Anzeige der Dokumente 921-940 von 1107

    • 0715a - Mini-Workshop: Shape Analysis for Eigenvalues 

      [OWR-2007-18] Workshop Report 2007,18 (2007) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2007)
      The main goal of the meeting was to bring together two mathematical communities working on the shape analysis of eigenvalues by quite different methods. On the one hand explicit solutions to optimal shape problems for ...
    • 0715b - Mini-Workshop: Geometric Measure Theoretic Approaches to Potentials on Fractals and Manifolds 

      [OWR-2007-19] Workshop Report 2007,19 (2007) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2007)
      The workshop brought together researchers and graduate students from different areas of mathematics, such as analysis, probability theory, geometry, and number theory. The topics of joint interest were motivated by recent ...
    • 0715c - Mini-Workshop: Positional Games 

      [OWR-2007-20] Workshop Report 2007,20 (2007) - (08 Apr - 14 Apr 2007)
      Positional games is one of rapidly developing subjects of modern combinatorics, researching two player perfect information games of combinatorial nature, ranging from recreational games like Tic-Tac-Toe to purely abstract ...
    • 0714 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Conformal Field Theory 

      [OWR-2007-17] Workshop Report 2007,17 (2007) - (01 Apr - 07 Apr 2007)
      The two major approaches to chiral conformal field theory – one based on operator algebras and one based on vertex algebras – both lead to representation categories which are tensor categories and, in the case of rational ...
    • 0713 - Graph Theory 

      [OWR-2007-16] Workshop Report 2007,16 (2007) - (25 Mar - 31 Mar 2007)
      This week broadly targeted both finite and infinite graph theory, as well as matroids, including their interaction with other areas of pure mathematics. The talks were complemented by informal workshops focussing on specific ...
    • 0712 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics 

      [OWR-2007-15] Workshop Report 2007,15 (2007) - (18 Mar - 24 Mar 2007)
      The main objective of this workshop was to bring together mathematical statisticians and econometricians who work in the field of nonparametric and semiparametric statistical methods. Nonparametric and semiparametric methods ...
    • 0711 - Reelle Algebraische Geometrie 

      [OWR-2007-14] Workshop Report 2007,14 (2007) - (11 Mar - 17 Mar 2007)
      This workshop was organized by Michel Coste (Rennes), Claus Scheiderer (Konstanz) and Niels Schwartz (Passau). The talks focussed on recent developments in real enumerative and tropical geometry, positivity and sums of ...
    • 0710b - Inverse Problems in Wave Scattering 

      [OWR-2007-13] Workshop Report 2007,13 (2007) - (04 Mar - 10 Mar 2007)
      The workshop treated inverse problems for partial differential equations, especially inverse scattering problems, and their applications in technology. While special attention was paid to sampling methods, decomposition ...
    • 0710a - Transport in Multi-Dimensional Random Schrödinger Operators 

      [OWR-2007-12] Workshop Report 2007,12 (2007) - (04 Mar - 10 Mar 2007)
      Random Schrödinger operators are a topic of common interest in
    • 0709 - Analysis and Numerics for Rate-Independent Processes 

      [OWR-2007-11] Workshop Report 2007,11 (2007) - (25 Feb - 03 Mar 2007)
    • 0708a - Normal Families and Complex Dynamics 

      [OWR-2007-9] Workshop Report 2007,9 (2007) - (18 Feb - 24 Feb 2007)
      The schedule comprised more than 25 ordinary and problem session talks from a broad range of areas in function theory, including but not limited to: Nevanlinna theory, iteration of rational functions, dynamics of transcendental ...
    • 0708b - Recent Developments in Financial and Insurance Mathematics and the Interplay with the Industry 

      [OWR-2007-10] Workshop Report 2007,10 (2007) - (18 Feb - 24 Feb 2007)
      The workshop brought together leading experts from all over the world to exchange and discuss the latest developments in mathematical finance and actuarial mathematics. Researchers from the industry had the opportunity to ...
    • 0707c - Mini-Workshop: Control of Free Boundaries 

      [OWR-2007-8] Workshop Report 2007,8 (2007) - (11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007)
      The field of the mathematical and numerical analysis of systems of nonlinear pdes involving interfaces and free boundaries is a burgeoning area of research. Many such systems arise from mathematical models in material ...
    • 0707b - Mini-Workshop: Levy Processes and Related Topics in Modelling 

      [OWR-2007-7] Workshop Report 2007,7 (2007) - (11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007)
      The focus of the meeting was on recent ongoing research and new ideas in the area of infinite divisibility and Lévy processes, with particular view to realistic modelling. As regards more applied aspects, work in mathematical ...
    • 0707a - Mini-Workshop: Multiscale and Variational Methods in Material Science and Quantum Theory of Solids 

      [OWR-2007-6] Workshop Report 2007,6 (2007) - (11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007)
      This workshop brought together 18 scientists from three different mathematical communities: (i) random Schrödinger operators, (ii) quantum mechanics of interacting atoms, and (iii) mathematical materials science. Several ...
    • 0706 - Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics 

      [OWR-2007-5] Workshop Report 2007,5 (2007) - (04 Feb - 10 Feb 2007)
      It is a moot point to stress the significance of accurate and fast numerical methods for the simulation of electromagnetic fields and sound propagation for modern technology. This has triggered a surge of research in ...
    • 0705 - Geometric and Topological Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2007-4] Workshop Report 2007,4 (2007) - (28 Jan - 03 Feb 2007)
      The 2007 Oberwolfach meeting “Geometric and Topological Combinatorics” presented a great variety of investigations where topological and algebraic methods are brought into play to solve combinatorial and geometric problems, ...
    • 0704 - Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing 

      [OWR-2007-3] Workshop Report 2007,3 (2007) - (21 Jan - 27 Jan 2007)
      Motivated both by industrial applications and the challenge of new problems, one observes an increasing interest in the field of image and surface processing over the last years. It has become clear that even though the ...
    • 0703 - Model Theory and Groups 

      [OWR-2007-2] Workshop Report 2007,2 (2007) - (14 Jan - 20 Jan 2007)
      The aim of the workshop was to discuss the connections between model theory and group theory. Main topics have been the interaction between geometric group theory and model theory, the study of the asymptotic behaviour of ...
    • 0702 - Affine Algebraic Geometry 

      [OWR-2007-1] Workshop Report 2007,1 (2007) - (07 Jan - 13 Jan 2007)
      Affine geometry deals with algebro-geometric questions of affine varieties that are treated with methods coming from various areas of mathematics like commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic, complex analytic and ...