Now showing items 2002-2021 of 2030

    • Voronoi Cells: Or How to Find the Nearest Bakery 

      [SNAP-2024-003-EN] Hess, Sarah; Torres, Angélica; van der Eyden, Mirte (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-09-05)
      Deciding which mall, hospital or school is closest to us is a problem we face everyday. It even comes on holidays with us, when we optimize our plans to make sure that we have enough time to visit all the attractions we ...
    • 0405b - Wave Motion 

      [OWR-2004-5] (2004) - (25 Jan - 31 Jan 2004)
    • 0907b - Wave Motion 

      [OWR-2009-7] (2009) - (08 Feb - 14 Feb 2009)
      This workshop was devoted to recent progress in the mathematical study of water waves, with special emphasis on nonlinear phenomena. Both aspects related to the governing equations (free boundary Euler equations) as well ...
    • Wave Phenomena 

      [OWS-49] Dörfler, Willy; Hochbruck, Marlis; Köhler, Jonas; Rieder, Andreas; Schnaubelt, Roland; Wieners, Christian (Birkhäuser (Springer Nature Switzerland), 2023)
      This book presents the notes from the seminar on wave phenomena given in 2019 at the Mathematical Research Center in Oberwolfach. The research on wave-type problems is a fascinating and emerging field in mathematical ...
    • 1031 - Wavelet and Multiscale Methods 

      [OWR-2010-33] (2010) - (01 Aug - 07 Aug 2010)
      Various scientific models demand finer and finer resolutions of relevant features. Paradoxically, increasing computational power serves to even heighten this demand. Namely, the wealth of available data itself becomes a ...
    • 0731 - Wavelet and Multiscale Methods 

      [OWR-2007-36] (2007) - (29 Jul - 04 Aug 2007)
      Various scientific models demand finer and finer resolutions of relevant features. Paradoxically, increasing computational power serves to even heighten this demand. Namely, the wealth of available data itself becomes a ...
    • 0429 - Wavelet and Multiscale Methods 

      [OWR-2004-34] (2004) - (11 Jul - 17 Jul 2004)
    • Waves and Incidences 

      [SNAP-2024-001-EN] Yung, Po-Lam (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-04-09)
      The wave equation in Euclidean spaces describes many natural phenomena such as sound, light, or water waves. We explore how its solutions are related to the geometric problem of how long thin cylinders can intersect each ...
    • Weak Expansiveness for Actions of Sofic Groups 

      [OWP-2014-05] Chung, Nhan-Phu; Zhang, Guohua (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014-04-25)
      In this paper, we shall introduce $h$-expansiveness and asymptotical $h$-expansiveness for actions of sofic groups. By the definitions, each h-expansive action of sofic groups is asymptotically $h$-expansive. We show that ...
    • Weak*-Continuity of Invariant Means on Spaces of Matrix Coefficients 

      [OWP-2021-08] de Laat, Tim; Zadeh, Safoura (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2021-07-13)
      With every locally compact group $G$, one can associate several interesting bi-invariant subspaces $X(G)$ of the weakly almost periodic functions $\mathrm{WAP}(G)$ on $G$, each of which captures parts of the representation ...
    • Weak-duality based adaptive finite element methods for PDE-constrained optimization with pointwise gradient state-constraints 

      [OWP-2010-15] Hintermüller, Michael; Hinze, Michael; Hoppe, Ronald H. W. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2010)
      Adaptive finite element methods for optimization problems for second order linear elliptic partial di erential equations subject to pointwise constraints on the $\ell^2$-norm of the gradient of the state are considered. ...
    • Weakly Complex Homogeneous Spaces 

      [OWP-2012-04] Moroianu, Andrei; Semmelmann, Uwe (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2012-04-24)
      We complete our recent classification of compact inner symmetric spaces with weakly complex tangent bundle by filling up a case which was left open, and extend this classification to the larger category of compact homogeneous ...
    • Weighted Fourier inequalities for radial functions 

      [OWP-2009-26] Gorbachev, D.; Liflyand, E.; Tichonovič, S. V. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2009-03-19)
      Weighted $L^p(\mathbb{R}^n) \to L^q(\mathbb{R}^n)$ Fourier inequalities are studied. We prove Pitt-Boas type results on integrability with power weights of the Fourier transform of a radial function.
    • Weighted Surface Algebras: General Version 

      [OWP-2019-07] Erdmann, Karin; Skowroński, Andrzej (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-02-28)
      We introduce general weighted surface algebras of triangulated surfaces with arbitrarily oriented triangles and describe their basic properties. In particular, we prove that all these algebras, except the singular disc, ...
    • A Well-Posedness Result for Viscous Compressible Fluids with Only Bounded Density 

      [OWP-2018-10] Danchin, Raphaël; Fanelli, Francesco; Paicu, Marius (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-05-28)
      We are concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions with only bounded density for the barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Assuming that the initial velocity has slightly sub-critical regularity and ...
    • Wer ist Alexander Grothendieck? 

      Scharlau, Winfried (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2006)
      The Oberwolfach Lecture "Wer ist Alexander Grothendieck" (in German) was held by Prof. Dr. Winfried Scharlau as a public lecture on occasion of the annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Mathematische Forschung e.V. 2006 ...
    • The Weyl group of the Cuntz algebra 

      [OWP-2011-31] Conti, Roberto; Hong, Jeong Hee; Szymański, Wojciech (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-28)
      The Weyl group of the Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_n$ is investigated. This is (isomorphic to) the group of polynomial automorphisms $\lambda_u$ of $\mathcal{O}_n$, namely those induced by unitaries u that can be written ...
    • Weyl-Titchmarsh Functions of Vector-Valued Sturm-Liouville Operators on the Unit Interval 

      [OWP-2008-13] Chelkak, Dmitry; Korotyaev, Evgeny (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008)
      The matrix-valued Weyl-Titchmarsh functions $M(\lambda)$ of vector-valued Sturm-Liouville operators on the unit interval with the Dirichlet boundary conditions are considered. The collection of the eigenvalues (i.e., poles ...
    • What does ">" really mean? 

      [SNAP-2014-004-EN] Reznick, Bruce (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014)
      This Snapshot is about the generalization of ">" from ordinary numbers to so-called fields. At the end, I will touch on some ideas in recent research.
    • What is pattern? 

      [SNAP-2022-009-EN] Baake, Michael; Grimm, Uwe; Moody, Robert V. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022-10-25)
      Pattern is ubiquitous and seems totally familiar. Yet if we ask what it is, we find a bewildering collection of answers. Here we suggest that there is a common thread, and it revolves around dynamics.