• 0607 - Algorithmic Graph Theory 

      [OWR-2006-7] (2006) - (12 Feb - 18 Feb 2006)
      The main focus of this workshop was on mathematical techniques needed for the development of efficient solutions and algorithms for computationally difficult graph problems. The techniques studied at the workshhop included: ...
    • 1241 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 

      [OWR-2012-50] (2012) - (07 Oct - 13 Oct 2012)
      The aim of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to introduce young researchers with various backgrounds to the multifaceted and mutually perpetuating connections between ergodic theory, topological dynamics, combinatorics, and ...
    • 1314 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Limits of Structures 

      [OWR-2013-16] (2013) - (31 Mar - 05 Apr 2013)
      The goal of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft is to review current progress in the study of very large structures. The main emphasis is on the analytic approach that considers large structures as approximations of infinite analytic ...
    • 1514 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: The Kadison-Singer Conjecture 

      [OWR-2015-17] (2015) - (29 Mar - 04 Apr 2015)
      The solution to the Kadison–Singer conjecture used techniques that intersect a number of areas of mathematics. The goal of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to bring together people from each of these fields to support interactions ...
    • 1041 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Topological Robotics 

      [OWR-2010-47] (2010) - (10 Oct - 16 Oct 2010)
      The purpose of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to enable PhD students and researchers to study Topological Robotics, a new field investigating topological problems motivated by robotics and engineering as well as problems of ...
    • 1650 - Asymptotic Phenomena in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory 

      [OWR-2016-57] (2016) - (11 Dec - 17 Dec 2016)
      The goal of this workshop was to highlight, and further, the interactions between local algebra and singularity theory. The timing was serendipitous for both subjects have witnessed tremendous progress recently, much of ...
    • Birational Rowmotion on a Rectangle over a Noncommutative Ring 

      [OWP-2022-17] Grinberg, Darij; Roby, Tom (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022-09-20)
      We extend the periodicity of birational rowmotion for rectangular posets to the case when the base field is replaced by a noncommutative ring (under appropriate conditions). This resolves a conjecture from 2014. The proof ...
    • Cataland: Why the Fuß? 

      [OWP-2019-01] Stump, Christian; Thomas, Hugh; Williams, Nathan (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-01-21)
      The three main objects in noncrossing Catalan combinatorics associated to a finite Coxeter system are noncrossing partitions, clusters, and sortable elements. The first two of these have known Fuß-Catalan generalizations. ...
    • 2235 - Character Theory and Categorification 

      [OWR-2022-39] (2022) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2022)
      Over a hundred years after the work of Frobenius and Schur, the sheer enormity of what is not known about the character theory of symmetric and alternating groups continues to surprise and awe the uninitiated. How does ...
    • Characterization of Tropical Planar Curves up to Genus Six 

      [OWP-2022-06] Tewari, Ayush Kumar (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022-03-16)
      We provide new forbidden criterion for realizability of smooth tropical plane curves. This in turn provides us a complete classification of smooth tropical plane curves up to genus six.
    • A Cheeger Type Inequality in Finite Cayley Sum Graphs 

      [OWP-2019-21] Biswas, Arindam; Saha, Jyoti Prakash (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-07-31) - (5 May - 27 July 2019)
      Let $G$ be a finite group and $S$ be a symmetric generating set of $G$ with $|S| = d$. We show that if the undirected Cayley sum graph $C_{\Sigma}(G,S)$ is an expander graph and is non-bipartite, then the spectrum of its ...
    • 1012 - Combinatorial Representation Theory 

      [OWR-2010-15] (2010) - (21 Mar - 27 Mar 2010)
      The workshop brought together researchers from different fields in representation theory and algebraic combinatorics for a fruitful interaction. New results, methods and developments ranging from classical and modular ...
    • 2002 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2020-1] (2020) - (05 Jan - 11 Jan 2020)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline that focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The present workshop featured research in such diverse areas as Extremal, Probabilistic and ...
    • 1402 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2014-1] (2014) - (05 Jan - 11 Jan 2014)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline which focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The current workshop brought together researchers from diverse fields such as Extremal and ...
    • 0601 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2006-1] (2006) - (01 Jan - 07 Jan 2006)
      This is the report on the Oberwolfach workshop on Combinatorics, held 1–7 January 2006. Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics studying families of mainly, but not exclusively, finite or countable structures – discrete ...
    • 1701 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2017-1] (2017) - (01 Jan - 07 Jan 2017)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline that focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The present workshop featured research in such diverse areas as Extremal, Probabilistic and Algebraic ...
    • 1101 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2011-1] (2011) - (02 Jan - 08 Jan 2011)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline which focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The current workshop brought together researchers from diverse fields such as Extremal and ...
    • 2301 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2023-1] (2023)
      Combinatorics is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting and studying properties of discrete objects such as graphs, set systems, partial orders, polyhedra, etc. Combinatorial problems naturally ...
    • 0802 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2008-1] (2008) - (06 Jan - 12 Jan 2008)
      This is the report on the Oberwolfach workshop on Combinatorics, held 6–12 January 2008. Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics studying families of mainly, but not exclusively discrete (i.e. finite or countable) structures, ...
    • 0918 - Combinatorics and Probability 

      [OWR-2009-23] (2009) - (26 Apr - 02 May 2009)
      The effective application of probabilistic reasoning in the study of problems in diverse areas is one of the most exciting recent developments in Mathematics. Probabilistic methods turned out to be very powerful in Discrete ...