Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1867-1886 of 2031
1649 - Surface Bundles
[OWR-2016-56] (2016) - (04 Dec - 10 Dec 2016)This workshop brought together specialists in algebraic topology, low dimensional topology, geometric group theory, algebraic geometry and neighboring fields. It provided a good overview of the current developments, and ... -
1904 - Surface, Bulk, and Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Interfacial, stochastic, non-local and discrete structures
[OWR-2019-3] (2019) - (20 Jan - 26 Jan 2019)Partial differential equations in complex domains with free\linebreak boundaries and interfaces continue to be flourishing research areas at the interfaces between PDE theory, differential geometry, numerical analysis ... -
Surgery theory and geometry of representations
[OWS-11] (Birkhäuser Basel, 1988)These notes were prepared for the DMV-Seminar held in Dusseldorf, Schloss Mickeln from June 28 to July 5, 1987. They consist of two parts which can be read independently. The reader is presumed to have a basic education ... -
A surprising connection between quantum mechanics and shallow water waves
[SNAP-2019-018-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-12-11)We describe a connection between quantum mechanics and nonlinear wave equations and highlight a few problems at the forefront of modern research in the intersection of these areas. -
Swallowtail on the shore
[SNAP-2014-007-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014)Platonic solids, Felix Klein, H.S.M. Coxeter and a flap of a swallowtail: The five Platonic solids tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron have always attracted much curiosity from mathematicians, not ... -
Swarming robots
[SNAP-2016-001-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)When lots of robots come together to form shapes, spread in an area, or move in one direction, their motion has to be planned carefully. We discuss how mathematicians devise strategies to help swarms of robots behave like ... -
The Sylow Structure of Scalar Automorphism Groups
[OWP-2018-05] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2018-03-22)For any locally compact abelian periodic group A its automorphism group contains as a subgroup those automorphisms that leave invariant every closed subgroup of A, to be denoted by SAut(A). This subgroup is again a locally ... -
Symmetry and characters of finite groups
[SNAP-2016-005-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)Over the last two centuries mathematicians have developed an elegant abstract framework to study the natural idea of symmetry. The aim of this snapshot is to gently guide the interested reader through these ideas. In ... -
The T-Graph of a Multigraded Hilbert Scheme
[OWP-2011-34] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011)The $T$-graph of a multigraded Hilbert scheme records the zero and one-dimensional orbits of the $T=(K^*)^n$ action on the Hilbert scheme induced from the $T$-action on $\mathbb{A}^n$. It has vertices the $T$-fixed points, ... -
A tale of three curves
[SNAP-2022-010-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2022-10-27)In this snapshot, we give a survey of some problems in the study of rational points on higher genus curves, discussing questions ranging from the era of the ancient Greeks to a few posed by mathematicians of the 20th ... -
0622 - Teichmüller Space (Classical and Quantum)
[OWR-2006-26] (2006) - (28 May - 03 Jun 2006)This is a short report on the conference “Teichmüller Space (Classical and Quantum) ” held in Oberwolfach from May 28th to June 3rd, 2006. -
1048 - Teichmüller Theory
[OWR-2010-53] (2010) - (28 Nov - 04 Dec 2010)This is a report on the workshop on Teichmüller theory held in Oberwolfach, from November 28 to December 4, 2010. The workshop brought together people working in various aspects of the field, with a focus on recent ... -
2331 - Teichmüller Theory: Classical, Higher, Super and Quantum
[OWR-2023-33] (2023) - (30 Jul - 04 Aug 2023)Teichmüller spaces play a major role in many areas of mathematics and physical science. The subject of the conference was recent developments of Teichmüller theory with its different ramifications that include the ... -
Ten lectures on random media
[OWS-32] (Birkhäuser Basel, 2002)The following notes grew out oflectures held during the DMV-Seminar on Random Media in November 1999 at the Mathematics Research Institute of Oberwolfach, and in February-March 2000 at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. ... -
Tensor Representations of q(∞)
[OWP-2016-09] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-06-17)We introduce a symmetric monoidal category of modules over the direct limit queer superalgebra $\mathfrak{q}(\infty)$. The category can be defined in two equivalent ways with the aid of the large annihilator condition. ... -
2338a - Tensor-Triangular Geometry and Interactions
[OWR-2023-40] (2023) - (17 Sep - 22 Sep 2023)The workshop brought together experts in a rapidly growing field of tensor triangular geometry highlighting applications to and techniques coming from homotopy theory, algebraic geometry, modular representation theory, ... -
The ternary Goldbach problem
[SNAP-2014-003-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014)Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) – one of the greatest mathematicians of the eighteenth century and of all times – often corresponded with a friend of his, Christian Goldbach (1690–1764), an amateur and polymath who lived and ... -
Das ternäre Goldbach-Problem
[SNAP-2014-003-DE] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2020)Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) war einer der besten Mathematiker des 18. Jahrhunderts und wohl auch aller Zeiten. Er korrespondierte oft mit seinem Freund, Christoph Goldbach (1690–1764), einem Universalgelehrten, der auch ... -
1135 - The Analytic Theory of Automorphic Forms
[OWR-2011-43] (2011) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2011)The workshop brought together leading experts in the theory of automorphic forms. Recently developed analytic, geometric and ergodic methods have enabled several important results in the theory for $GL(2)$, and also made ... -
1325a - The Arithmetic of Fields
[OWR-2013-30] (2013) - (16 Jun - 22 Jun 2013)This report includes extended abstracts of talks given in a conference on the ”Arithmetic of Fields” that was held inMathematisches Forschung Institute, Oberwolfach during 16–22 June 2013. It also includes extended abstracts ...