Now showing items 61-80 of 1107

    • 2242 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quantitative Stochastic Homogenization 

      [OWR-2022-48] Workshop Report 2022,48 (2022) - (16 Oct - 22 Oct 2022)
      Homogenization means approximating the effective, i.e. macroscopic, behavior of a heterogeneous medium by a homogeneous one, which amounts to a substantial conceptual and practical reduction of complexity. Stochastic ...
    • 2240c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Robust and Generalizable Learning 

      [OWR-2022-46] Workshop Report 2022,46 (2022) - (02 Oct - 08 Oct 2022)
      Machine learning has become an highly active field of research, but its mathematical underpinnings are still hardly understood. This workshop identified key challenges, and it discussed potential solutions. Bringing ...
    • 2238 - Multiscale Wave-Turbulence Dynamics in the Atmosphere and Ocean 

      [OWR-2022-42] Workshop Report 2022,42 (2022) - (18 Sep - 24 Sep 2022)
      The atmosphere and oceans present an ongoing first-rate challenge to science and mathematics because they operate on an extremely broad ranges of scales, from molecular to planetary in length and from below seconds ...
    • 2241 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Higher Rank Teichmüller Theory 

      [OWR-2022-47] Workshop Report 2022,47 (2022) - (09 Oct - 14 Oct 2022)
      Higher rank Teichmüller theory is the study of certain connected components of character varieties of surface groups in higher rank semisimple Lie groups, with the property that all elements in these components correspond ...
    • 2237 - Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics 

      [OWR-2022-41] Workshop Report 2022,41 (2022) - (11 Sep - 17 Sep 2022)
      The goal of this workshop was to explore the recent advances in the mathematical understanding of the macroscopic properties which emerge on large space-time scales from interacting microscopic particle systems. The ...
    • 2236 - Complex Geometry and Dynamical Systems 

      [OWR-2022-40] Workshop Report 2022,40 (2022) - (04 Sep - 10 Sep 2022)
      The workshop focused on recent developments in holomorphic dynamics, several complex variables and complex geometry. The topics of the talks included dynamics of holomorphic and rational maps, the theory of currents, ...
    • 2235 - Character Theory and Categorification 

      [OWR-2022-39] Workshop Report 2022,39 (2022) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2022)
      Over a hundred years after the work of Frobenius and Schur, the sheer enormity of what is not known about the character theory of symmetric and alternating groups continues to surprise and awe the uninitiated. How does ...
    • 2229 - The Renormalization Group 

      [OWR-2022-33] Workshop Report 2022,33 (2022) - (17 Jul - 23 Jul 2022)
      The renormalization group was originally introduced as a multiscale approach to quantum field theory and the theory of critical phenomena, explaining in particular the universality observed e.g. in critical exponents. ...
    • 2234 - Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing 

      [OWR-2022-38] Workshop Report 2022,38 (2022) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2022)
      This workshop was gathering applied mathematicians and computer scientists interested in image and geometry processing. These topics have developed tremendously in the past few years with the rise of artificial ...
    • 2232 - C*-Algebras 

      [OWR-2022-36] Workshop Report 2022,36 (2022) - (07 Aug - 13 Aug 2022)
      Operator algebras form a very active area of mathematics which, since its inception in the 1940s, has always been driven by interactions with other fields of mathematics and physics. The scope of these interactions is very ...
    • 2233 - Calculus of Variations 

      [OWR-2022-37] Workshop Report 2022,37 (2022) - (14 Aug - 20 Aug 2022)
      The Calculus of Variations is at the same time a classical subject, with long-standing open questions which have generated exciting discoveries in recent decades, and a modern subject in which new types of questions ...
    • 2230 - Topologie 

      [OWR-2022-34] Workshop Report 2022,34 (2022) - (24 Jul - 30 Jul 2022)
      The lectures in the workshop covered various topics in modern topology, including algebraic and geometric topology, homotopy theory, geometric group theory, and manifold topology, as well as connections to neighboring ...
    • 2231 - Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology 

      [OWR-2022-35] Workshop Report 2022,35 (2022) - (31 Jul - 06 Aug 2022)
      The meeting displayed the cyclic theory as a fundamental mathematical tool with applications in diverse domains such as analysis, algebraic K-theory, algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, solid state physics and quantum ...
    • 2226 - Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations 

      [OWR-2022-30] Workshop Report 2022,30 (2022) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2022)
      Nonlinear dispersive equations are models for nonlinear waves in a wide range of physical contexts. Mathematically they display an interplay between linear dispersion and nonlinear interactions, which can result in a ...
    • 2228 - Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects 

      [OWR-2022-32] Workshop Report 2022,32 (2022) - (10 Jul - 16 Jul 2022)
      The workshop covered recent developments in algebraic geometry in a broad sense with a special emphasis on various moduli spaces. Problems related to mirror symmetry phenomena were discussed in a number of talks as well ...
    • 2221 - Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in PDE 

      [OWR-2022-26] Workshop Report 2022,26 (2022) - (22 May - 28 May 2022)
      Over the last few years there has been spectacular progress in the study of parabolic SPDE, of nonlinear dispersive and wave equations and of probabilistic methods in PDE. An important direction connecting these three ...
    • 2217 - Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 

      [OWR-2022-22] Workshop Report 2022,22 (2022) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2022)
      The main theme of this workshop was the use of probabilistic methods in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. This area is evolving extremely quickly, with the introduction of powerful new methods and the development ...
    • 2220 - Re-thinking High-dimensional Mathematical Statistics 

      [OWR-2022-25] Workshop Report 2022,25 (2022) - (15 May - 21 May 2022)
      The workshop highlighted recent theoretical advances on inference in high-dimensional statistical models based on the interplay of techniques from mathematical statistics, machine learning, theoretical computer science ...
    • 2208 - Data Assimilation - Mathematical Foundation and Applications 

      [OWR-2022-10] Workshop Report 2022,10 (2022) - (20 Feb - 26 Feb 2022)
      The field of "Data Assimilation'' has been driven by applications from the geosciences where complex mathematical models are interfaced with observational data in order to improve model forecasts. Mathematically, data ...
    • 2219 - Algebraic K-Theory 

      [OWR-2022-24] Workshop Report 2022,24 (2022) - (08 May - 14 May 2022)
      Algebraic $K$-theory has seen further progress during the last three years. One important aspect of this recent progress has been a better conceptual understanding of motivic filtrations on $K$-theory and the systematic ...