• The T-Graph of a Multigraded Hilbert Scheme 

      [OWP-2011-34] Hering, Milena; Maclagan, Diane (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      The $T$-graph of a multigraded Hilbert scheme records the zero and one-dimensional orbits of the $T=(K^*)^n$ action on the Hilbert scheme induced from the $T$-action on $\mathbb{A}^n$. It has vertices the $T$-fixed points, ...
    • 1114 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Rational Homotopy Theory in Mathematics and Physics 

      [OWR-2011-18] (2011) - (03 Apr - 08 Apr 2011)
      This Arbeitsgemeinschaft focused on the interplay among rational homotopy theory, differential geometry and the physics of string topology. The talks centered on one hand on how geometry and string topology make use of ...
    • 1149 - Variational Methods for Evolution 

      [OWR-2011-55] (2011) - (04 Dec - 10 Dec 2011)
      The meeting focused on the last advances in the applications of variational methods to evolution problems governed by partial differential equations. The talks covered a broad range of topics, including large deviation and ...
    • 1116 - Real Enumerative Questions in Complex and Tropical Geometry 

      [OWR-2011-20] (2011) - (17 Apr - 23 Apr 2011)
      The workshop Real Enumerative Questions in Complex and Tropical Geometry was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the best experts representing various points of view on the subject. Enumeration of ...
    • 1144 - Emigration of Mathematicians and Transmission of Mathematics: Historical Lessons and Consequences of the Third Reich 

      [OWR-2011-51] (2011) - (30 Oct - 05 Nov 2011)
      This conference provided a focused venue to explore the intellectual migration of mathematicians and mathematics spurred by the Nazis and still influential today. The week of talks and discussions (both formal and informal) ...
    • Classification of totally real elliptic Lefschetz fibrations via necklace diagrams 

      [OWP-2011-13] Salepci, Nermin (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We show that totally real elliptic Lefschetz brations that admit a real section are classified by their "real loci" which is nothing but an $S^1$-valued Morse function on the real part of the total space. We assign to ...
    • 1104 - Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance 

      [OWR-2011-6] (2011) - (23 Jan - 29 Jan 2011)
      This workshop brought together leading experts and a large number of younger researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance from all over the world. During a highly intense week, participants exchanged during ...
    • 1132 - Partial Differential Equations 

      [OWR-2011-38] (2011) - (07 Aug - 13 Aug 2011)
      The workshop dealt with partial differential equations in geometry and technical applications. The main topics were the combination of nonlinear partial differential equations and geometric problems, regularity of free ...
    • 1131 - Computational Group Theory 

      [OWR-2011-37] (2011) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2011)
      This sixth workshop on Computational Group Theory proved that its main themes “finitely presented groups”, “$p$-groups”, “matrix groups” and “representations of groups” are lively and active fields of research. The talks ...
    • 1108 - Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras 

      [OWR-2011-10] (2011) - (20 Feb - 26 Feb 2011)
      Methods and results from the representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of mathematics. Such areas include the theory of Lie algebras and quantum groups, ...
    • 1133 - Applied Dynamics and Geometric Mechanics 

      [OWR-2011-39] (2011) - (14 Aug - 20 Aug 2011)
      This one week workshop was organized around several central subjects in applied dynamics and geometric mechanics. The specific organization with afternoons free for discussion led to intense exchanges of ideas. Bridges ...
    • 1126 - Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry 

      [OWR-2011-32] (2011) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2011)
      The field of quantum chemistry is concerned with the analysis and simulation of chemical phenomena on the basis of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics. Since the ‘exact’ electronic Schrödinger equation for a ...
    • 1145 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics 

      [OWR-2011-52] (2011) - (06 Nov - 12 Nov 2011)
      The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics” was centered around proof-theoretic aspects of current mathematics, constructive mathematics and logical aspects of computational complexity.
    • 1123 - Arithmetic Groups vs. Mapping Class Groups: Similarities, Analogies and Differences 

      [OWR-2011-30] (2011) - (05 Jun - 11 Jun 2011)
      Arithmetic groups arise naturally in many fields such as number theory, algebraic geometry, and analysis. Mapping class groups arise in both low dimensional topology and geometric group theory. They have been studied ...
    • Upper bounds for the number of solutions to quartic thue equations 

      [OWP-2011-21] Akhtari, Shabnam (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We will give upper bounds for the number of integral solutions to quartic Thue equations. Our main tool here is a logarithmic curve $\phi(x,y)$ that allows us to use the theory of linear forms in logarithms. This manuscript ...
    • 1128 - Dynamische Systeme 

      [OWR-2011-34] (2011) - (10 Jul - 16 Jul 2011)
      This workshop continued the biannual series at Oberwolfach on Dynamical Systems that started as the ”Moser-Zehnder meeting” in 1981. The main themes of the workshop are the new results and developments in the area of ...
    • 1107 - Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting 

      [OWR-2011-9] (2011) - (13 Feb - 19 Feb 2011)
      The purpose of the workshop was to bring together mathematicians interested in ”quantization of manifolds” in a broad sense: given classical data, such as a Lie group G acting on a symplectic manifold M, construct a quantum ...
    • 1103c - Mini-Workshop: Nonlinear Least Squares in Shape Identification Problems 

      [OWR-2011-5] (2011) - (16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011)
      This mini-workshop brought together mathematicians engaged in shape optimization and in inverse problems in order to address a specific class of problems on the reconstruction of geometries. Such a problem can be formulated ...
    • 1101 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2011-1] (2011) - (02 Jan - 08 Jan 2011)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline which focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The current workshop brought together researchers from diverse fields such as Extremal and ...
    • 1136 - Discrete Geometry 

      [OWR-2011-44] (2011) - (04 Sep - 10 Sep 2011)
      A number of remarkable recent developments in many branches of discrete geometry have been presented at the workshop, some of them demonstrating strong interactions with other fields of mathematics (such as algebraic ...