Browsing Oberwolfach Reports by MSC "46"
Now showing items 21-40 of 61
0548 - Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
[OWR-2005-54] (2005) - (27 Nov - 03 Dec 2005)The conference brought together mathematicians belonging to several fields, essentially analysis, probability and geometry. One of the main unifying topics was certainly the study of heat kernels in various contexts: ... -
1417 - Hilbert Modules and Complex Geometry
[OWR-2014-21] (2014) - (20 Apr - 26 Apr 2014)The major topics discussed in the workshop were Hilbert modules of analytic functions on domains in Cn, Toeplitz and Hankel operators, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and multiplier algebras, the interplay of complex ... -
0915b - Hilbert Modules and Complex Geometry
[OWR-2009-20] (2009) - (05 Apr - 11 Apr 2009)The major topics discussed in this workshop were Hilbert modules of analytic functions on domains in ℂn, Toeplitz and Hankel operators, the interplay of commutative algebra, complex analytic geometry and multivariable ... -
1936 - Innovative Approaches to the Numerical Approximation of PDEs
[OWR-2019-40] (2019) - (01 Sep - 07 Sep 2019)This workshop was about the numerical solution of PDEs for which classical approaches, such as the finite element method, are not well suited or need further (theoretical) underpinnings. A prominent example of PDEs for ... -
1819 - Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information
[OWR-2018-22] (2018) - (06 May - 12 May 2018)Operator space theory was the joining element of our workshop. This theory is a quantisation of the theory of Banach spaces. The talks at our meeting investigated the interactions of operator space theory with operator ... -
0651 - Konvexgeometrie
[OWR-2006-56] (2006) - (17 Dec - 23 Dec 2006)The geometry of convex domains in Euclidean space plays a central role in several branches of mathematics: functional and harmonic analysis, the theory of PDE, linear programming and, increasingly, in the study of other ... -
2212a - MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Nonlocality in Analysis, Probability and Statistics
[OWR-2022-15] (2022) - (20 Mar - 26 Mar 2022)The central theme of the workshop were nonlocal operators which appear in various branches of mathematics (PDEs, fractional calculus, stochastic processes, statistics). Although the basic concepts are similar, both language ... -
1215c - Mini-Workshop: Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-Algebras of Rings
[OWR-2012-20] (2012) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2012)The main aim of the workshop was to explore recent progress in the study of endomorphisms of $C*$-algebras, semigroup crossed products, graph algebras, ring $C*$-algebras, purely infinite $C*$-algebras and related algebraic ... -
1738a - Mini-Workshop: MASAs and Automorphisms of C*-Algebras
[OWR-2017-42] (2017) - (17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017)The main aim of this workshop was to study maximal abelian *-subalgebras of C*-algebras from various points of view. A chief motivation is the UCT problem, which asks whether all separable nuclear C*-algebras satisfy the ... -
1851c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Maxwell's Equations
[OWR-2018-57] (2018) - (16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018)In this mini-workshop 17 leading mathematicians from Europe and United States met at the MFO to discuss and present new developments in the mathematical and numerical analysis of Maxwell’s equations and related systems of ... -
1416a - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Physics meets Sparse Recovery
[OWR-2014-18] (2014) - (13 Apr - 19 Apr 2014)In recent years, there have been several fruitful interchanges of methods between the fields of sparse and low-rank recovery on the one hand and quantum information theory on the other hand. One way to understand this ... -
1941a - Mini-Workshop: Operator Algebraic Quantum Groups
[OWR-2019-45] (2019) - (06 Oct - 12 Oct 2019)This mini-workshop brought together a rich and varied cross-section of young and active researchers working on operator algebraic aspects of quantum group theory. The primary goals of this meeting were to highlight the ... -
1606a - Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Geometry in Interaction
[OWR-2016-6] (2016) - (07 Feb - 13 Feb 2016)In recent years, operator space theory has made remarkable appearances in noncommutative geometry, notably in the study of $C^*$-algebras of real reductive groups and the unbounded picture of Kasparov theory. In both these ... -
0533a - Mini-Workshop: Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions
[OWR-2005-36] (2005) - (14 Aug - 20 Aug 2005)The major topics discussed in this workshop were invariant subspaces of linear operators on Banach spaces of analytic functions, the ideal structure of H ∞ , asymptotics for condition numbers of large matrices, and questions ... -
0908b - Mini-Workshop: Product Systems and Independence in Quantum Dynamics
[OWR-2009-9] (2009) - (15 Feb - 21 Feb 2009)Quantum dynamics, both reversible (i.e., closed quantum systems) and irreversible (i.e., open quantum systems), gives rise to product systems of Hilbert spaces or, more generally, of Hilbert modules. When we consider ... -
2344b - Mini-Workshop: Standard Subspaces in Quantum Field Theory and Representation Theory
[OWR-2023-50] (2023) - (29 Oct - 03 Nov 2023)Real standard subspaces of complex Hilbert spaces are long \linebreak known to provide the right language for Tomita-Takesaki modular theory of von Neumann algebras. In recent years they have also become an object of ... -
1816c - Mini-Workshop: Superexpanders and Their Coarse Geometry
[OWR-2018-19] (2018) - (15 Apr - 21 Apr 2018)It is a deep open problem whether all expanders are superexpanders. In fact, it was already a major challenge to prove the mere existence of superexpanders. However, by now, some classes of examples are known: Lafforgue’s ... -
0438 - Nichtkommutative Geometrie
[OWR-2004-45] (2004) - (12 Sep - 18 Sep 2004)These notes contain the extended abstracts of talks given at the meeting on ’noncommutative geometry’ in September 2004. The range of topics includes index theory, algebraic and topological K-theory, cyclic homology, quantum ... -
2231 - Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology
[OWR-2022-35] (2022) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2022)The meeting displayed the cyclic theory as a fundamental mathematical tool with applications in diverse domains such as analysis, algebraic K-theory, algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, solid state physics and quantum ... -
2027 - Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-17] (2020) - (28 Jun - 04 Jul 2020)The workshop on "Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology" was attended by 16 participants on site. 30 participants could not travel to Oberwolfach because of the pandemia and took advantage of the videoconference tool. ...