• Group rings and class groups 

      [OWS-18] Roggenkamp, Klaus W.; Taylor, Martin (Birkhäuser Basel, 1992)
    • Groups and graphs : new results and methods 

      [OWS-06] Delgado, Alberto; Goldschmidt, David M.; Stellmacher, Bernd (Birkhäuser Basel, 1985)
    • Hemodynamical Flows : Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 

      [OWS-37] Galdi, Giovanni P.; Robertson, Anne M.; Rannacher, Rolf; Turek, Stefan (Birkhäuser Basel, 2008)
      This volume consists of six contributions concerning mathematical tools and analysis for the blood flow in arteries and veins. … book will be handy for those who are interested in the description of the flows of fluids ...
    • Hermann Weyl's Raum - Zeit - Materie and a general introduction to his scientific work 

      [OWS-30] Scholz, Erhard (Birkhäuser Basel, 2001)
      Historical interest and studies of Weyl's role in the interplay between 20th-century mathematics, physics and philosophy have been increasing since the middle 1980s, triggered by different activities at the occasion of the ...
    • Homotopy theory and models 

      [OWS-24] Aubry, Marc (Birkhäuser Basel, 1995)
      In keeping with the general aim of the "D.M.V.-Seminar" series, this book is princi­ pally a report on a group of lectures held at Blaubeuren by Professors H. J. Baues, S. Halperin and J.-M. Lemaire, from October 30 to ...
    • Infinite dimensional Kähler manifolds 

      [OWS-31] Huckleberry, Alan; Wurzbacher, Tilmann (Birkhäuser Basel, 2001)
      Infinite dimensional manifolds, Lie groups and algebras arise naturally in many areas of mathematics and physics. Having been used mainly as a tool for the study of finite dimensional objects, the emphasis has changed and ...
    • Information bounds and nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation 

      [OWS-19] Groeneboom, Piet; Wellner, Jon A. (Birkhäuser Basel, 1992)
      This book contains the lecture notes for a DMV course presented by the authors at Gunzburg, Germany, in September, 1990. In the course we sketched the theory of information bounds for non parametric and semiparametric ...
    • Interfaces: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics 

      [OWS-51] Bänsch, Eberhard; Deckelnick, Klaus; Garcke, Harald; Pozzi, Paola (Birkhäuser (Springer Nature Switzerland), 2023)
      These lecture notes are dedicated to the mathematical modelling, analysis and computation of interfaces and free boundary problems appearing in geometry and in various applications, ranging from crystal growth, tumour ...
    • Introduction to coding theory and algebraic geometry 

      [OWS-12] Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van; Geer, Gerard van der (Birkhäuser Basel, 1988)
    • K-Theory for Group C*-Algebras and Semigroup C*-Algebras 

      [OWS-47] Cuntz, Joachim; Echterhoff, Siegfried; Li, Xin; Yu, Guoliang (Birkhäuser Basel, 2017)
      This book gives an account of the necessary background for group algebras and crossed products for actions of a group or a semigroup on a space and reports on some very recently developed techniques with applications to ...
    • Konvexität in der Komplexen Analysis 

      [OWS-02] Diederich, Klas; Lieb, Ingo (Birkhäuser Basel, 1981)
    • Laws of small numbers : extremes and rare events 

      [OWS-23] Falk, Michael; Hüsler, Jürg; Reiss, Rolf-Dieter (Birkhäuser Basel, 1994)
      Since the publication of the first edition of this seminar book in 1994, the theory and applications of extremes and rare events have enjoyed an enormous and still increasing interest. The intention of the book is to give ...
    • Lectures on Algebraic Statistics 

      [OWS-39] Drton, Mathias; Sturmfels, Bernd; Sullivant, Seth (Birkhäuser Basel, 2009)
      How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics? Why would a statistician working on factor analysis raise open problems about determinantal varieties? ...
    • Lectures on Hermitian-Einstein metrics for stable bundles and Kähler-Einstein metrics 

      [OWS-08] Siu, Yum-Tong (Birkhäuser Basel, 1987)
      These notes are based on the lectures I delivered at the German Mathematical Society Seminar in Schloss Michkeln in DUsseldorf in June. 1986 on Hermitian-Einstein metrics for stable bundles and Kahler-Einstein metrics. The ...
    • Lectures on spaces of nonpositive curvature : with an appendix by Misha Brin Ergodicity of geodesic flows 

      [OWS-25] Ballmann, Werner (Birkhäuser Basel, 1995)
      Singular spaces with upper curvature bounds and, in particular, spaces of nonpositive curvature, have been of interest in many fields, including geometric (and combinatorial) group theory, topology, dynamical systems and ...
    • Lectures on vanishing theorems 

      [OWS-20] Esnault, Hélène; Viehweg, Eckart (Birkhäuser Basel, 1992)
      Introduction M. Kodaira's vanishing theorem, saying that the inverse of an ample invert­ ible sheaf on a projective complex manifold X has no cohomology below the dimension of X and its generalization, due to Y. Akizuki ...
    • Mathematical Theory of Evolutionary Fluid-Flow Structure Interactions 

      [OWS-48] Kaltenbacher, Barbara; Kukavica, Igor; Lasiecka, Irena; Triggiani, Roberto; Tuffaha, Amjad; Webster, Justin T. (Birkhäuser (SpringerNature), 2018)
      This book is devoted to the study of coupled partial differential equation models, which describe complex dynamical systems occurring in modern scientific applications such as fluid/flow-structure interactions. The first ...
    • Mathematical theory of finite and boundary element methods 

      [OWS-15] Schatz, Alfred H.; Thomée, Vidar; Wendland, Wolfgang L. (Birkhäuser Basel, 1990)
      These are the lecture notes of the seminar "Mathematische Theorie der finiten Element­ und Randelementmethoden" organized by the "Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung" and held in Dusseldorf from 07. - 14. of June 1987. Finite ...
    • The mathematics of the Bose gas and its condensation 

      [OWS-34] Lieb, Elliott H.; Solovej, Jan Philip; Seiringer, Robert; Yngvason, Jakob (Birkhäuser Basel, 2005)
      This book contains a unique survey of the mathematically rigorous results about the quantum-mechanical many-body problem that have been obtained by the authors in the past seven years. It addresses a topic that is not only ...
    • Metric Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWS-53] Breiding, Paul; Kohn, Kathlén; Sturmfels, Bernd (Birkhäuser Cham, 2024-02-27)
      Metric algebraic geometry combines concepts from algebraic geometry and differential geometry. Building on classical foundations, it offers practical tools for the 21st century. Many applied problems center around metric ...