Browsing Workshops 2020 by MSC "53"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
2032 - Calculus of Variations (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-22] (2020) - (02 Aug - 08 Aug 2020)Calculus of Variations touches several interrelated areas. In this workshop we covered several topics, such as minimal submanifolds, mean curvature and related flows, free boundary problems, variational models of ... -
2041c - Mini-Workshop: Almost Complex Geometry (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-33] (2020) - (04 Oct - 10 Oct 2020)The mini-workshop focused on very recent developments of analytic and algebraic techniques for studying almost complex structures which are not necessarily integrable. It provided a forum to discuss and compare techniques ... -
2047b - Mini-Workshop: Dimers, Ising and Spanning Trees beyond the Critical Isoradial Case (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-35] (2020) - (15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020)The goal of this mini-workshop is to gather specialists of the dimer, Ising and spanning tree models around recent and ongoing progress in two directions. One is understanding the connection to the spectral curve of these ... -
2048c - Mini-Workshop: Nonlocal Analysis and the Geometry of Embeddings (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-37] (2020) - (22 Nov - 28 Nov 2020)Both self-avoidance and self-contact of geometric objects can be modeled using repulsive energies that separate isotopy classes. Giving rise to nonlocal operators, they are interesting objects in their own right. Moreover, ... -
2009b - Mini-Workshop: Superpotentials in Algebra and Geometry
[OWR-2020-10] (2020) - (23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020)Mirror symmetry has been at the epicenter of many mathematical discoveries in the past twenty years. It was discovered by physicists in the setting of super conformal field theories (SCFTs) associated to closed string ...