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    • Quadratically Enriched Plane Curve Counting via Tropical Geometry 

      [OWP-2025-03] Jaramillo Puentes, Andrés; Markwig, Hannah; Pauli, Sabrina; Röhrle, Felix (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2025-02-19)
      We prove that the quadratically enriched count of rational curves in a smooth toric del Pezzo surface passing through $k$-rational points and pairs of conjugate points in quadratic field extensions $k\subset k(\sqrt{d_i})$ ...
    • Domain-Scaled Regular Variation: Mathematical Foundations for a New Tail Process 

      [OWP-2025-02] Strokorb, Kirstin; Oesting, Marco; De Fondeville, Raphaël (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2025-02-06)
      Threshold exceedances of stochastic processes in space and time often appear to be more localized the more extreme they are. While classical regularly varying stochastic processes cannot model this effect, we introduce an ...
    • On the Complexity of Epimorphism Testing with Virtually Abelian Targets 

      [OWP-2025-01] Elder, Murray; Shen, Jerry; Weiss, Armin (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2025-01-24)
      Friedl and Löh (2021, Confl. Math.) prove that testing whether or not there is an epimorphism from a finitely presented group to the direct product of an abelian and a finite group, or to a virtually cyclic group, is ...