Browsing 1 - Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP) by MFO Scientific Program "Research in Pairs 2015"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Abstract Bivariant Cuntz Semigroups
[OWP-2017-04] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-02-13)We show that abstract Cuntz semigroups form a closed symmetric monoidal category. Thus, given Cuntz semigroups $S$ and $T$, there is another Cuntz semigroup $((S,T))$ playing the role of morphisms from $S$ to $T$. Applied ... -
Analytic Structure in Fibers
[OWP-2016-13] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-08-17)Let $B_X$ be the open unit ball of a complex Banach space $X$, and let $\mathcal{H}^\infty(B_X)$ and $\mathcal{A}_u(B_X)$ be, respectively, the algebra of bounded holomorphic functions on $B_X$ and the subalgebra of uniformly ... -
Counting Curves on Toric Surfaces Tropical Geometry & the Fock Space
[OWP-2017-18] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-07-17)We study the stationary descendant Gromov–Witten theory of toric surfaces by combining and extending a range of techniques – tropical curves, floor diagrams, and Fock spaces. A correspondence theorem is established between ... -
Dirichlet Approximation and Universal Dirichlet
[OWP-2016-12] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-08-16)We characterize the uniform limits of Dirichlet polynomials on a right half plane. We extend the approximation theorems of Runge, Mergelyan and Vitushkin to the Dirichlet setting with respect to the Euclidean distance and ... -
Fourier-Mukai transform on Weierstrass cubics and commuting differential operators
[OWP-2016-03] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-05-10)In this article, we describe the spectral sheaves of algebras of commuting differential operators of genus one and rank two with singular spectral curve, solving a problem posed by Previato and Wilson. We also classify all ... -
Generalized Entropy Method for the Renewal Equation with Measure Data
[OWP-2016-07] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-06-17)We study the long-time asymptotics for the so-called McKendrick-Von Foerster or renewal equation, a simple model frequently considered in structured population dynamics. In contrast to previous works, we can admit a bounded ... -
A graphical interface for the Gromov-Witten theory of curves
[OWP-2016-06] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-05-10)We explore the explicit relationship between the descendant Gromov–Witten theory of target curves, operators on Fock spaces, and tropical curve counting. We prove a classical/tropical correspondence theorem for descendant ... -
Group-Graded Rings Satisfying the Strong Rank Condition
[OWP-2019-22] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-08-16)A ring $R$ satisfies the $\textit{strong rank condition}$ (SRC) if, for every natural number $n$, the free $R$-submodules of $R^n$ all have rank $\leq n$. Let $G$ be a group and $R$ a ring strongly graded by $G$ such that ... -
Linear Syzygies, Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups and Regularity
[OWP-2017-15] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-05-24)We build a new bridge between geometric group theory and commutative algebra by showing that the virtual cohomological dimension of a Coxeter group is essentially the regularity of the Stanley–Reisner ring of its nerve. ... -
Milnor fibre homology via deformation
[OWP-2015-22] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)In case of one-dimensional singular locus, we use deformations in order toget refined information about the Betti numbers of the Milnor fibre. -
A nested family of k-total effective rewards for positional games
[OWP-2015-21] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)We consider Gillette's two-person zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information. For each $k \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ we introduce an effective reward function, called $k$-total. For $k = 0$ and $1$ this function is known ... -
On Unipotent Radicals of Pseudo-Reductive Groups
[OWP-2017-12] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-04-27)We establish some results on the structure of the geometric unipotent radicals of pseudo-reductive k-groups. In particular, let $k'$ be a purely inseparable field extension of k of degree $p^e$ and let $G$ denote the ... -
On Vietoris-Rips Complexes of Ellipses
[OWP-2017-11] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-04-25)For $X$ a metric space and $r > 0$ a scale parameter, the Vietoris–Rips complex $VR_<(X; r)$ (resp. $VR_≤(X; r)$) has $X$ as its vertex set, and a finite subset $\sigma \subseteq X$ as a simplex whenever the diameter of ... -
A potential reduction algorithm for two-person zero-sum mean payoff stochastic games
[OWP-2015-19] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)We suggest a new algorithm for two-person zero-sum undiscounted stochastic games focusing on stationary strategies. Given a positive real $\epsilon$, let us call a stochastic game $\epsilon$-ergodic, if its values from any ... -
A Pseudo-Polynomial Algorithm for Mean Payoff Stochastic Games with Perfect Information and Few Random Positions
[OWP-2015-20] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)We consider two-person zero-sum stochastic mean payoff games with perfect information, or BWR-games, given by a digraph $G = (V,E)$, with local rewards $r : E \to \mathbb{Z}$, and three types of positions: black $V_B$, ... -
Rational Approximation on Products of Planar Domains
[OWP-2016-05] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-06-17)We consider $A(\Omega)$, the Banach space of functions $f$ from $ \overline{\Omega}=\prod_{i \in I} \overline{U_i}$ to $\mathbb{C}$ that are continuous with respect to the product topology and separately holomorphic, where ... -
Tensor Representations of q(∞)
[OWP-2016-09] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-06-17)We introduce a symmetric monoidal category of modules over the direct limit queer superalgebra $\mathfrak{q}(\infty)$. The category can be defined in two equivalent ways with the aid of the large annihilator condition. ... -
Torsion-free Covers of Solvable Minimax Groups
[OWP-2015-15] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015-11-18)We prove that every finitely generated solvable minimax group can be realized as a quotient of a torsion-free solvable minimax group. This result has an application to the investigation of random walks on finitely generated ...