Browsing Workshops 2017 by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 58
1721 - Harmonic Analysis and the Trace Formula
[OWR-2017-25] (2017) - (21 May - 27 May 2017)The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in harmonic analysis that arise in the study of the trace formula. This theme is common to different directions of research on automorphic forms such as representation ... -
1744a - Interplay between Number Theory and Analysis for Dirichlet Series
[OWR-2017-51] (2017) - (29 Oct - 04 Nov 2017)In recent years a number of challenging research problems have crystallized in the analytic theory of Dirichlet series and its interaction with function theory in polydiscs. Their solutions appear to require unconventional ... -
1735 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2017-39] (2017) - (27 Aug - 02 Sep 2017)Complex Analysis is a very active branch of mathematics. The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. Topics included singular Kähler–Einstein metrics, ... -
1734 - Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory
[OWR-2017-38] (2017) - (20 Aug - 26 Aug 2017)The workshop brought together topologists and number theorists with the intent of exploring the many tantalizing connections between these areas. -
1729 - Material Theories
[OWR-2017-33] (2017) - (16 Jul - 22 Jul 2017)Material theories is a series of workshops concerned with a broad range of topics related to the mechanics and mathematics of materials. As such, this edition brought together researchers from diverse fields converging ... -
1751 - Mathematical Instruments between Material Artifacts and Ideal Machines: Their Scientific and Social Role before 1950
[OWR-2017-58] (2017) - (17 Dec - 23 Dec 2017)Since 1950, mathematicians have become increasingly familiar with the digital computer in their professional practice. Previously, however, many other instruments, now mostly forgotten, were commonly used to compute numerical ... -
1745 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
[OWR-2017-53] (2017) - (05 Nov - 11 Nov 2017)The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics” was centered around proof-theoretic aspects of core mathematics and theoretical computer science as well as homotopy type theory and logical aspects ... -
1737 - Mathematical Questions and Challenges in Quantum Electrodynamics and its Applications
[OWR-2017-41] (2017) - (10 Sep - 16 Sep 2017)Quantum field theory (QFT) may be considered one of the most fundamental frameworks of theoretical physics. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) is the part of QFT that describes the interaction between matter and light. Although ... -
1709 - Mathematics of Quantitative Finance
[OWR-2017-13] (2017) - (26 Feb - 04 Mar 2017)The workshop on Mathematics of Quantitative Finance, organised at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach from 26 February to 4 March 2017, focused on cutting edge areas of mathematical finance, with an emphasis ... -
1702c - Mini-Workshop: Adaptive Methods for Control Problems Constrained by Time-Dependent PDEs
[OWR-2017-4] (2017) - (08 Jan - 14 Jan 2017)Optimization problems constrained by time-dependent PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) are challenging from a computational point of view: even in the simplest case, one needs to solve a system of PDEs coupled globally ... -
1706a - Mini-Workshop: Cluster Expansions: From Combinatorics to Analysis through Probability
[OWR-2017-8] (2017) - (05 Feb - 11 Feb 2017)The workshop addressed the interplay between theory and applications of cluster expansions. These expansions, historically geared towards the study of systems in statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and physical chemistry, ... -
1743c - Mini-Workshop: Interactions between Low-dimensional Topology and Complex Algebraic Geometry
[OWR-2017-50] (2017) - (22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017)Recent developments exhibit a strong connection between low-dimensional topology and complex algebraic geometry. A common theme is provided by the Alexander polynomial and its many avatars. The mini-Workshop brought together ... -
1738c - Mini-Workshop: Lattice Polytopes: Methods, Advances, Applications
[OWR-2017-44] (2017) - (17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017)Lattice polytopes arise naturally in many different branches of pure and applied mathematics such as number theory, commutative algebra, combinatorics, toric geometry, optimization, and mirror symmetry. The miniworkshop ... -
1738a - Mini-Workshop: MASAs and Automorphisms of C*-Algebras
[OWR-2017-42] (2017) - (17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017)The main aim of this workshop was to study maximal abelian *-subalgebras of C*-algebras from various points of view. A chief motivation is the UCT problem, which asks whether all separable nuclear C*-algebras satisfy the ... -
1743a - Mini-Workshop: PDE Models of Motility and Invasion in Active Biosystems
[OWR-2017-48] (2017) - (22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017)Cell migration is crucial for the development and functioning of multicellular organisms; it plays an essential role in, e.g., morphogenesis, immune system dynamics, wound healing, angiogenesis, bacterial motion and biofilm ... -
1706c - Mini-Workshop: Perspectives in High-dimensional Probability and Convexity
[OWR-2017-10] (2017) - (05 Feb - 11 Feb 2017)Understanding the geometric structure of systems involving a huge amount of parameters is a central problem in mathematics and applied sciences today. Here, geometric and analytical ideas meet in a non-trivial way and ... -
1738b - Mini-Workshop: Positivity in Higher-dimensional Geometry: Higher-codimensional Cycles and Newton-Okounkov Bodies
[OWR-2017-43] (2017) - (17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017)There are several flavors of positivity in Algebraic Geometry. They range from conditions that determine vanishing of cohomology, to intersection theoretic properties, and to convex geometry. They offer excellent invariants ... -
1743b - Mini-Workshop: Reflectionless Operators: The Deift and Simon Conjectures
[OWR-2017-49] (2017) - (22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017)Reflectionless operators in one dimension are particularly amenable to inverse scattering and are intimately related to integrable systems like KdV and Toda. Recent work has indicated a strong (but not equivalent) relationship ... -
1702b - Mini-Workshop: Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics
[OWR-2017-3] (2017) - (08 Jan - 14 Jan 2017)The mini-workshop focused on central questions and new results concerning spaces and moduli spaces of Riemannian metrics with lower or upper curvature bounds on open and closed manifolds and, moreover, related themes from ... -
1706b - Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Differential Equations: Regularity and Numerical Analysis in Finite and Infinite Dimensions
[OWR-2017-9] (2017) - (05 Feb - 11 Feb 2017)This Mini-Workshop is devoted to regularity and numerical analysis of stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations (SDEs for both). The standard assumption in the literature on SDEs is global Lipschitz continuity ...