Browsing 5 - Oberwolfach Reports (OWR) by Title
Now showing items 1287-1306 of 1397
1419 - Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
[OWR-2014-23] (2014) - (04 May - 10 May 2014)This workshop brought together leading experts and a large number of younger researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance from all over the world. During a highly intense week, participants exchanged many ... -
0805 - Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
[OWR-2008-4] (2008) - (27 Jan - 02 Feb 2008)This workshop brought together, from all over the world, leading experts and a large number of younger researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance. During a very intense week, participants exchanged many ... -
1423 - Stochastic Analysis: Around the KPZ Universality Class
[OWR-2014-28] (2014) - (01 Jun - 07 Jun 2014)The Gaussian distribution is the “universal” distribution arising in a huge variety of contexts that describes the compound effect of the random fluctuations of many independent (or weakly dependent) sources of randomness ... -
1722 - Stochastic Analysis: Geometry of Random Processes
[OWR-2017-26] (2017) - (28 May - 03 Jun 2017)A common feature shared by many natural objects arising in probability theory is that they tend to be very “rough”, as opposed to the “smooth” objects usually studied in other branches of mathematics. It is however still ... -
0140 - Stochastic Evolution Equations and Applications
[TB-2001-45] (2001) - (30 Sep - 06 Oct 2001) -
0207 - Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Statistical Physics
[TB-2002-7] (2002) - (10 Feb - 16 Feb 2002) -
2040b - Stochastic Processes under Constraints (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-32] (2020) - (27 Sep - 03 Oct 2020)The analysis of random processes under various constraints and conditions has been a central theme in the theory of stochastic processes, which links together several mathematical subdisciplines. The connection ... -
0111 - Stochastics in the Sciences
[TB-2001-12] (2001) - (11 Mar - 17 Mar 2001) -
1150 - Stratified Spaces: Joining Analysis, Topology and Geometry
[OWR-2011-56] (2011) - (11 Dec - 17 Dec 2011)For manifolds, topological properties such as Poincaré duality and invariants such as the signature and characteristic classes, results and techniques from complex algebraic geometry such as the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch ... -
0433 - String-Theorie und Geometrie
[OWR-2004-38] (2004) - (08 Aug - 14 Aug 2004)The conference brought together mathematicians working in algebraic and differential geometry (14J32, 37J35, 53C15, 53C80) and physicists working on conformal quantum field theory and string theory (81T30, 81T40). In ... -
0924 - Strings, Fields and Topology
[OWR-2009-28] (2009) - (07 Jun - 13 Jun 2009)In recent years, the interplay between traditional geometric topology and theoretical physics, in particular quantum ?eld theory, has played a signi?cant role in the work of many researchers. The idea of this workshop was ... -
1805 - Strongly Correlated Random Interacting Processes
[OWR-2018-4] (2018) - (28 Jan - 03 Feb 2018)The focus of the workshop was to discuss the recent developments and future research directions in the area of large scale random interacting processes, with main emphasis in models where local microscopic interactions ... -
2037b - Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of
[OWR-2020-28] (2020) - (06 Sep - 12 Sep 2020)Because of the pandemia, the workshop on "Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of Hyperbolic, Involution-Constrained Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds" could not be realized in the usual ... -
2215a - Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of Hyperbolic, Involution-Constrained Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds
[OWR-2022-19] (2022) - (10 Apr - 16 Apr 2022)The topic of this workshop was the study of mathematical and numerical analysis for involution-constrained hyperbolic partial differential equations on manifolds. An example is the positivity of the density for the ... -
1309 - Structured Function Systems and Applications
[OWR-2013-11] (2013) - (24 Feb - 02 Mar 2013)Quite a few independent investigations have been devoted recently to the analysis and construction of structured function systems such as e.g. wavelet frames with compact support, Gabor frames, refinable functions in the ... -
1944 - Subfactors and Applications
[OWR-2019-49] (2019) - (27 Oct - 02 Nov 2019)The theory of subfactors connects diverse topics in mathematics and mathematical physics such as tensor categories, vertex operator algebras, quantum groups, quantum topology, free probability, quantum field theory, ... -
1513 - Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory
[OWR-2015-16] (2015) - (22 Mar - 28 Mar 2015)Connections between subfactor theory and conformal field theory have been expected since the early days of the former in 1980’s, and recently we see more and more evidence for deeper relations. It was our aim to attract ... -
1825a - Subgroups of Cremona Groups
[OWR-2018-28] (2018) - (17 Jun - 23 Jun 2018)There have been recent breakthroughs in two related questions: the study of Cremona groups, and the problem of rationality of algebraic varieties. Our workshop brought together algebraic geometers, who discussed and tried ... -
1649 - Surface Bundles
[OWR-2016-56] (2016) - (04 Dec - 10 Dec 2016)This workshop brought together specialists in algebraic topology, low dimensional topology, geometric group theory, algebraic geometry and neighboring fields. It provided a good overview of the current developments, and ... -
1904 - Surface, Bulk, and Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Interfacial, stochastic, non-local and discrete structures
[OWR-2019-3] (2019) - (20 Jan - 26 Jan 2019)Partial differential equations in complex domains with free\linebreak boundaries and interfaces continue to be flourishing research areas at the interfaces between PDE theory, differential geometry, numerical analysis ...