• Products of pairs of Dehn twists and maximal real Lefschetz fibrations 

      [OWP-2011-32] Degtyarev, Alex; Salepci, Nermin (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We address the problem of existence and uniqueness of a factorization of a given element of the modular group into a product of two Dehn twists. As a geometric application, we conclude that any maximal real elliptic ...
    • 1119 - Billiards, Flat Surfaces, and Dynamics on Moduli Spaces 

      [OWR-2011-25] (2011) - (08 May - 14 May 2011)
      This workshop brought together people working on the dynamics of various flows on moduli spaces, in particular the action of SL$_2(\mathbb R)$ on flat surfaces. The new results presented covered properties of interval ...
    • 1117a - Mini-Workshop: Modular Representations of Symmetric Groups and Related Objects 

      [OWR-2011-21] (2011) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011)
      The mini-workshop focussed on the modular representation theory of the symmetric group and other closely related objects, including Hecke algebras and Schur algebras. The topics and problems discussed include computations ...
    • 1134a - Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Stochastic Systems and their Approximation 

      [OWR-2011-40] (2011) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011)
      The aim of this workshop was to bring together specialists in the area of stochastic dynamical systems and stochastic numerical analysis to exchange their ideas about the state of the art of approximations of stochastic ...
    • 1120a - Finite-dimensional Approximations of Discrete Groups 

      [OWR-2011-26] (2011) - (15 May - 21 May 2011)
      The main objective of this workshop was to bring together experts from various fields, which are all interested in finite and finite-dimensional approximations of infinite algebraic and analytic objects, such as groups, ...
    • 1137 - Noncommutative Geometry 

      [OWR-2011-45] (2011) - (11 Sep - 17 Sep 2011)
      Noncommutative Geometry applies ideas from geometry to mathematical structures determined by noncommuting variables. This meeting concentrated primarily on those aspects of Noncommutative Geometry that are related to index ...
    • Positive recurrence of piecewise Orntein-Uhlenbeck processes and common quadratic Lyapunov functions 

      [OWP-2011-26] Dieker, A. B.; Gao, Xuefeng (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We study the positive recurrence of piecewise Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) diffusion processes, which arise from many-server queueing systems with phase-type service requirements. These diffusion processes exhibit different ...
    • 1109c - Mini-Workshop: Level Sets and Depth Contours in High Dimensional Data 

      [OWR-2011-13] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)
      Extraction of information about the distribution underlying a high-dimensional data set is a formidable, complex problem dominating modern nonparametric statistics. Two general strategies are (i) to extract merely qualitative ...
    • 1109a - Mini-Workshop: The Homotopy Interpretation of Constructive Type Theory 

      [OWR-2011-11] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)
      Over the past few years it has become apparent that there is a surprising and deep connection between constructive logic and higherdimensional structures in algebraic topology and category theory, in the form of an ...
    • 1113 - Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals 

      [OWR-2011-17] (2011) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2011)
      The central focus of the workshop was Kadison-Singer conjecture and its connection to operator algebras, harmonic analysis, representation theory and the theory of fractals. The program was intrinsically interdisciplinary ...
    • 1127 - Differentialgeometrie im Großen 

      [OWR-2011-33] (2011) - (03 Jul - 09 Jul 2011)
      The meeting continued the biannual conference series Differentialgeometrie im Großen at the MFO which was established in the 60’s by Klingenberg and Chern. Global Riemannian geometry with its connections to topology, ...
    • Analytic Varieties with Finite Volume Amoebas are Algebraic 

      [OWP-2011-33] Madani, Farid; Nisse, Mounir (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      In this paper, we study the amoeba volume of a given $k$-dimensional generic analytic variety $V$ of the complex algebraic torus $(C^*)^n$. When $n>=2k$, we show that $V$ is algebraic if and only if the volume of its amoeba ...
    • 1120b - New Directions in Algebraic K-Theory 

      [OWR-2011-27] (2011) - (15 May - 21 May 2011)
      This meeting brought together algebraic geometers, algebraic topologists and geometric topologists, all of whom use algebraic K-theory. The talks and discussions involved all the participants.
    • 1106 - Topological and Geometric Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2011-8] (2011) - (06 Feb - 12 Feb 2011)
      The 2011 Oberwolfach meeting “Topological and Geometric Combinatorics” was organized by Anders Björner (Stockholm), Gil Kalai (Jerusalem), Isabella Novik (Seattle), and Günter M. Ziegler (Berlin). It covered a wide variety ...
    • 1143a - Correlations and Interactions for Random Quantum Systems 

      [OWR-2011-50] (2011) - (23 Oct - 29 Oct 2011)
      Random quantum systems cover a broad range of mathematical models from random Schrödinger operators to random matrices and quantum spin models with random parameters. Their understanding requires techniques which combine ...
    • Some Combinatorial Identities Related to Commuting Varieties and Hilbert Schemes 

      [OWP-2011-02] Bellamy, Gwyn; Ginzburg, Victor (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      In this article we explore some of the combinatorial consequences of recent results relating the isospectral commuting variety and the Hilbert scheme of points in the plane.
    • Legendrian Knots in Lens Spaces 

      [OWP-2011-01] Onaran, Sinem (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      In this note, we first classify all topological torus knots lying on the Heegaard torus in Lens spaces, and then we classify Legendrian representatives of torus knots. We show that all Legendrian torus knots in universally ...
    • 1109b - Mini-Workshop: History of Numerical and Graphical Tables 

      [OWR-2011-12] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)
      Numerical tables were one of the most commonly used instruments of calculation from the earliest periods for which we have evidence of mathematical activity until the appearance of computing machines. Such tables (including ...
    • An Identification Therorem for PSU6(2) and its Automorphism Groups 

      [OWP-2011-08] Parker, Christopher; Stroth, Gernot (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-10)
      We identify the groups PSU6(2), PSU6(2):2, PSU6(2):3 and Aut(PSU6(2)) from the structure of the centralizer of an element of order 3.
    • 2-Minimal Subgroups in Classical Groups: Linear and Unitary Groups 

      [OWP-2011-09] Parker, Christopher; Rowley, Peter (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-11)