Now showing items 521-540 of 1107

    • 1414 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Superrigidity 

      [OWR-2014-16] Workshop Report 2014,16 (2014) - (30 Mar - 05 Apr 2014)
      The purpose of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to review old and new phenomenas of rigidity in mathematics. The broad spectrum of such results was covered, such as Margulis-Zimmer superrigidity, cocyle and character rigidity.
    • 1413 - Flat Surfaces and Dynamics on Moduli Space 

      [OWR-2014-15] Workshop Report 2014,15 (2014) - (23 Mar - 29 Mar 2014)
      Dynamics of the Teichmüller geodesic flow on the moduli space of curves and asymptotic monodromy of the Hodge bundle along this flow have numerous applications to dynamics and geometry of measured foliations, to billiards ...
    • 1412 - Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Analysis and Numerics 

      [OWR-2014-14] Workshop Report 2014,14 (2014) - (16 Mar - 22 Mar 2014)
      The workshop was devoted to the analytical and numerical investigation of nonlinear evolution equations. The main aim was to stimulate a closer interaction between experts in analytical and numerical methods for areas such ...
    • 1411 - Adaptive Statistical Inference 

      [OWR-2014-13] Workshop Report 2014,13 (2014) - (09 Mar - 15 Mar 2014)
      This workshop in mathematical statistics highlights recent advances in adaptive methods for statistical estimation, testing and confidence sets. Related open mathematical problems are discussed with potential impact on the ...
    • 1410 - Enumerative Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2014-12] Workshop Report 2014,12 (2014) - (02 Mar - 08 Mar 2014)
      Enumerative Combinatorics focusses on the exact and asymptotic counting of combinatorial objects. It is strongly connected to the probabilistic analysis of large combinatorial structures and has fruitful connections to ...
    • 1409c - Mini-Workshop: Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebras, Operads, and Hopf Algebroids 

      [OWR-2014-11] Workshop Report 2014,11 (2014) - (23 Feb - 01 Mar 2014)
      This workshop brought together 17 researchers whose work involves Batalin–Vilkovisky algebras, operads, and related structures such as Gerstenhaber algebras and cyclic homology. It featured introductory lectures on some ...
    • 1409a - Mini-Workshop: Kähler Groups 

      [OWR-2014-9] Workshop Report 2014,9 (2014) - (23 Feb - 01 Mar 2014)
      We reviewed recent advances in the study of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds, involving an interesting mix of complex geometry, harmonic maps and non-Abelian Hodge theory, and geometric group theory. There ...
    • 1409b - Mini-Workshop: Negative Curves on Algebraic Surfaces 

      [OWR-2014-10] Workshop Report 2014,10 (2014) - (23 Feb - 01 Mar 2014)
      Negative curves play a prominent role in the geometry of projective surfaces. They occur naturally as the irreducible components of exceptional loci of resolutions of surface singularities, at the same time, they are closely ...
    • 1408 - Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras 

      [OWR-2014-8] Workshop Report 2014,8 (2014) - (16 Feb - 22 Feb 2014)
      Methods and results from the representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of mathematics. Such areas include the theory of Lie algebras and quantum groups, ...
    • 1407 - New Trends in Teichmüller Theory and Mapping Class Groups 

      [OWR-2014-7] Workshop Report 2014,7 (2014) - (09 Feb - 15 Feb 2014)
      The program “New Trends in Teichmüller Theory and Mapping Class Groups” brought together people working in various aspects of the field and beyond. The focus was on the recent developments that include higher Teichmüller ...
    • 1406b - Dirichlet Series and Function Theory in Polydiscs 

      [OWR-2014-6] Workshop Report 2014,6 (2014) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2014)
      The interaction between Dirichlet series and function theory in polydiscs dates back to a fundamental insight of Harald Bohr and the subsequent groundbreaking work on multilinear forms and polarization by Bohnenblust and ...
    • 1406a - Langlands Correspondence and Constructive Galois Theory 

      [OWR-2014-5] Workshop Report 2014,5 (2014) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2014)
      Recent progress in the Langlands programm provides a significant step towards the understanding of the arithmetic of global fields. The geometric Langlands program provides a systematic way to construct l-adic sheaves ...
    • 1405 - Mixing, Transport and Coherent Structures 

      [OWR-2014-4] Workshop Report 2014,4 (2014) - (26 Jan - 01 Feb 2014)
      The subject of this workshop was coherent structures, which play a significant role in the transport and mixing of passive and active scalars in fluids on a wide range of spatial scales. Participants coming from diverse ...
    • 1404 - Representation Theory and Analysis of Reductive Groups: Spherical Spaces and Hecke Algebras 

      [OWR-2014-3] Workshop Report 2014,3 (2014) - (19 Jan - 25 Jan 2014)
      The workshop gave an overview of current research in the representation theory and analysis of reductive Lie groups and its relation to spherical varieties and Hecke algebras. The participants and the speakers represented ...
    • 1403 - Set Theory 

      [OWR-2014-2] Workshop Report 2014,2 (2014) - (12 Jan - 18 Jan 2014)
      This stimulating workshop featured a broad selection of some of the most important recent developments in combinatorial set theory, the theory and applications of forcing, large cardinal theory and descriptive set theory.
    • 1402 - Combinatorics 

      [OWR-2014-1] Workshop Report 2014,1 (2014) - (05 Jan - 11 Jan 2014)
      Combinatorics is a fundamental mathematical discipline which focuses on the study of discrete objects and their properties. The current workshop brought together researchers from diverse fields such as Extremal and ...
    • 1351 - Material Theories 

      [OWR-2013-59] Workshop Report 2013,59 (2013) - (15 Dec - 21 Dec 2013)
      The subject of this meeting was mathematical modeling of strongly interacting multi-particle systems that can be interpreted as advanced materials. The main emphasis was placed on contributions attempting to bridge the gap ...
    • 1350 - Cluster Algebras and Related Topics 

      [OWR-2013-58] Workshop Report 2013,58 (2013) - (08 Dec - 14 Dec 2013)
      Cluster algebras are a class of commutative algebras intoduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky in 2000. Their original purpose was to obtain a combinatorial approach to Lusztig’s dual canonical bases of quantum groups and to total ...
    • 1349 - Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems 

      [OWR-2013-57] Workshop Report 2013,57 (2013) - (01 Dec - 07 Dec 2013)
      This meeting was focused on recent results on the mathematical analysis of many-particle systems, both classical and quantum-mechanical in scaling regimes such that the methods of kinetic theory can be expected to apply. ...
    • 1347 - Numerical Solution of PDE Eigenvalue Problems 

      [OWR-2013-56] Workshop Report 2013,56 (2013) - (17 Nov - 23 Nov 2013)
      This workshop brought together researchers from many different areas of numerical analysis, scientific computing and application areas, ranging from quantum mechanics, acoustic field computation to material science, working ...