Now showing items 1964-1983 of 2031

    • Tropical Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWS-35] Itenberg, Ilia; Mikhalkin, Grigory; Shustin, Eugenii (Birkhäuser Basel, 2007)
      Tropical geometry is algebraic geometry over the semifield of tropical numbers, i.e., the real numbers and negative infinity enhanced with the (max,+)-arithmetics. Geometrically, tropical varieties are much simpler than ...
    • Tropical and Logarithmic Methods in Enumerative Geometry 

      [OWS-52] Cavalieri, Renzo; Markwig, Hannah; Dhruv, Ranganathan (Birkhäuser (Springer Nature Switzerland), 2023)
      This book is based on the lectures given at the Oberwolfach Seminar held in Fall 2021. Logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory lies at the heart of modern approaches to mirror symmetry, but also opens up a number of new directions ...
    • 1518 - Tropical Aspects in Geometry, Topology and Physics 

      [OWR-2015-23] (2015) - (26 Apr - 02 May 2015)
      The workshop Tropical Aspects in Geometry, Topology and Physics was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the leading experts representing various points of view on the subject. The development of ...
    • 0750 - Tropical Geometry 

      [OWR-2007-57] (2007) - (09 Dec - 15 Dec 2007)
      Tropical Geometry is a new and rapidly developing discipline that touches upon many branches of modern mathematics. It is characterized by the transition of algebro-geometric objects to piecewise-linear ones, thereby ...
    • Tropical geometry 

      [SNAP-2018-007-EN] Brugallé, Erwan; Itenberg, Ilia; Shaw, Kristin; Viro, Oleg (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-07-19)
      What kind of strange spaces hide behind the enigmatic name of tropical geometry? In the tropics, just as in other geometries, one of the simplest objects is a line. Therefore, we begin our exploration by considering tropical ...
    • 1918 - Tropical Geometry: new directions 

      [OWR-2019-21] (2019) - (28 Apr - 04 May 2019)
      The workshop "Tropical Geometry: New Directions" was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the leading experts representing various points of view on the subject, notably, to new phenomena that have ...
    • 2320 - Tropical Methods in Geometry 

      [OWR-2023-23] (2023) - (14 May - 19 May 2023)
      The workshop "Tropical methods in geometry" was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the leading experts representing various points of view on the subject including tropical methods in symplectic and ...
    • Truncated Fusion Rules for Supergroups 

      [SNAP-2025-001-EN] Heidersdorf, Thorsten (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2025-02-03)
      In the '70s, physicists introduced a new type of symmetry – supersymmetry – to address some unresolved issues in particle physics models. Its mathematical foundations involve the representation theory of the associated ...
    • The Tutte Polynomial of Ideal Arrangements 

      [OWP-2018-28] Randriamaro, Hery (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-12-21)
      The Tutte polynomial is originally a bivariate polynomial enumerating the colorings of a graph and of its dual graph. But it reveals more of the internal structure of the graph like its number of forests, of spanning ...
    • Ultrafilter methods in combinatorics 

      [SNAP-2021-006-EN] Goldbring, Isaac (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-06-25)
      Given a set X, ultrafilters determine which subsets of X should be considered as large. We illustrate the use of ultrafilter methods in combinatorics by discussing two cornerstone results in Ramsey theory, namely ...
    • Uncertainty as an Ingredient in Financial Modeling 

      [SNAP-2024-004-EN] Korn, Ralf (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-12-17)
      Uncertainty - as opposed to risk - is used to describe events to which we are not able to assign a probability due to lack of information. Instead of assigning a probability to an uncertain event, we only assume that such ...
    • 1911 - Uncertainty Quantification 

      [OWR-2019-12] (2019) - (10 Mar - 16 Mar 2019)
      Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is concerned with including and characterising uncertainties in mathematical models. Major steps comprise proper description of system uncertainties, analysis and efficient quantification ...
    • Unconditional Convergence of Spectral Decompositions of 1D Dirac Operators with Regular Boundary Conditions 

      [OWP-2010-21] Djakov, Plamen; Mitjagin, Boris S. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2010-03-19)
    • Unexpected Properties of the Klein Configuration of 60 Points in $\mathbb{P}^3$ 

      [OWP-2020-19] Pokora, Piotr; Szemberg, Tomasz; Szpond, Justyna (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020-10-07)
      Felix Klein in course of his study of the regular and its symmetries encountered a highly symmetric configuration of 60 points in $\mathbb{P}^3$. This configuration has appeared in various guises, perhaps post notably as ...
    • 1340 - Uniform Distribution Theory and Applications 

      [OWR-2013-49] (2013) - (29 Sep - 05 Oct 2013)
      The topics of the workshop were recent progress in the theory of uniform distribution theory (also known as discrepancy theory) and new developments in its applications in analysis, approximation theory, computer science, ...
    • A Uniform Model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals I: Lifting the Parabolic Quantum Bruhat Graph 

      [OWP-2012-18] Lenart, Cristian; Naito, Satoshi; Sagaki, Daisuke; Schilling, Anne; Shimozono, Mark (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2012)
      We consider two lifts of the parabolic quantum Bruhat graph, one into the Bruhat order in the affine Weyl group and the other into a level-zero weight poset first considered by Littelmann. The lift into the affine Weyl ...
    • 2222 - Universality: Random Matrices, Random Geometry and SPDEs 

      [OWR-2022-27] (2022) - (29 May - 04 Jun 2022)
      The postulate that large random systems can be described by limiting objects whose characteristic do not depend on the exact details of the models one started from is central in probability theory, under the name of ...
    • Upper bounds for the number of solutions to quartic thue equations 

      [OWP-2011-21] Akhtari, Shabnam (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We will give upper bounds for the number of integral solutions to quartic Thue equations. Our main tool here is a logarithmic curve $\phi(x,y)$ that allows us to use the theory of linear forms in logarithms. This manuscript ...
    • Upper tails for intersection local times of random walks in supercritical dimensions 

      [OWP-2008-02] Chen, Xia; Mörters, Peter (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008-03-06)
      We determine the precise asymptotics of the logarithmic upper tail probability of the total intersection local time of $p$ independent random walks in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ under the assumption $p(d-2)>d$. Our approach allows a ...