Browsing by MSC "14"
Now showing items 1-20 of 259
Abundance of 3-Planes on Real Projective Hypersurfaces
[OWP-2014-14] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014-11-11)We show that a generic real projective n-dimensional hypersurface of odd degree $d$, such that $4(n-2)=\binom{d+3}{3}$, contains "many" real 3-planes, namely, in the logarithmic scale their number has the same rate of ... -
0702 - Affine Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2007-1] (2007) - (07 Jan - 13 Jan 2007)Affine geometry deals with algebro-geometric questions of affine varieties that are treated with methods coming from various areas of mathematics like commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic, complex analytic and ... -
Affine Space Fibrations
[OWP-2018-19] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-09-05)We discuss various aspects of affine space fibrations. Our interest will be focused in the singular fibers, the generic fiber and the propagation of properties of a given smooth special fiber to nearby fibers. -
1605 - Algebraic Cobordism and Projective Homogeneous Varieties
[OWR-2016-5] (2016) - (31 Jan - 06 Feb 2016)The aim of this workshop was to bring together researchers in the theory of projective homogeneous varieties with researchers working on cohomology theories of algebraic varieties, so that the latter can learn about the ... -
1512 - Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2015-15] (2015) - (15 Mar - 21 Mar 2015)The workshop covered a broad variety of areas in algebraic geometry and was the occasion to report on recent advances and works in progress. Special emphasis was put on the role of derived categories and various stability ... -
1739 - Algebraic Geometry: Birational Classification, Derived Categories, and Moduli Spaces
[OWR-2017-45] (2017) - (24 Sep - 30 Sep 2017)The workshop covered a number of active areas of research in algebraic geometry with a focus on derived categories, moduli spaces (of varieties and sheaves) and birational geometry (often in positive characteristic) and ... -
2228 - Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects
[OWR-2022-32] (2022) - (10 Jul - 16 Jul 2022)The workshop covered recent developments in algebraic geometry in a broad sense with a special emphasis on various moduli spaces. Problems related to mirror symmetry phenomena were discussed in a number of talks as well ... -
2029 - Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-19] (2020) - (12 Jul - 18 Jul 2020)The talks at the workshop and the research done during the week focused on aspects of algebraic geometry in the broad sense. Special emphasis was put on hyperkähler manifolds and derived categories. -
1315 - Algebraic Groups
[OWR-2013-17] (2013) - (07 Apr - 13 Apr 2013)Linear algebraic groups is an active research area in contemporary mathematics. It has rich connections to algebraic geometry, representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, number theory, algebraic topology, and differential ... -
1016 - Algebraic Groups
[OWR-2010-19] (2010) - (18 Apr - 24 Apr 2010)The workshop dealt with a broad range of topics from the structure theory and the representation theory of algebraic groups (in the widest sense). There was emphasis on the following areas: • classical and quantum cohomology ... -
1717 - Algebraic Groups
[OWR-2017-21] (2017) - (23 Apr - 29 Apr 2017)Linear algebraic groups is an active research area in contemporary mathematics. It has rich connections to algebraic geometry, representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, number theory, algebraic topology, and differential ... -
2116 - Algebraic Groups (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2021-20] (2021) - (18 Apr - 24 Apr 2021)Linear algebraic groups is an active research area in contempo- rary mathematics. It has rich connections to algebraic geometry, representa- tion theory, algebraic combinatorics, number theory, algebraic topology, ... -
1926 - Algebraic K-theory
[OWR-2019-29] (2019) - (23 Jun - 29 Jun 2019)Algebraic $K$-theory has seen a fruitful development during the last three years. Part of this recent progress was driven by the use of $\infty$-categories and related techniques originally developed in algebraic ... -
2219 - Algebraic K-Theory
[OWR-2022-24] (2022) - (08 May - 14 May 2022)Algebraic $K$-theory has seen further progress during the last three years. One important aspect of this recent progress has been a better conceptual understanding of motivic filtrations on $K$-theory and the systematic ... -
1626 - Algebraic K-theory and Motivic Cohomology
[OWR-2016-31] (2016) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2016)Algebraic $K$-theory and motivic cohomology have developed together over the last thirty years. Both of these theories rely on a mix of algebraic geometry and homotopy theory for their construction and development, and ... -
1326 - Algebraic K-theory and Motivic Cohomology
[OWR-2013-32] (2013) - (23 Jun - 29 Jun 2013)Algebraic K-theory and motivic cohomology are strongly related tools providing a systematic way of producing invariants for algebraic or geometric structures. The definition and methods are taken from algebraic topology, ... -
0927 - Algebraic K-Theory and Motivic Cohomology
[OWR-2009-31] (2009) - (28 Jun - 04 Jul 2009)Algebraic K-theory and the related motivic cohomology are a systematic way of producing invariants for algebraic or geometric structures. Its definition and methods are taken from algebraic topology, but it has also proved ... -
2249a - Algebraic Structures in Statistical Methodology
[OWR-2022-55] (2022) - (04 Dec - 10 Dec 2022)Algebraic structures arise naturally in a broad variety of statistical problems, and numerous fruitful connections have been made between algebra and discrete mathematics and research on statistical methodology. The ... -
0525 - Algebraische Zahlentheorie
[OWR-2005-28] (2005) - (19 Jun - 25 Jun 2005)The workshop on Algebraic Number Theory was attended by 53 participants, many of them young researchers. In 19 talks an overview of recent developments in Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry was given. -
1428 - Algebraische Zahlentheorie
[OWR-2014-32] (2014) - (06 Jul - 12 Jul 2014)The workshop brought together leading experts in Algebraic Number Theory. The talks presented new methods and results that intertwine a multitude of topics ranging from classical diophantine themes to modern arithmetic ...