Workshops 2016
Workshops 2016
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Now showing items 41-60 of 60
1614 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: The Geometric Langlands Conjecture
[OWR-2016-20] (2016) - (03 Apr - 09 Apr 2016)The Langlands program is a vast, loosely connected, collection of theorems and conjectures. At quite different ends, there is the geometric Langlands program, which deals with perverse sheaves on the stack of $G$-bundles ... -
1613 - Toric Geometry
[OWR-2016-19] (2016) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2016)Toric geometry is a subfield of algebraic geometry with deep intersections with combinatorics. This workshop brought together researchers working in toric geometry, applying toric geometry elsewhere in algebraic geometry, ... -
1612 - Geometric Numerical Integration
[OWR-2016-18] (2016) - (20 Mar - 26 Mar 2016)The subject of this workshop was numerical methods that preserve geometric properties of the flow of an ordinary or partial differential equation. This was complemented by the question as to how structure preservation ... -
1611 - Mechanics of Materials: Mechanics of Interfaces and Evolving Microstructure
[OWR-2016-17] (2016) - (13 Mar - 19 Mar 2016)Emphasis in modern day efforts in mechanics of materials is increasingly directed towards integration with computational materials science, which itself rests on solid physical and mathematical foundations in thermodynamics ... -
1610 - Computationally and Statistically Efficient Inference for Complex Large-scale Data
[OWR-2016-16] (2016) - (06 Mar - 12 Mar 2016)The aim of the highly successful workshop Computationally and statistically efficient inference for large-scale and heterogeneous data was to foster dissemination and collaboration between researchers in the area of ... -
1609b - Mini-Workshop: Arrangements of Subvarieties, and their Applications in Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2016-14] (2016) - (28 Feb - 05 Mar 2016)While arrangements of hyperplanes have been studied in algebra, combinatorics and geometry for a long time, recent discoveries suggest that they (and more generally arrangements of nonlinear subvarieties) play an even more ... -
1609c - Mini-Workshop: Topological Complexity and Related Topics
[OWR-2016-15] (2016) - (28 Feb - 05 Mar 2016)Topological complexity is a numerical homotopy invariant of topological spaces, of Lusternik-Schnirelmann type, introduced by Farber and motivated by the motion planning problem from topological robotics. This mini-workshop ... -
1609a - Mini-Workshop: PBW Structures in Representation Theory
[OWR-2016-13] (2016) - (28 Feb - 05 Mar 2016)The PBW structures play a very important role in the Lie theory and in the theory of algebraic groups. The importance is due to the huge number of possible applications. The main goal of the workshop was to bring together ... -
1608b - New Developments in Functional and Highly Multivariate Statistical Methodology
[OWR-2016-12] (2016) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016)The central focus of the workshop was on recent developments in statistical techniques for highly multivariate data and functional data. The programme delivered talks on state-of-the-art research in the area, with a number ... -
1608a - Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
[OWR-2016-11] (2016) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016)The workshop was dedicated to new developments in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, the study of high-dimensional geometric objects by analytic and probabilistic means, and its interplay with other fields such as functional ... -
1607a - Topological Recursion and TQFTs
[OWR-2016-9] (2016) - (14 Feb - 20 Feb 2016)The topological recursion is an ubiquitous structure in enumerative geometry of surfaces and topological quantum field theories. Since its invention in the context of matrix models, it has been found or conjectured to ... -
1607b - Hochschild Cohomology in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
[OWR-2016-10] (2016) - (14 Feb - 20 Feb 2016)In 1945 Gerhard Hochschild published "On the cohomology groups of an associative algebra" in the Annals of Mathematics and thereby created what is now called Hochschild theory. In 1963, Murray Gerstenhaber proved that the ... -
1606a - Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Geometry in Interaction
[OWR-2016-6] (2016) - (07 Feb - 13 Feb 2016)In recent years, operator space theory has made remarkable appearances in noncommutative geometry, notably in the study of $C^*$-algebras of real reductive groups and the unbounded picture of Kasparov theory. In both these ... -
1606b - Mini-Workshop: Applied Koopmanism
[OWR-2016-7] (2016) - (07 Feb - 13 Feb 2016)Koopman and Perron–Frobenius operators are linear operators that encapsulate dynamics of nonlinear dynamical systems without loss of information. This is accomplished by embedding the dynamics into a larger infinite-dimensional ... -
1606c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis
[OWR-2016-8] (2016) - (07 Feb - 13 Feb 2016)Isogeometric Analysis (IgA) is a new paradigm which is designed to merge two so far disjoint disciplines, namely, numerical simulations for partial differential equations (PDEs) and applied geometry. Initiated by the ... -
1605 - Algebraic Cobordism and Projective Homogeneous Varieties
[OWR-2016-5] (2016) - (31 Jan - 06 Feb 2016)The aim of this workshop was to bring together researchers in the theory of projective homogeneous varieties with researchers working on cohomology theories of algebraic varieties, so that the latter can learn about the ... -
1604 - Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
[OWR-2016-4] (2016) - (24 Jan - 30 Jan 2016)Within the last decade image and geometry processing have become increasingly rigorous with solid foundations in mathematics. Both areas are research fields at the intersection of different mathematical disciplines, ranging ... -
1603 - Lattices and Applications in Number Theory
[OWR-2016-3] (2016) - (17 Jan - 23 Jan 2016)This is a report on the workshop on Lattices and Applications in Number Theory held in Oberwolfach, from January 17 to January 23, 2016. The workshop brought together people working in various areas related to the field: ... -
1602 - Graph Theory
[OWR-2016-2] (2016) - (10 Jan - 16 Jan 2016)This workshop focused on recent developments in graph theory. These included in particular recent breakthroughs on nowhere-zero flows in graphs, width parameters, applications of graph sparsity in algorithms, and matroid ... -
1601 - Model Theory: groups, geometry, and combinatorics
[OWR-2016-1] (2016) - (03 Jan - 09 Jan 2016)This conference was about recent interactions of model theory with combinatorics, geometric group theory and the theory of valued fields, and the underlying pure model-theoretic developments. Its aim was to report on recent ...