Browsing by Title
Now showing items 540-559 of 2031
Exact Rate of Convergence of k-Nearest-Neighbor Classification Rule
[OWP-2017-25] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-10-16)A binary classification problem is considered. The excess error probability of the k-nearest neighbor classification rule according to the error probability of the Bayes decision is revisited by a decomposition of the ... -
Exceptional Legendrian Torus Knots
[OWP-2018-04] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-03-21)We present classification results for exceptional Legendrian realisations of torus knots. These are the first results of that kind for non-trivial topological knot types. Enumeration results of Ding-Li-Zhang concerning ... -
Expander graphs and where to find them
[SNAP-2019-016-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-11-22)Graphs are mathematical objects composed of a collection of “dots” called vertices, some of which are joined by lines called edges. Graphs are ideal for visually representing relations between things, and mathematical ... -
Experimenting with Symplectic Hypergeometric Monodromy Groups
[OWP-2019-15] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-05-22)We present new computational results for symplectic monodromy groups of hypergeometric differential equations. In particular, we compute the arithmetic closure of each group, sometimes justifying arithmeticity. The results ... -
Experimenting with Zariski Dense Subgroups
[OWP-2017-31] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-10-28)We give a method to describe all congruence images of a finitely generated Zariski dense group $H\leq SL(n, \mathbb{R})$. The method is applied to obtain efficient algorithms for solving this problem in odd prime degree ... -
An Explicit Formula for the Dirac Multiplicities on Lens Spaces
[OWP-2014-19] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014)We present a new description of the spectrum of the (spin-) Dirac operator $D$ on lens spaces. Viewing a spin lens space $L$ as a locally symmetric space $\Gamma \setminus Spin(2m)/Spin(2m-1)$ and exploiting the representation ... -
0330 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[TB-2003-32] (2003) - (20 Jul - 26 Jul 2003) -
1129 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2011-35] (2011) - (17 Jul - 23 Jul 2011)These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics includes the Sato-Tate conjecure, Langlands programme, function fields, L-functions and many other topics. -
9927 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[TB-1999-27] (1999) - (04 Jul - 10 Jul 1999) -
1528 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2015-32] (2015) - (05 Jul - 11 Jul 2015)The aim of the series of Oberwolfach meetings on ‘Explicit methods in number theory’ is to bring together people attacking key problems in number theory via techniques involving concrete or computable descriptions. Here, ... -
1830 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2018-34] (2018) - (22 Jul - 28 Jul 2018)The aim of the series of Oberwolfach meetings on ‘Explicit methods in number theory’ is to bring together people attacking key problems in number theory via techniques involving concrete or computable descriptions. Here, ... -
1329 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2013-35] (2013) - (14 Jul - 20 Jul 2013)These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics includes effectiveness in rational points on curves and especially on modular curves, modularity, L-functions, ... -
0529 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2005-32] (2005) - (17 Jul - 23 Jul 2005)These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics included modular forms, varieties over finite fields, rational and integral points on varieties, class groups, ... -
0729 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2007-34] (2007) - (15 Jul - 21 Jul 2007)These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics includes asymptotics for field extensions and class numbers, random matrices and L-functions, rational points ... -
0130 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[TB-2001-33] (2001) - (22 Jul - 28 Jul 2001) -
0929 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory
[OWR-2009-33] (2009) - (12 Jul - 18 Jul 2009)These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics includes asymptotics for field extensions and class numbers, random matrices and L-functions, rational points on ... -
1202 - Explicit Versus Tacit Knowledge in Mathematics
[OWR-2012-4] (2012) - (08 Jan - 14 Jan 2012)This workshop aimed to bring together an international group of historians of mathematics to reflect upon the role played by tacit knowledge in doing mathematics at various times and places. The existence of tacit knowledge ... -
An Extension Problem and Trace Hardy Inequality for the Sublaplacian on H-Type Groups
[OWP-2017-20] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-07-24)In this paper we study the extension problem for the sublaplacian on a H-type group and use the solutions to prove trace Hardy and Hardy inequalities for fractional powers of the sublaplacian. -
Extremal configurations of polygonal linkages
[OWP-2011-24] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-22) -
1317b - Extremes in Branching Random Walk and Branching Brownian Motion
[OWR-2013-20] (2013) - (21 Apr - 27 Apr 2013)Branching random walk (BRW) and branching Brownian motion (BBM) are mathematical models for population growth and spatial displacement. When resources are plentiful, population sizes grow exponentially in time. In such a ...