workshop was reflection positivity, its occurrence in physics, representation theory, abstract harmonic analysis, and stochastic analysis. The program was intrinsically interdisciplinary and included ...
    • 1320a - Mini-Workshop: Spherical Varieties and Automorphic Representations 

      [OWR-2013-24] (2013) - (12 May - 18 May 2013)
      This workshop brought together, for the first time, experts on spherical varieties and experts on automorphic forms, in order to discuss subjects of common interest between the two fields. Spherical varieties have a very ...
    • 2344b - Mini-Workshop: Standard Subspaces in Quantum Field Theory and Representation Theory 

      [OWR-2023-50] (2023) - (29 Oct - 03 Nov 2023)
      Real standard subspaces of complex Hilbert spaces are long \linebreak known to provide the right language for Tomita-Takesaki modular theory of von Neumann algebras. In recent years they have also become an object of ...
    • 0847b - Mini-Workshop: Symmetric Varieties and Involutions of Algebraic Groups 

      [OWR-2008-53] (2008) - (16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008)
      This conference brought together experts from the areas of algebraic groups, Kac–Moody groups, Tits buildings, and symmetric varieties. The main theme presented and discussed during the workshop was the geometry of involutions ...
    • 1940 - New Developments in Representation Theory of p-adic Groups 

      [OWR-2019-44] (2019)
      The representation theory of $p$-adic groups has played an important role in the Langlands program. It has seen significant progress in the past two decades, including various instances of the local Langlands correspondences, ...
    • 1526 - New Perspectives on the Interplay between Discrete Groups in Low-Dimensional Topology and Arithmetic Lattices 

      [OWR-2015-30] (2015) - (21 Jun - 27 Jun 2015)
      This workshop brought together specialists in areas ranging from arithmetic groups to topological quantum field theory, with common interest in arithmetic aspects of discrete groups arising from topology. The meeting showed ...
    • 0438 - Nichtkommutative Geometrie 

      [OWR-2004-45] (2004) - (12 Sep - 18 Sep 2004)
      These notes contain the extended abstracts of talks given at the meeting on ’noncommutative geometry’ in September 2004. The range of topics includes index theory, algebraic and topological K-theory, cyclic homology, quantum ...
    • On Weakly Complete Universal Enveloping Algebras of pro-Lie Algebras 

      [OWP-2020-10] Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Kramer, Linus (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020-04-27)
    • 0826 - Profinite and Asymptotic Group Theory 

      [OWR-2008-28] (2008) - (22 Jun - 28 Jun 2008)
      This meeting was focused on asymptotic aspects of group theory. The resulting problems lead, in particular, to the study of infinite groups, with an emphasis on the asymptotic behaviour of their finite quotients. Properties ...
    • 0920 - Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups 

      [OWR-2009-25] (2009) - (10 May - 16 May 2009)
      Topics discussed at the workshop Quadratic forms and linear algebraic groups included besides the algebraic theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms and their Witt groups several aspects of the theory of linear algebraic ...
    • 1130 - Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications 

      [OWR-2011-36] (2011) - (24 Jul - 30 Jul 2011)
      The workshop has focused on important developments within the last few years in the point of view and methods of real and harmonic Analysis as well as significant concurrent progress in the application of these to various ...
    • 0829 - Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications 

      [OWR-2008-32] (2008) - (13 Jul - 19 Jul 2008)
      In the last few years there have been important developments in the point of view and methods of harmonic analysis, and at the same time significant concurrent progress in the application of these to various other fields. ...
    • 0527 - Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications to PDE 

      [OWR-2005-30] (2005) - (03 Jul - 09 Jul 2005)
      There have been important developments in the last few years in the point-of-view and methods of harmonic analysis, and at the same time significant concurrent progress in the application of these to partial differential ...