Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1441-1460 of 2031
0522 - Nonlinear Evolution Problems
[OWR-2005-25] (2005) - (29 May - 04 Jun 2005)In this workshop three types of nonlinear evolution problems— geometric evolution equations (essentially of parabolic type), nonlinear hyperbolic equations, and dispersive equations— were the subject of 22 talks. -
1921 - Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: modeling, analysis, and numerics
[OWR-2019-24] (2019) - (19 May - 25 May 2019)The workshop gathered together leading international experts, as well as most promising young researchers, working on the modelling, the mathematical analysis, and the numerical methods for nonlinear hyperbolic ... -
Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design
[OWP-2007-06] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2007-03-24)We study the problem of optimizing nonlinear objective functions over matroids presented by oracles or explicitly. Such functions can be interpreted as the balancing of multi-criteria optimization. We provide a combinatorial ... -
Nonlinear methods in Riemannian and Kählerian geometry
[OWS-10] (Birkhäuser Basel, 1986)In this book, I present an expanded version of the contents of my lectures at a Seminar of the DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung) in Diisseldorf, June, 1986. The title "Nonlinear methods in complex geometry" already ... -
Nonlinear Multi-Parameter Eigenvalue Problems for Systems of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations Arising in Electromagnetics
[OWP-2014-15] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014-12-20)We investigate a generalization of one-parameter eigenvalue problems arising in the theory of nonlinear waveguides to a more general nonlinear multiparameter eigenvalue problem for a nonlinear operator. Using an integral ... -
2411b - Nonlinear Optics: Physics, Analysis, and Numerics
[OWR-2024-13] (2024) - (10 Mar - 15 Mar 2024)When high-intensity electromagnetic waves at optical frequencies interact with solids and/or nanostructures the materials' response cannot anymore be described via simple linear relations. The resulting science of nonlinear ... -
Nonlinear Optimization for Matroid Intersection and Extensions
[OWP-2008-14] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008-03-17)We address optimization of nonlinear functions of the form $f(W_x)$ , where $f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$ is a nonlinear function, $W$ is a $d \times n$ matrix, and feasible $x$ are in some large finite set $\mathcal{F}$ ... -
Nonlinear optimization over a Weighted Independence System
[OWP-2008-10] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008-03-14)We consider the problem of optimizing a nonlinear objective function over a weighted independence system presented by a linear-optimization oracle. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm that determines an r-best solution ... -
1725b - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations on Graphs
[OWR-2017-29] (2017) - (18 Jun - 24 Jun 2017)One-dimensional metric graphs in two and three-dimensional spaces play an important role in emerging areas of modern science such as nano-technology, quantum physics, and biological networks. The workshop focused on the ... -
1724 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2017-27] (2017) - (11 Jun - 17 Jun 2017)Nonlinear dispersive equations are models for nonlinear waves in a wide range of physical contexts. Mathematically they display an interplay between linear dispersion and nonlinear interactions, which can result in a wide ... -
0737 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2007-44] (2007) - (09 Sep - 15 Sep 2007)The aim of the workshop was to discuss current developments in nonlinear waves and dispersive equations from a PDE based view. Asymptotic properties of solutions (including multi soliton solutions und singular solutions), ... -
1037 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2010-41] (2010) - (12 Sep - 18 Sep 2010)The aim of the workshop was to discuss current developments in nonlinear waves and dispersive equations from a PDE based view. The talks centered around rough initial data, long time and global existence, perturbations of ... -
1333 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2013-41] (2013) - (11 Aug - 17 Aug 2013)Nonlinear dispersive equations are models for nonlinear waves in a wide range of physical contexts. Mathematically they display an interplay between linear dispersion and nonlinear interactions, which can result in a wide ... -
0444 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2004-50] (2004) - (24 Oct - 30 Oct 2004) -
2226 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
[OWR-2022-30] (2022) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2022)Nonlinear dispersive equations are models for nonlinear waves in a wide range of physical contexts. Mathematically they display an interplay between linear dispersion and nonlinear interactions, which can result in a ... -
9908 - Nonstandard Analysis and Related Methods, and their Applications
[TB-1999-8] (1999) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 1999) -
0833 - Nonstandard Finite Element Methods
[OWR-2008-36] (2008) - (10 Aug - 16 Aug 2008)After just over half a century of use, finite element methods are ubiquitous in engineering (where they were first developed) and science. The mathematical analysis of standard conforming finite elements is very well ... -
2102 - Nonstandard Finite Element Methods (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2021-3] (2021) - (10 Jan - 16 Jan 2021)Finite element methodologies dominate the computational approaches for the solution to partial differential equations and nonstandard finite element schemes most urgently require mathematical insight in their design. The ... -
0708a - Normal Families and Complex Dynamics
[OWR-2007-9] (2007) - (18 Feb - 24 Feb 2007)The schedule comprised more than 25 ordinary and problem session talks from a broad range of areas in function theory, including but not limited to: Nevanlinna theory, iteration of rational functions, dynamics of transcendental ... -
A note on delta hedging in markets with jumps
[OWP-2011-23] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-21)Modelling stock prices via jump processes is common in financial markets. In practice, to hedge a contingent claim one typically uses the so-called delta-hedging strategy. This strategy stems from the Black–Merton–Scholes ...