Browsing 5 - Oberwolfach Reports (OWR) by MSC "17"
Now showing items 21-40 of 48
2040a - Lefschetz Properties in Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-31] (2020) - (27 Sep - 03 Oct 2020)The themes of the workshop are the Weak Lefschetz Property - WLP - and the Strong Lefschetz Property - SLP. The name of these properties, referring to Artinian algebras, is motivated by the Lefschetz theory for projective ... -
1910c - Mini-Workshop: Cohomology of Hopf Algebras and Tensor Categories
[OWR-2019-11] (2019) - (03 Mar - 09 Mar 2019)The mini-workshop featured some open questions about the cohomology of Hopf algebras and tensor categories. Questions included whether the cohomology ring of a finite dimensional Hopf algebra or a finite tensor ... -
1508b - Mini-Workshop: Coideal Subalgebras of Quantum Groups
[OWR-2015-10] (2015) - (15 Feb - 21 Feb 2015)Coideal subalgebras of quantized enveloping algebras appear naturally if one considers quantum group analogs of Lie subalgebras. Examples appear in the theory of quantum integrable systems with boundary and in harmonic ... -
1941b - Mini-Workshop: Degeneration Techniques in Representation Theory
[OWR-2019-46] (2019) - (06 Oct - 12 Oct 2019)Modern Representation Theory has numerous applications in many mathematical areas such as algebraic geometry, combinatorics, convex geometry, mathematical physics, probability. Many of the object and problems of interest ... -
1215a - Mini-Workshop: Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces
[OWR-2012-18] (2012) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2012)This workshop brought together experts from the areas of algebraic Lie theory, invariant theory, Kac–Moody theory and the theories of Tits buildings and of symmetric spaces. The main focus was on topics related to symmetric ... -
1240a - Mini-Workshop: Nichols Algebras and Weyl Groupoids
[OWR-2012-47] (2012) - (30 Sep - 06 Oct 2012)Nichols algebras are graded braided Hopf algebras satisfying a universal property. Many structural results of a Nichols algebra can be obtained by studying itsWeyl groupoid and its homology. In the mini-workshop, introductions ... -
0910c - Mini-Workshop: Non-Negativity is a Quantum Phenomenon
[OWR-2009-14] (2009) - (01 Mar - 07 Mar 2009)In recent publications, the same combinatorial description has arisen for three separate objects of interest: non-negative cells in the real grassmannian (Postnikov, Williams); torus orbits of symplectic leaves in the ... -
1609a - Mini-Workshop: PBW Structures in Representation Theory
[OWR-2016-13] (2016) - (28 Feb - 05 Mar 2016)The PBW structures play a very important role in the Lie theory and in the theory of algebraic groups. The importance is due to the huge number of possible applications. The main goal of the workshop was to bring together ... -
2342a - Mini-Workshop: Poisson and Poisson-type algebras
[OWR-2023-46] (2023) - (15 Oct - 20 Oct 2023)The first historical encounter with Poisson-type algebras is with Hamiltonian mechanics. With the abstraction of many notions in Physics, Hamiltonian systems were geometrized into manifolds that model the set of all ... -
1946b - Mini-Workshop: Rank One Groups and Exceptional Algebraic Groups
[OWR-2019-52] (2019) - (10 Nov - 16 Nov 2019)Rank one groups are a class of doubly transitive groups that are natural generalizations of the groups $ \operatorname{SL}_2(k) $. The most interesting examples arise from exceptional algebraic groups of relative rank ... -
1449c - Mini-Workshop: Reflection Positivity in Representation Theory, Stochastics and Physics
[OWR-2014-55] (2014) - (30 Nov - 06 Dec 2014)The central focus of the workshop was reflection positivity, its occurrence in physics, representation theory, abstract harmonic analysis, and stochastic analysis. The program was intrinsically interdisciplinary and included ... -
0908c - Mini-Workshop: Support Varieties
[OWR-2009-10] (2009) - (15 Feb - 21 Feb 2009)The notion of support is a fundamental concept which provides a geometric approach for studying various algebraic structures. The prototype for this has been Quillen’s description of the algebraic variety corresponding to ... -
2142a - Mini-Workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2021-51] (2021) - (17 Oct - 23 Oct 2021)By definition, an $R$-matrix with spectral parameter is a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation, introduced in the 1970's by C.N. Yang and R.J. Baxter. Such a matrix encodes the Boltzmann weights of a lattice model of ... -
0718b - Progress in Surface Theory
[OWR-2007-24] (2007) - (29 Apr - 05 May 2007)The theory of surfaces has undergone substantial changes in recent years, with many different active areas at this point in time. It has become mainstream to study minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature surfaces in ... -
1018 - Progress in Surface Theory
[OWR-2010-21] (2010) - (02 May - 08 May 2010)The theory of surfaces is interpreted these days as a prototype of submanifold geometry and is characterized by the substantial application of PDE methods and methods from the theory of integrable systems, in addition to ... -
0920 - Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups
[OWR-2009-25] (2009) - (10 May - 16 May 2009)Topics discussed at the workshop Quadratic forms and linear algebraic groups included besides the algebraic theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms and their Witt groups several aspects of the theory of linear algebraic ... -
1818 - Quadratic Forms and Related Structures over Fields
[OWR-2018-21] (2018) - (29 Apr - 05 May 2018)The range of topics discussed at the workshop “Quadratic Forms and Related Structures over Fields” included core themes from the algebraic theory of quadratic and hermitian forms and their Witt groups, several aspects of ... -
2212b - Recent Developments in Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
[OWR-2022-16] (2022) - (20 Mar - 26 Mar 2022)This mini-workshop was devoted to foster the interactions between mathematicians and mathematical physicists who are working on questions related to representation theory. This includes for example the representation theory ... -
1748 - Reflection Positivity
[OWR-2017-55] (2017) - (26 Nov - 02 Dec 2017)The main theme of the workshop was reflection positivity and its occurences in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Noncommutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems, ... -
0808 - Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras
[OWR-2008-9] (2008) - (17 Feb - 23 Feb 2008)Methods and results from the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of mathematics. Such areas include the theory of Lie algebras and quantum groups, commutative ...