• 0633b - Mini-Workshop: Hypercyclicity and Linear Chaos 

      [OWR-2006-37] (2006) - (13 Aug - 19 Aug 2006)
      The mini-workshop was devoted to the study of hypercyclic and chaotic operators within the wider framework of linear dynamical systems. Topics discussed included common hypercyclic vectors; hypercyclic and supercyclic ...
    • 0618c - Mini-Workshop: Studying Original Sources in Mathematics Education 

      [OWR-2006-22] (2006) - (30 Apr - 06 May 2006)
    • 0610 - Discrete Differential Geometry 

      [OWR-2006-12] (2006) - (05 Mar - 11 Mar 2006)
      Discrete Differential Geometry is a broad new area where differential geometry (studying smooth curves, surfaces and other manifolds) interacts with discrete geometry (studying polyhedral manifolds), using tools and ideas ...
    • 0605 - Convex and Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2006-5] (2006) - (29 Jan - 04 Feb 2006)
      The subjects of convex and algebraic geometry meet primarily in the theory of toric varieties. Toric geometry is the part of algebraic geometry where all maps are given by monomials in suitable coordinates, and all equations ...
    • 0649 - Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems 

      [OWR-2006-54] (2006) - (03 Dec - 09 Dec 2006)
      The topic of this meeting were non-linear partial differential and integro-differential equations (in particular kinetic equations and their macroscopic/fluid-dynamical limits) modeling the dynamics of many-particle systems ...
    • 0619 - Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra 

      [OWR-2006-23] (2006) - (07 May - 13 May 2006)
      The workshop discussed the interactions between algebraic geometry and various areas of noncommutative algbebra including finite dimensional algebras, representation theory of algebras and noncommutative algebraic geometry. ...
    • 0616 - Differential-Algebraic Equations 

      [OWR-2006-18] (2006) - (16 Apr - 22 Apr 2006)
      Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE) are today an independent field of research, which is gaining in importance and becoming of increasing interest for applications and mathematics itself. This workshop has drawn the ...
    • 0617 - Topological and Geometric Methods in Group Theory 

      [OWR-2006-19] (2006) - (23 Apr - 29 Apr 2006)
      The focus of this meeting was the use of topological and geometric methods to study infinite discrete groups. These methods are increasingly being supplemented by powerful new techniques from analysis. Key topics included ...
    • 0633a - Mini-Workshop: The Hauptvermutung for High-Dimensional Manifolds 

      [OWR-2006-36] (2006) - (13 Aug - 19 Aug 2006)
      The meeting was devoted to the Kirby-Siebenmann structure theory for high-dimensional topological manifolds and the related disproof of the Hauptvermutung. We found nothing fundamentally wrong with the original work of ...
    • 0608a - Mini-Workshop: Thick Subcategories - Classifications and Applications 

      [OWR-2006-8] (2006) - (19 Feb - 25 Feb 2006)
      Thick subcategories of triangulated categories arise in various mathematical areas, for instance in algebraic geometry, in representation theory of groups and algebras, or in stable homotopy theory. The aim of this workshop ...
    • Festschrift zum 60-jährigen Jubiläum / Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach ; 1944 - 2004 

      Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach gGmbH, 2006)
      The Festschrift that marks the 60th anniversary of the MFO in July 2004 includes many interesting contributions, documents and pictures, where we would like to put your special focus on the lecture of Mr Bourguigon and on ...
    • 0629 - Algebraic K-Theory 

      [OWR-2006-32] (2006) - (16 Jul - 22 Jul 2006)
      This is the report on the Oberwolfach workshop Algebraic KTheory, held in July 2006. The talks covered mainly topics from Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory in connection with K-Theory. Special emphasis was placed on ...
    • 0639 - PDE and Materials 

      [OWR-2006-44] (2006) - (24 Sep - 30 Sep 2006)
      This meeting brought together a carefully selected group of mathematicians, physicists, material scientists and engineers to discuss and review the impact of modern mathematical methods on the understanding of material ...
    • 0611 - Analysis and Topology in Interaction 

      [OWR-2006-13] (2006) - (12 Mar - 18 Mar 2006)
      This workshop brought together, on the one side, mathematicians working in areas of global analysis and index theory, which are related with problems in algebraic topology, and on the other side, specialists in fields like ...
    • 0607 - Algorithmic Graph Theory 

      [OWR-2006-7] (2006) - (12 Feb - 18 Feb 2006)
      The main focus of this workshop was on mathematical techniques needed for the development of efficient solutions and algorithms for computationally difficult graph problems. The techniques studied at the workshhop included: ...
    • 0608b - Mini-Workshop: L2-Spectral Invariants and the Integrated Density of States 

      [OWR-2006-9] (2006) - (19 Feb - 25 Feb 2006)
      L2 -spectral invariants play an increasingly important role in the analysis of infinite geometric objects allowing for the action of a group. Typical such objects are covering spaces like Riemannian manifolds and graphs. ...
    • 0618b - Mini-Workshop: Zeta Functions, Index and Twisted K-Theory; Interactions with Physics 

      [OWR-2006-21] (2006) - (30 Apr - 06 May 2006)
      The meeting provided an opportunity for number theorists, physicists, topologists and analysts to discuss recent developments and interactions in the area of multiple zeta functions, twisted K-theory, Hopf algebras, and ...
    • 0630 - Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry 

      [OWR-2006-33] (2006) - (23 Jul - 29 Jul 2006)
      Geometric Group theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry are young and rapidly developing fields of mathematics. The scientific goal of the workshop was twofold: first, to present some recent breakthroughs, and, ...
    • 0634 - Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean Science 

      [OWR-2006-39] (2006) - (20 Aug - 26 Aug 2006)
      Mathematical theory and modelling in atmosphere-ocean science combines a broad range of advanced mathematical and numerical techniques and research directions. This includes the asymptotic analysis of multiscale systems, ...
    • 0615 - The Rigorous Renormalization Group 

      [OWR-2006-17] (2006) - (09 Apr - 15 Apr 2006)
      The renormalization group is a mathematical tool used in the analysis of systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom associated with length scales. The workshop presents recent work in this domain concerning probability ...