Browsing Workshops 2010 by Title
Now showing items 18-37 of 57
1008 - Graph Theory
[OWR-2010-11] (2010) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 2010)Highlights of this workshop on structural graph theory included new developments on graph and matroid minors, continuous structures arising as limits of finite graphs, and new approaches to higher graph connectivity via ... -
1027 - Homogeneous Dynamics and Number Theory
[OWR-2010-29] (2010) - (04 Jul - 10 Jul 2010)The theory of flows on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups has emerged as a distinct, rapidly advancing subject over the last few decades incorporating ergodic theory, geometry and number theory. The workshop showcased the ... -
1046a - Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory
[OWR-2010-51] (2010) - (14 Nov - 20 Nov 2010)The workshop focussed on recent developments in infinite-dimensional Lie theory. The talks covered a broad range of topics, such as structure and classification theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, geometry of ... -
1019 - Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
[OWR-2010-22] (2010) - (09 May - 15 May 2010)The aim of this workshop was to communicate the most current developments in the field of noncommutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry and representation theory. -
1035 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2010-39] (2010) - (29 Aug - 04 Sep 2010)The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. Special emphasis was put on the interaction between model theory and the classification theory of complex ... -
1045 - Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
[OWR-2010-50] (2010) - (07 Nov - 13 Nov 2010)In focus are interacting stochastic systems with many components, ranging from stochastic partial differential equations to discrete systems as interacting particles on a lattice moving through random jumps. More specifically ... -
1033 - Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2010-35] (2010) - (15 Aug - 21 Aug 2010)The workshop on Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory brought together researchers in these areas with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory. Some ... -
1042 - Mathematical Challenges in Stochastic Networks
[OWR-2010-48] (2010) - (17 Oct - 23 Oct 2010)The workshop was devoted to the discussion of recent progress in modern stochastic network theory and to the exploration of open mathematical challenging problems in the field. The workshop covered a wide range of mathematical ... -
1032 - Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean-Science
[OWR-2010-34] (2010) - (08 Aug - 14 Aug 2010)Participants from around the world gathered to review application and development of mathematics in relation to problems in the atmospheric, oceanic and climate sciences. -
1015 - Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography
[OWR-2010-18] (2010) - (11 Apr - 17 Apr 2010)This is the eighth Oberwolfach conference on the mathematics of tomography. Modalities represented at the workshop included X-ray tomography, sonar, radar, seismic imaging, ultrasound, electron microscopy, impedance imaging, ... -
1011 - Microstructures in Solids: From Quantum Models to Continua
[OWR-2010-14] (2010) - (14 Mar - 20 Mar 2010)The mathematical theory of solids was studied from the modern perspective of materials with microcstructures. The discussed topics ranged from experimental findings, via numerical simulations and mathematical modeling to ... -
1050a - Mini-Workshop: 1-Motives
[OWR-2010-55] (2010) - (12 Dec - 18 Dec 2010)One-motives were introduced by Deligne in 1974 [10], as a generalization of the theory of semiabelian varieties. Viewed today, after Voevodsky’s theory of mixed motives [31], it can be understood as motives of level ≤ 1. ... -
1050c - Mini-Workshop: Algebraic and Analytic Techniques for Polynomial Vector Fields
[OWR-2010-57] (2010) - (12 Dec - 18 Dec 2010)Polynomial vector fields are in the focus of research in various areas of mathematics and its applications. As a consequence, researchers from rather different disciplines work with polynomial vector fields. The main goal ... -
1034b - Mini-Workshop: Combinatorics on Words
[OWR-2010-37] (2010) - (22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010)The area of combinatorics on words is concerned with properties of sequences of symbols. It is characteristic to the field that questions arise from various mathematical problems, and hence, many fundamental results on ... -
1034c - Mini-Workshop: Exploiting Symmetry in Optimization
[OWR-2010-38] (2010) - (22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010)The feasible regions of mathematical optimization models quite often exhibit a high degree of symmetry. In recent years, several groups of researchers have independently worked on algorithmic approaches to exploit such ... -
1040c - Mini-Workshop: Higher Dimensional Elliptic Fibrations
[OWR-2010-46] (2010) - (03 Oct - 09 Oct 2010)Elliptic fibrations play a central role in the geometry of complex surfaces, and there is a comprehensive array of theory and examples. They arise also as a tool in many applications, such as the construction of rational ... -
1003a - Mini-Workshop: History of Mathematics in Germany, 1920 - 1960
[OWR-2010-3] (2010) - (17 Jan - 23 Jan 2010)The Mini-Workshop dealt with the history of mathematics in Germany between 1920 and 1960, with a particular focus on the social history of mathematics. For the period under discussion research in the history of mathematics ... -
1040b - Mini-Workshop: Linear Series on Algebraic Varieties
[OWR-2010-45] (2010) - (03 Oct - 09 Oct 2010)Linear series have long played a central role in algebraic geometry. In recent years, starting with seminal papers by Demailly and Ein-Lazarsfeld, local properties of linear series – in particular local positivity, as measured ... -
1034a - Mini-Workshop: Mechanics of Cell Motion
[OWR-2010-36] (2010) - (22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010)This mini-workshop brought together established researchers and newer entrants in the field of cell motility, a challenging research area located at the crossroads of biology, mathematics and physics. Cell locomotion ... -
1003c - Mini-Workshop: Semiparametric Modelling of Multivariate Economic Time Series With Changing Dynamics
[OWR-2010-5] (2010) - (17 Jan - 23 Jan 2010)Modelling multivariate time series of possibly high dimension calls for appropriate dimension-reduction, e.g. by some factor modelling, additive modelling, or some simplified parametric structure for the dynamics (i.e. the ...