Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1370-1389 of 2031
Multivariate Hybrid Orthogonal Functions
[OWP-2020-04] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020-03-12)We consider multivariate orthogonal functions satisfying hybrid orthogonality conditions with respect to a moment functional. This kind of orthogonality means that the product of functions of different parity order ... -
1517a - Multivariate Splines and Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2015-21] (2015) - (19 Apr - 25 Apr 2015)Multivariate splines are effective tools in numerical analysis and approximation theory. Despite an extensive literature on the subject, there remain open questions in finding their dimension, constructing local bases, and ... -
The mystery of sleeping sickness – why does it keep waking up?
[SNAP-2015-015-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)Sleeping sickness is a neglected tropical disease that affects rural populations in Africa. Deadly when untreated, it is being targeted for elimination through case finding and treatment. Yet, fundamental questions about ... -
The Nagata automorphism is shifted linearizable
[OWP-2008-09] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008-03-13)A polynomial automorphism $F$ is called shifted linearizable if there exists a linear map $L$ such that $LF$ is linearizable. We prove that the Nagata automorphism $N:= (X-Y\Delta-Z\Delta^2,Y+Z\Delta,Z)$ where $\Delta=XZ+Y^2$ ... -
Near critical density irregular sampling in bernstein spaces
[OWP-2013-16] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-07-23)We obtain sharp estimates for the sampling constants in Bernstein spaces when the density of the sampling set is near the critical value. -
A nested family of k-total effective rewards for positional games
[OWP-2015-21] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)We consider Gillette's two-person zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information. For each $k \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ we introduce an effective reward function, called $k$-total. For $k = 0$ and $1$ this function is known ... -
1750 - Network Models: Structure and Function
[OWR-2017-57] (2017) - (10 Dec - 16 Dec 2017)The focus of the meeting was on the mathematical analysis of complex networks, both on how networks emerge through microscopic interaction rules as well as on dynamic processes and optimization problems on networks, including ... -
2340 - New Challenges in the Interplay between Finance and Insurance
[OWR-2023-44] (2023) - (01 Oct - 06 Oct 2023)The aim of this workshop was to convene experts for fostering the discussion and the development of innovative approaches in insurance and financial mathematics. New challenges like price instability, huge insurance ... -
A new counting function for the zeros of holomorphic curves
[OWP-2009-25] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2009-03-18)Let $f_1,..., f_p$ be entire functions that do not all vanish at any point, so that $(f_1,..., f_p)$ is a holomorphic curve in $\mathbb{CP}^{p-1}$. We introduce a new and more careful notion of counting the order of the ... -
1608b - New Developments in Functional and Highly Multivariate Statistical Methodology
[OWR-2016-12] (2016) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016)The central focus of the workshop was on recent developments in statistical techniques for highly multivariate data and functional data. The programme delivered talks on state-of-the-art research in the area, with a number ... -
1940 - New Developments in Representation Theory of p-adic Groups
[OWR-2019-44] (2019)The representation theory of $p$-adic groups has played an important role in the Langlands program. It has seen significant progress in the past two decades, including various instances of the local Langlands correspondences, ... -
1120b - New Directions in Algebraic K-Theory
[OWR-2011-27] (2011) - (15 May - 21 May 2011)This meeting brought together algebraic geometers, algebraic topologists and geometric topologists, all of whom use algebraic K-theory. The talks and discussions involved all the participants. -
2312 - New Directions in Real Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2023-15] (2023) - (19 Mar - 24 Mar 2023)This workshop explored the forefront of connections of real algebraic geometry with convex analysis, combinatorics, and computational complexity. Important aspects have been promising interactions with the fields of quantum ... -
2050a - New Directions in Rough Path Theory (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-40] (2020) - (06 Dec - 12 Dec 2020)Rough path theory emerged as novel approach for dealing with interactions in complex random systems. It settled significant questions and provided an effective deterministic alternative to Itô calculus, itself a major ... -
1005 - New Directions in Simulation, Control and Analysis for Interfaces and Free Boundaries
[OWR-2010-7] (2010) - (31 Jan - 06 Feb 2010)The field of mathematical and numerical analysis of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations involving interfaces and free boundaries is a flourishing area of research. Many such systems arise from mathematical ... -
1834 - New Directions in Stochastic Optimisation
[OWR-2018-38] (2018) - (19 Aug - 25 Aug 2018)Recent work in stochastic programming draws on interaction with Algebraic and Combinatorial Models, Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Risk Analysis, Mathematical Equilibrium, Minimax, and Stochastic Games. For the first time ... -
1503 - New Discretization Methods for the Numerical Approximation of PDEs
[OWR-2015-2] (2015) - (11 Jan - 17 Jan 2015)The construction and mathematical analysis of numerical methods for PDEs is a fundamental area of modern applied mathematics. Among the various techniques that have been proposed in the past, some – in particular, finite ... -
2309b - New Horizons in Motions in Random Media
[OWR-2023-10] (2023) - (26 Feb - 04 Mar 2023)The general topic of the mini-workshop "New Horizons in Motions in Random Media" was the study of random walks in random environments, both in their own right and in relation to stochastic homogenization and to models in ... -
1437 - New Horizons in Statistical Decision Theory
[OWR-2014-41] (2014) - (07 Sep - 13 Sep 2014)The classical metric theory of statistical models (experiments) has recently been extended towards an asymptotic equivalence paradigm, allowing to classify and relate problems which are essentially infinite dimensional and ... -
0447 - New Inference Concepts for Analysing Complex Data
[OWR-2004-52] (2004) - (14 Nov - 20 Nov 2004)The main purpose of this workshop was to assemble international leaders from statistics and machine learning to identify important research problems, to cross-fertilize between the disciplines, and to ultimately start ...