Now showing items 1660-1679 of 2026

    • 1538 - Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 

      [OWR-2015-41] (2015) - (13 Sep - 19 Sep 2015)
      The development of reliable numerical methods for the simulation of real life problems requires both a fundamental knowledge in the field of numerical analysis and a proper experience in practical applications as well as ...
    • 1203 - Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and their Use in Science and Engineering 

      [OWR-2012-5] (2012) - (15 Jan - 21 Jan 2012)
      Modern numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws rely on polynomials of high degree, mostly orthogonal polynomials, on triangular or quadrilateral meshes. Due to shocks stability is an issue and modern means of ...
    • 1630 - Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory 

      [OWR-2016-36] (2016) - (24 Jul - 30 Jul 2016)
      This workshop has focused on three areas in mathematical quantum field theory and their interrelations: 1) conformal field theory, 2) constructions of interacting models of quantum field theory by various methods, and 3) ...
    • 2325 - Recent Trends in Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-27] (2023) - (18 Jun - 23 Jun 2023)
      Algebraic geometry has grown into a broad subject, with many different streams often advancing quite independently of each other. Nonetheless, important advances have often come from visionary applications of ideas in ...
    • Reducing sub-modules of the Bergman module $\mathbb A^{(\lambda)}(\mathbb D^n)$ under the action of the symmetric group 

      [OWP-2017-19] Biswas, Shibananda; Ghosh, Gargi; Misra, Gadadhar; Roy, Subrata Shyam (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-07-20)
      The weighted Bergman spaces on the polydisc, $\mathbb A^{(\lambda)}(\mathbb D^n)$, $\lambda>0,$ splits into orthogonal direct sum of subspaces $\mathbb P_{\boldsymbol p}\big(\mathbb A^{(\lambda)}(\mathbb D^n)\big)$ indexed ...
    • 1227a - Reductions of Shimura Varieties 

      [OWR-2012-32] (2012) - (01 Jul - 07 Jul 2012)
      The workshop brought together leading experts in the theory of reductions of Shimura varieties. The talks presented new methods and results that intertwine a multitude of topics such as geometry and cohomology of moduli ...
    • 1535 - Reductions of Shimura Varieties 

      [OWR-2015-39] (2015) - (23 Aug - 29 Aug 2015)
      The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in the theory of reductions of Shimura varieties and related topics. The talks presented new methods and results that intertwine a multitude of topics such as ...
    • 0711 - Reelle Algebraische Geometrie 

      [OWR-2007-14] (2007) - (11 Mar - 17 Mar 2007)
      This workshop was organized by Michel Coste (Rennes), Claus Scheiderer (Konstanz) and Niels Schwartz (Passau). The talks focussed on recent developments in real enumerative and tropical geometry, positivity and sums of ...
    • 0212 - Reelle Algebraische und Analytische Geometrie 

      [TB-2002-15] (2002) - (17 Mar - 23 Mar 2002)
    • 0229 - Reelle Analysis 

      [TB-2002-35] (2002) - (14 Jul - 20 Jul 2002)
    • 9928 - Reelle Analysis 

      [TB-1999-28] (1999) - (11 Jul - 17 Jul 1999)
    • 0309 - Reelle Methoden der Komplexen Analysis 

      [TB-2003-10] (2003) - (23 Feb - 01 Mar 2003)
    • 9909 - Reelle Methoden der Komplexen Analysis 

      [TB-1999-9] (1999) - (28 Feb - 06 Mar 1999)
    • 1748 - Reflection Positivity 

      [OWR-2017-55] (2017) - (26 Nov - 02 Dec 2017)
      The main theme of the workshop was reflection positivity and its occurences in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Noncommutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems, ...
    • Reflection Positivity and Hankel Operators- the Multiplicity Free Case 

      [OWP-2021-10] Adamo, Maria Stella; Neeb, Karl-Hermann; Schober, Jonas (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-12-15)
      We analyze reflection positive representations in terms of positive Hankel operators. This is motivated by the fact that positive Hankel operators are described in terms of their Carleson measures, whereas the compatibility ...
    • Reflections on hyperbolic space 

      [SNAP-2021-007-EN] Haensch, Anna (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-08-24)
      In school, we learn that the interior angles of any triangle sum up to pi. However, there exist spaces different from the usual Euclidean space in which this is not true. One of these spaces is the ''hyperbolic space'', ...
    • Reflective Prolate-Spheroidal Operators and the KP/KdV Equations 

      [OWP-2019-24] Casper, W. Riley; Grünbaum, F. A.; Yakimov, Milen; Zurrián, Ignacio Nahuel (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-11-05)
      Commuting integral and differential operators connect the topics of Signal Processing, Random Matrix Theory, and Integrable Systems. Previously, the construction of such pairs was based on direct calculation and ...
    • 0209 - Regelungstheorie 

      [TB-2002-10] (2002) - (24 Feb - 02 Mar 2002)
    • 0509 - Regelungstheorie 

      [OWR-2005-11] (2005) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2005)
      The workshop “Regelungstheorie” (control theory) covered a broad variety of topics that were either concerned with fundamental mathematical aspects of control or with its strong impact in various fields of engineering.
    • 9912 - Regelungstheorie 

      [TB-1999-12] (1999) - (21 Mar - 27 Mar 1999)