Browsing Workshops 2020 by MSC "60"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
2021 - Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-15] (2020) - (17 May - 23 May 2020)This workshop on "Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics" was organized as an online seminar and addressed recent advances in analytical, modeling and computational studies of geophysical fluid models. Of ... -
2009c - Mini-Workshop: One-sided and Two-sided Stochastic Descriptions
[OWR-2020-11] (2020) - (23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020)We consider the set of discrete time stochastic processes which are dependent on their past, and the set of those that depend on both their past and their future. As long as we only allow dependence on a finite number of ... -
2050a - New Directions in Rough Path Theory (online meeting)
[OWR-2020-40] (2020) - (06 Dec - 12 Dec 2020)Rough path theory emerged as novel approach for dealing with interactions in complex random systems. It settled significant questions and provided an effective deterministic alternative to Itô calculus, itself a major ... -
2006b - New Perspectives and Computational Challenges in High Dimensions
[OWR-2020-6] (2020) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2020)High-dimensional systems are frequent in mathematics and applied sciences, and the understanding of high-dimensional phenomena has become increasingly important. The mathematical subdisciplines most strongly related to ... -
2040b - Stochastic Processes under Constraints (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-32] (2020) - (27 Sep - 03 Oct 2020)The analysis of random processes under various constraints and conditions has been a central theme in the theory of stochastic processes, which links together several mathematical subdisciplines. The connection ... -
2038 - Variational Methods for Evolution (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2020-29] (2020) - (13 Sep - 19 Sep 2020)Variational principles for evolutionary systems take advantage of the rich toolbox provided by the theory of the calculus of variations. Such principles are available for Hamiltonian systems in classical mechanics, gradient ...