Now showing items 1585-1604 of 2030

    • Prediction and Quantification of Individual Athletic Performance 

      [OWP-2015-11] Blythe, Duncan A. J.; Király, Franz J. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-08-27)
      We present a novel, quantitative view on the human athletic performance of individuals. We obtain a predictor for athletic running performances, a parsimonious model, and a training state summary consisting of three numbers, ...
    • Prime tuples in function fields 

      [SNAP-2016-010-EN] Bary-Soroker, Lior (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)
      How many prime numbers are there? How are they distributed among other numbers? These are questions that have intrigued mathematicians since ancient times. However, many questions in this area have remained unsolved, and ...
    • 0621 - Pro-p Extensions of Global Fields and pro-p Groups 

      [OWR-2006-25] (2006) - (21 May - 27 May 2006)
    • 1521 - Probabilistic Techniques in Modern Statistics 

      [OWR-2015-26] (2015) - (17 May - 23 May 2015)
      The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers in modern probability theory and statistics to discuss recent advances and challenging open problems at the intersection of both fields. It focussed on the most ...
    • 0211 - Probability and Statistics of Random Algebraic Structures 

      [TB-2002-14] (2002) - (10 Mar - 16 Mar 2002)
    • 1445a - Probability, Trees and Algorithms 

      [OWR-2014-50] (2014) - (02 Nov - 08 Nov 2014)
      The subject of this workshop were probabilistic aspects of algorithms for fundamental problems such as sorting, searching, selecting of and within data, random permutations, algorithms based on combinatorial trees or search ...
    • Das Problem der Kugelpackung 

      [SNAP-2016-004-DE] Dostert, Maria; Krupp, Stefan; Rolfes, Jan Hendrik (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)
      Wie würdest du Tennisbälle oder Orangen stapeln? Oder allgemeiner formuliert: Wie dicht lassen sich identische 3-dimensionale Objekte überschneidungsfrei anordnen? Das Problem, welches auch Anwendungen in der digitalen ...
    • Le problème ternaire de Goldbach 

      [SNAP-2014-003-FR] Helfgott, Harald (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024)
      Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), l’un des plus grands mathématiciens du XVIIIe siècle et de tous les temps, entretenait une correspondance régulière avec l’un de ses amis: Christian Goldbach (1690–1764), un amateur polymathe ...
    • Products of pairs of Dehn twists and maximal real Lefschetz fibrations 

      [OWP-2011-32] Degtyarev, Alex; Salepci, Nermin (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)
      We address the problem of existence and uniqueness of a factorization of a given element of the modular group into a product of two Dehn twists. As a geometric application, we conclude that any maximal real elliptic ...
    • 0746 - Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers - Research and Practice from an International Perspective 

      [OWR-2007-52] (2007) - (11 Nov - 17 Nov 2007)
      The Oberwolfach Workshop on “Teachers Professional Development” gathered a wide spectrum of topics of international research and practice in the field of mathematics education. Well-known researchers from all over the world ...
    • 0826 - Profinite and Asymptotic Group Theory 

      [OWR-2008-28] (2008) - (22 Jun - 28 Jun 2008)
      This meeting was focused on asymptotic aspects of group theory. The resulting problems lead, in particular, to the study of infinite groups, with an emphasis on the asymptotic behaviour of their finite quotients. Properties ...
    • Profinite groups 

      [SNAP-2016-014-EN] Bartholdi, Laurent (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)
      Profinite objects are mathematical constructions used to collect, in a uniform manner, facts about infinitely many finite objects. We shall review recent progress in the theory of profinite groups, due to Nikolov and Segal, ...
    • 0321 - Profinite Groups and Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups 

      [TB-2003-22] (2003) - (18 May - 24 May 2003)
    • 0718b - Progress in Surface Theory 

      [OWR-2007-24] (2007) - (29 Apr - 05 May 2007)
      The theory of surfaces has undergone substantial changes in recent years, with many different active areas at this point in time. It has become mainstream to study minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature surfaces in ...
    • 1018 - Progress in Surface Theory 

      [OWR-2010-21] (2010) - (02 May - 08 May 2010)
      The theory of surfaces is interpreted these days as a prototype of submanifold geometry and is characterized by the substantial application of PDE methods and methods from the theory of integrable systems, in addition to ...
    • 1318a - Progress in Surface Theory 

      [OWR-2013-21] (2013) - (28 Apr - 04 May 2013)
      Over the last 30 years global surface theory has become pivotal in the understanding of low dimensional global phenomena. At the same time surface geometry became a platform on which seemingly different areas of mathematics ...
    • Prony’s method: an old trick for new problems 

      [SNAP-2018-004-EN] Sauer, Tomas (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-03-06)
      In 1795, French mathematician Gaspard de Prony invented an ingenious trick to solve a recovery problem, aiming at reconstructing functions from their values at given points, which arose from a specific application in ...
    • 1733 - Proof Complexity and Beyond 

      [OWR-2017-37] (2017) - (13 Aug - 19 Aug 2017)
      Proof complexity is a multi-disciplinary intellectual endeavor that addresses questions of the general form “how difficult is it to prove certain mathematical facts?” The current workshop focused on recent advances in our ...
    • 2413 - Proof Complexity and Beyond 

      [OWR-2024-15] (2024) - (24 Mar - 29 Mar 2024)
      Proof complexity is a multi-disciplinary research area that addresses questions of the general form "how difficult is it to prove certain mathematical facts?'' The current workshop focussed on recent advances in our ...
    • Proof Mining and the Convex Feasibility Problem : the Curious Case of Dykstra's Algorithm 

      [OWP-2024-06] Pinto, Pedro (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-07-15)
      In a recent proof mining application, the proof-theoretical analysis of Dykstra's cyclic projections algorithm resulted in quantitative information expressed via primitive recursive functionals in the sense of Gödel. This ...