Browsing Workshops 2020 by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 42
2026 - Geometric Structures in Group Theory (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-16] (2020) - (21 Jun - 27 Jun 2020)The conference focused on the use of geometric methods to study infinite groups and the interplay of group theory with other areas. One of the central techniques in geometric group theory is to study infinite discrete ... -
2051 - History of Mathematics: A Global Cultural Approach (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-41] (2020) - (13 Dec - 19 Dec 2020)The primary purpose of this workshop was to take account of progress on an ongoing six-volume cultural history of mathematics from antiquity to the present. This project is led by nine editors working with a large team of ... -
2034 - Komplexe Analysis - Algebraicity and Transcendence (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-24] (2020) - (16 Aug - 22 Aug 2020)This is the report of the Oberwolfach workshop Komplexe Analysis 2020. It was mainly devoted to the transcendental methods of complex algebraic geometry and featured eighteen talks about recent important developments in ... -
2040a - Lefschetz Properties in Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-31] (2020) - (27 Sep - 03 Oct 2020)The themes of the workshop are the Weak Lefschetz Property - WLP - and the Strong Lefschetz Property - SLP. The name of these properties, referring to Artinian algebras, is motivated by the Lefschetz theory for projective ... -
2008 - Low-dimensional Topology
[OWR-2020-8] (2020) - (16 Feb - 22 Feb 2020)The workshop brought together experts from across all areas of low-dimensional topology, including knot theory, mapping class groups, three-manifolds and four-manifolds. In addition to the standard research talks we had ... -
2035 - Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory (individual research only)
[OWR-2020-25] (2020) - (23 Aug - 29 Aug 2020)Because of the pandemia, the workshop on "Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" could not be realized in the usual format or in the new hybrid format. Instead, a subgroup consisting of 6 participants used the week ... -
2007 - Manifolds and Groups
[OWR-2020-7] (2020) - (09 Feb - 15 Feb 2020)The workshop concentrated on the interplay of advances in the understanding of manifolds and geometric group theory. In particular, we discussed mapping class groups and moduli spaces of manifolds (also of high ... -
2021 - Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-15] (2020) - (17 May - 23 May 2020)This workshop on "Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics" was organized as an online seminar and addressed recent advances in analytical, modeling and computational studies of geophysical fluid models. Of ... -
2046 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-34] (2020) - (08 Nov - 14 Nov 2020)The Workshop "Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics" focused on proofs both as formal derivations in deductive systems as well as on the extraction of explicit computational content from given ... -
2011 - Mechanics of Materials: Towards Predictive Methods for Kinetics in Plasticity, Fracture, and Damage
[OWR-2020-13] (2020) - (08 Mar - 14 Mar 2020)The workshop dealt with current advances of computational methods, mathematics and continuum mechanics directed at thermodynamically consistent forms of constitutive equations for complex evolutionary phenomena in modern ... -
2041c - Mini-Workshop: Almost Complex Geometry (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-33] (2020) - (04 Oct - 10 Oct 2020)The mini-workshop focused on very recent developments of analytic and algebraic techniques for studying almost complex structures which are not necessarily integrable. It provided a forum to discuss and compare techniques ... -
2047c - Mini-Workshop: Computational Optimization on Manifolds (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-36] (2020) - (15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020)The goal of the mini-workshop was to study the geometry, algorithms and applications of unconstrained and constrained optimization problems posed on Riemannian manifolds. Focus topics included the geometry of particular ... -
2047b - Mini-Workshop: Dimers, Ising and Spanning Trees beyond the Critical Isoradial Case (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-35] (2020) - (15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020)The goal of this mini-workshop is to gather specialists of the dimer, Ising and spanning tree models around recent and ongoing progress in two directions. One is understanding the connection to the spectral curve of these ... -
2009a - Mini-Workshop: Kronecker, Plethysm, and Sylow Branching Coefficients and their Applications to Complexity Theory
[OWR-2020-9] (2020) - (23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020)The Kronecker, plethysm and Sylow branching coefficients describe the decomposition of representations of symmetric groups obtained by tensor products and induction. Understanding these decompositions has been hailed ... -
2048c - Mini-Workshop: Nonlocal Analysis and the Geometry of Embeddings (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-37] (2020) - (22 Nov - 28 Nov 2020)Both self-avoidance and self-contact of geometric objects can be modeled using repulsive energies that separate isotopy classes. Giving rise to nonlocal operators, they are interesting objects in their own right. Moreover, ... -
2009c - Mini-Workshop: One-sided and Two-sided Stochastic Descriptions
[OWR-2020-11] (2020) - (23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020)We consider the set of discrete time stochastic processes which are dependent on their past, and the set of those that depend on both their past and their future. As long as we only allow dependence on a finite number of ... -
2051a - Mini-Workshop: Relativistic Fluids at the Intersection of Mathematics and Physics (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-42] (2020) - (13 Dec - 19 Dec 2020)Relativistic Hydrodynamics is the description of fluid motion in regimes where relativistic effects are important. This is the case for fluids moving at high velocities or interacting with very strong gravitational fields, ... -
2009b - Mini-Workshop: Superpotentials in Algebra and Geometry
[OWR-2020-10] (2020) - (23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020)Mirror symmetry has been at the epicenter of many mathematical discoveries in the past twenty years. It was discovered by physicists in the setting of super conformal field theories (SCFTs) associated to closed string ... -
2003 - Model Theory: Groups, Geometries and Combinatorics
[OWR-2020-2] (2020) - (12 Jan - 18 Jan 2020)The focus of the conference were recent interactions between model theory, group theory and combinatorics in finite geometries. In some cases, in particular in non-archimedean geometry or combinatorics in finite geometries, ... -
2050a - New Directions in Rough Path Theory (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-40] (2020) - (06 Dec - 12 Dec 2020)Rough path theory emerged as novel approach for dealing with interactions in complex random systems. It settled significant questions and provided an effective deterministic alternative to Itô calculus, itself a major ...