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    • 0851 - Dynamics of Patterns 

      [OWR-2008-57] Workshop Report 2008,57 (2008) - (14 Dec - 20 Dec 2008)
      This workshop focused on the dynamics of nonlinear waves and spatio-temporal patterns, which arise in functional and partial differential equations. Among the outstanding problems in this area are the dynamical selection ...
    • 0850 - Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 

      [OWR-2008-56] Workshop Report 2008,56 (2008) - (07 Dec - 13 Dec 2008)
      The subject of this workshop concerned the analysis and numerical investigation of hyperbolic systems. In particular the interactions between theoretical and numerical contributions were in the focus of this meeting. Many ...
    • 0849 - Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics 

      [OWR-2008-55] Workshop Report 2008,55 (2008) - (30 Nov - 06 Dec 2008)
      It is widely recognised that stochastic effects need to be included in the modelling of many physical systems, while reciprocally the sciences provide a challenging potential area of application of stochastic processes. ...
    • 0847c - Mini-Workshop: Group Actions on Curves: Reduction and Lifting 

      [OWR-2008-54] Workshop Report 2008,54 (2008) - (16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008)
      Group actions on algebraic curves over local, global and finite fields play an important role in modern algebraic and arithmetic geometry. From the arithmetic perspective, the most difficult and interesting case occurs ...
    • 0847b - Mini-Workshop: Symmetric Varieties and Involutions of Algebraic Groups 

      [OWR-2008-53] Workshop Report 2008,53 (2008) - (16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008)
      This conference brought together experts from the areas of algebraic groups, Kac–Moody groups, Tits buildings, and symmetric varieties. The main theme presented and discussed during the workshop was the geometry of involutions ...
    • 0847a - Mini-Workshop: Numerics for Kinetic Equations 

      [OWR-2008-52] Workshop Report 2008,52 (2008) - (16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008)
      Kinetic equations are crucial to an adequate description of many processes of scientific and industrial importance. In recent years there have been intensified research activities in the field of numerical algorithms for ...
    • 0846 - Combinatorial Optimization 

      [OWR-2008-51] Workshop Report 2008,51 (2008) - (09 Nov - 15 Nov 2008)
      The field of Combinatorial Optimization brings together techniques from a variety of mathematical disciplines to study optimization problems over discrete structures. The field is very active and continues to make strong ...
    • 0845a - Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems and Their Applications 

      [OWR-2008-50] Workshop Report 2008,50 (2008) - (02 Nov - 08 Nov 2008)
      The theory of infinite dimensional random dynamical systems shares many of the concepts and results for finite dimensional random dynamical systems, but with considerably more technical complications. Many examples are ...
    • 0844 - Von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory of Group Actions 

      [OWR-2008-49] Workshop Report 2008,49 (2008) - (26 Oct - 01 Nov 2008)
      The theory of von Neumann algebras has seen some dramatic advances in the last few years. Von Neumann algebras are objects which can capture and analyze symmetries of mathematical or physical situations whenever these ...
    • 0843a - New Perspectives in Stochastic Geometry 

      [OWR-2008-47] Workshop Report 2008,47 (2008) - (19 Oct - 25 Oct 2008)
      The workshop was devoted to the discussion and exploration of recent developments in stochastic geometry. Two main themes were new results and methodology in classical stochastic geometry and allocation and matching ...
    • 0843b - Trends and Developments in Complex Dynamics 

      [OWR-2008-48] Workshop Report 2008,48 (2008) - (19 Oct - 25 Oct 2008)
      We will focus on five aspects of holomorphic dynamics with recent and substantial progress: holomorphic dynamical systems with more than one active or free critical point, dynamics in several complex variables, Thurston’s ...
    • 0841 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Ricci Flow and the Poincare Conjecture 

      [OWR-2008-46] Workshop Report 2008,46 (2008) - (05 Oct - 11 Oct 2008)
      It was the aim of this workshop to introduce the participants to the basic concepts and techniques of Hamilton’s Ricciflow programme and cover the main ideas of the proof of the Poincar´e conjecture. This was accomplished ...
    • 0840 - Geometry and Arithmetic around Hypergeometric Functions 

      [OWR-2008-45] Workshop Report 2008,45 (2008) - (28 Sep - 04 Oct 2008)
      Hypergeometric functions form a classical subject of Mathematics providing an interesting link between apparently quite different fields of research like differential equations, group theory, differential geometry, physics, ...
    • 0839 - Discrete Geometry 

      [OWR-2008-44] Workshop Report 2008,44 (2008) - (21 Sep - 27 Sep 2008)
      A number of remarkable recent developments in many branches of discrete geometry have been presented at the workshop, some of them demonstrating strong interactions with other fields of mathematics (such as harmonic analysis ...
    • 0838 - Topologie 

      [OWR-2008-43] Workshop Report 2008,43 (2008) - (14 Sep - 20 Sep 2008)
      This conference is one of the few occasions where researchers from many different areas in algebraic and geometric topology are able to meet and exchange ideas. Accordingly, the program covered a wide range of new developments ...
    • 0837 - Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry 

      [OWR-2008-42] Workshop Report 2008,42 (2008) - (07 Sep - 13 Sep 2008)
      The workshop ”Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry” brought together experts in these different but close and interactive mathematical directions. The activities included talks by world renown ...
    • 0836b - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Approaches to Collective Phenomena in Large Quantum Systems 

      [OWR-2008-40] Workshop Report 2008,40 (2008) - (31 Aug - 06 Sep 2008)
      Despite enormous progress in the last couple of decades, collective phenomena still mark one of the basic challenges of mathematical statistical mechanics. A number of approaches have been developed that provide a rigorous ...
    • 0836a - Mini-Workshop: The Mathematics of Growth and Remodelling of Soft Biological Tissues 

      [OWR-2008-39] Workshop Report 2008,39 (2008) - (31 Aug - 06 Sep 2008)
      Biology is becoming one of the most attractive fields of application of mathematics. The discoveries that have characterized the biological sciences in the last decades have become the most fertile matter for application ...
    • 0836c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Biological Membranes 

      [OWR-2008-41] Workshop Report 2008,41 (2008) - (31 Aug - 06 Sep 2008)
      The focus of this workshop was the modeling, analysis and numerical simulation of biological membranes. The fundamental models which characterize equilibria are based on bending energies such as the Helfrich energy and ...
    • 0835 - Komplexe Analysis 

      [OWR-2008-38] Workshop Report 2008,38 (2008) - (24 Aug - 30 Aug 2008)
      The main aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. The topics included: classification of higher dimensional varieties, Kähler geometry and moduli spaces.