Browsing by Title
Now showing items 921-940 of 2030
Localized Endomorphisms of Graph Algebras
[OWP-2011-04] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-7)Endomorphisms of graph $C^*$-algebras are investigated. A combinatorial approach to analysis of permutative endomorphisms is developed. Then invertibility criteria for localized endomorphisms are given. Furthermore, ... -
Locally Compact Abelian p-Groups Revisited
[OWP-2017-06] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-03-03)Even though the structure of locally compact abelian groups is generally considered to be rather thoroughly known through a wealth of publications, one keeps encountering corners that are not elucidated in up-to-date ... -
Locally conformally Kähler manifolds admitting a holomorphic conformal flow
[OWP-2010-13] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2010-03-15)A manifold $M$ is locally conformally Kähler (LCK) if it admits a Kähler covering $\tilde{M}$ with monodromy acting by holomorphic homotheties. Let $M$ be an LCK manifold admitting a holomorphic conformal flow of ... -
0340 - Locally Symmetric Spaces
[TB-2003-42] (2003) - (28 Sep - 04 Oct 2003) -
1925a - Logarithmic Enumerative Geometry and Mirror Symmetry
[OWR-2019-27] (2019) - (16 Jun - 22 Jun 2019)The new field of log enumerative geometry has formed at the crossroads of mirror symmetry, Gromov-Witten theory and log geometry. This workshop has been the first to promote this field and bring together the junior and ... -
2104 - Logarithmic Vector Fields and Freeness of Divisors and Arrangements: New perspectives and applications (online meeting)
[OWR-2021-5] (2021) - (24 Jan - 30 Jan 2021)The central topic of the workshop was the notion of logarithmic vector fields along a divisor in a smooth complex analytic or algebraic variety, i.e., the vector fields on the ambient variety tangent to the divisor. ... -
Logical Relations for Partial Features and Automatic Differentiation Correctness
[OWP-2023-09] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2023-06-19)We present a simple technique for semantic, open logical relations arguments about languages with recursive types, which, as we show, follows from a principled foundation in categorical semantics. We demonstrate how it can ... -
Looking Back on Inverse Scattering Theory
[OWP-2017-24] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-10-05)We present an essay on the mathematical development of inverse scattering theory for time-harmonic waves during the past fifty years together with some personal memories of our participation in these events. -
0907a - Low Eigenvalues of Laplace and Schrödinger Operators
[OWR-2009-6] (2009) - (08 Feb - 14 Feb 2009)This workshop brought together researchers interested in eigenvalue problems for Laplace and Schr¨dinger operators. The main topics o of discussions and investigations covered Dirichlet and Neumann eigenvalue problems, ... -
Low rank differential equations for hamiltonian matrix nearness problems
[OWP-2013-01] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-02-08)For a Hamiltonian matrix with purely imaginary eigenvalues, we aim to determine the nearest Hamiltonian matrix such that so me or all eigenvalues leave the imaginary axis. Conversely, for a Hamiltonian matrix with all ... -
0539 - Low-Dimensional Manifolds
[OWR-2005-45] (2005) - (25 Sep - 01 Oct 2005) -
2008 - Low-dimensional Topology
[OWR-2020-8] (2020) - (16 Feb - 22 Feb 2020)The workshop brought together experts from across all areas of low-dimensional topology, including knot theory, mapping class groups, three-manifolds and four-manifolds. In addition to the standard research talks we had ... -
2303 - Low-dimensional Topology
[OWR-2023-3] (2023) - (15 Jan - 21 Jan 2023)The workshop brought together experts from across all areas of low-dimensional topology, including knot theory, computational topology, three-manifolds and four-manifolds. In addition to the standard research talks we had ... -
1434 - Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2014-38] (2014) - (17 Aug - 23 Aug 2014)The workshop brought together topologists and number theorists with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between these areas. -
1235 - Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2012-42] (2012) - (26 Aug - 01 Sep 2012)The workshop brought together topologists and number theorists with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between these areas. -
1033 - Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2010-35] (2010) - (15 Aug - 21 Aug 2010)The workshop on Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory brought together researchers in these areas with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory. Some ... -
1734 - Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2017-38] (2017) - (20 Aug - 26 Aug 2017)The workshop brought together topologists and number theorists with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between these areas. -
2035 - Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory (individual research only)
[OWR-2020-25] (2020) - (23 Aug - 29 Aug 2020)Because of the pandemia, the workshop on "Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" could not be realized in the usual format or in the new hybrid format. Instead, a subgroup consisting of 6 participants used the week ... -
2324 - Machine Learning for Science: Mathematics at the Interface of Data-driven and Mechanistic Modelling
[OWR-2023-26] (2023) - (11 Jun - 16 Jun 2023)Rapid progress in machine learning is enabling scientific advances across a range of disciplines. However, the utility of machine learning for science remains constrained by its current inability to translate insights from ... -
The Magic Square of Reflections and Rotations
[OWP-2018-13] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-07-01)We show how Coxeter’s work implies a bijection between complex reflection groups of rank two and real reflection groups in 0(3). We also consider this magic square of reflections and rotations in the framework of Clifford ...