Anzeige der Dokumente 241-260 von 1107

    • 2007 - Manifolds and Groups 

      [OWR-2020-7] Workshop Report 2020,7 (2020) - (09 Feb - 15 Feb 2020)
      The workshop concentrated on the interplay of advances in the understanding of manifolds and geometric group theory. In particular, we discussed mapping class groups and moduli spaces of manifolds (also of high ...
    • 2006b - New Perspectives and Computational Challenges in High Dimensions 

      [OWR-2020-6] Workshop Report 2020,6 (2020) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2020)
      High-dimensional systems are frequent in mathematics and applied sciences, and the understanding of high-dimensional phenomena has become increasingly important. The mathematical subdisciplines most strongly related to ...
    • 2006a - Boundary Element Methods 

      [OWR-2020-5] Workshop Report 2020,5 (2020) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2020)
      The field of boundary element methods (BEM) relies on recasting boundary value problems for (mostly linear) partial differential equations as (usually singular) integral equations on boundaries of domains or interfaces. ...
    • 2005 - Statistics meets Machine Learning 

      [OWR-2020-4] Workshop Report 2020,4 (2020) - (26 Jan - 01 Feb 2020)
      Theory and application go hand in hand in most areas of statistics. In a world flooded with huge amounts of data waiting to be analyzed, classified and transformed into useful outputs, the designing of fast, robust and ...
    • 1946a - Mini-Workshop: Algebraic Tools for Solving the Yang–Baxter Equation 

      [OWR-2019-51] Workshop Report 2019,51 (2019) - (10 Nov - 16 Nov 2019)
      The workshop was focused on three facets of the interplay between set-theoretic solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation and classical algebraic structures (groups, monoids, algebras, lattices, racks etc.): structures used ...
    • 1951 - Modular Forms 

      [OWR-2019-57] Workshop Report 2019,57 (2019) - (15 Dec - 21 Dec 2019)
      The theory of Modular Forms has been central in mathematics with a rich history and connections to many other areas of mathematics. The workshop explored recent developments and future directions with a ...
    • 2002 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2020-1] Workshop Report 2020,1 (2020) - (05 Jan - 11 Jan 2020)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline that focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The present workshop featured research in such diverse areas as Extremal, Probabilistic and ...
    • 1851c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Maxwell's Equations 

      [OWR-2018-57] Workshop Report 2018,57 (2018) - (16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018)
      In this mini-workshop 17 leading mathematicians from Europe and United States met at the MFO to discuss and present new developments in the mathematical and numerical analysis of Maxwell’s equations and related systems of ...
    • 1851b - Mini-Workshop: Innovative Trends in the Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Kinetic Equations 

      [OWR-2018-56] Workshop Report 2018,56 (2018) - (16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018)
      In multiscale modeling hierarchy, kinetic theory plays a vital role in connecting microscopic Newtonian mechanics and macroscopic continuum mechanics. As computing power grows, numerical simulation of kinetic equations has ...
    • 1851a - Mini-Workshop: Numerical Analysis for Non-Smooth PDE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems 

      [OWR-2018-55] Workshop Report 2018,55 (2018) - (16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018)
      This mini-workshop brought together leading experts working on various aspects of numerical analysis for optimal control problems with nonsmoothness. Fifteen extended abstracts summarize the presentations at this mini-workshop.
    • 1850 - Convex Geometry and its Applications 

      [OWR-2018-54] Workshop Report 2018,54 (2018) - (09 Dec - 15 Dec 2018)
      The geometry of convex domains in Euclidean space plays a central role in several branches of mathematics: functional and harmonic analysis, the theory of PDE, linear programming and, increasingly, in the study of algorithms ...
    • 1849 - Free Probability Theory 

      [OWR-2018-53] Workshop Report 2018,53 (2018) - (02 Dec - 08 Dec 2018)
      The workhop brought together leading experts, as well as promising young researchers, in areas related to recent developments in free probability theory. Some particular emphasis was on the relation of free probability ...
    • 1848 - Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 

      [OWR-2018-52] Workshop Report 2018,52 (2018) - (25 Nov - 01 Dec 2018)
      The workshop brought together experts investigating algebraic Lie theory from the geometric and categorical viewpoints.
    • 1846 - Complexity Theory 

      [OWR-2018-51] Workshop Report 2018,51 (2018) - (11 Nov - 17 Nov 2018)
      Computational Complexity Theory is the mathematical study of the intrinsic power and limitations of computational resources like time, space, or randomness. The current workshop focused on recent developments in various ...
    • 1845 - Combinatorial Optimization 

      [OWR-2018-50] Workshop Report 2018,50 (2018) - (04 Nov - 10 Nov 2018)
      Combinatorial Optimization is an active research area that developed from the rich interaction among many mathematical areas, including combinatorics, graph theory, geometry, optimization, probability, theoretical computer ...
    • 1844 - Emergence of Structures in Particle Systems: Mechanics, Analysis and Computation 

      [OWR-2018-49] Workshop Report 2018,49 (2018) - (28 Oct - 03 Nov 2018)
      The meeting focused on the last advances in particle systems. The talks covered a broad range of topics, ranging from questions in crystallization and atomistic systems to mesoscopic models of defects to machine learning ...
    • 1843 - Computational Engineering 

      [OWR-2018-48] Workshop Report 2018,48 (2018) - (21 Oct - 27 Oct 2018)
      This Workshop treated a variety of finite element methods and applications in computational engineering and expanded their mathematical foundation in engineering analysis. Among the 53 participants were mathematicians and ...
    • 1841 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Rigidity of Stationary Measure 

      [OWR-2018-47] Workshop Report 2018,47 (2018) - (07 Oct - 12 Oct 2018)
      The aim of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to understand the classification of stationary measures for semisimple random walks on a finite volume homogeneous space and its applications as described in the two papers [1] and [2].
    • 1840c - Mini-Workshop: Algebraic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Methods in Frame Theory 

      [OWR-2018-46] Workshop Report 2018,46 (2018) - (30 Sep - 06 Oct 2018)
      Frames are collections of vectors in a Hilbert space which have reconstruction properties similar to orthonormal bases and applications in areas such as signal and image processing, quantum information theory, quantization, ...
    • 1840b - Mini-Workshop: Asymptotic Invariants of Homogeneous Ideals 

      [OWR-2018-45] Workshop Report 2018,45 (2018) - (30 Sep - 06 Oct 2018)
      Recent decades have witnessed a shift in interest from isolated objects to families of objects and their limit behavior, both in algebraic geometry and in commutative algebra. A series of various invariants have been ...