Browsing Oberwolfach Reports by MSC "46"
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
1207 - Advanced Computational Engineering
[OWR-2012-9] (2012) - (12 Feb - 18 Feb 2012)The finite element method is the established simulation tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations in many engineering problems with many mathematical developments such as mixed finite element methods ... -
0714 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Conformal Field Theory
[OWR-2007-17] (2007) - (01 Apr - 07 Apr 2007)The two major approaches to chiral conformal field theory – one based on operator algebras and one based on vertex algebras – both lead to representation categories which are tensor categories and, in the case of rational ... -
1608a - Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
[OWR-2016-11] (2016) - (21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016)The workshop was dedicated to new developments in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, the study of high-dimensional geometric objects by analytic and probabilistic means, and its interplay with other fields such as functional ... -
1933 - C*-Algebras
[OWR-2019-37] (2019) - (11 Aug - 17 Aug 2019)The subject of Operator Algebras is a flourishing broad area of mathematics which has strong ties to many other areas in mathematics including Functional/Harmonic Analysis, Topology, (non-commutative) Geometry, Geometric ... -
1634 - C*-Algebras
[OWR-2016-40] (2016) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2016)The field of operator algebras is a flourishing area of mathematics with strong ties to many other areas including functional/harmonic analysis, topology, (non-commutative) geometry, group theory and dynamical systems. The ... -
2232 - C*-Algebras
[OWR-2022-36] (2022) - (07 Aug - 13 Aug 2022)Operator algebras form a very active area of mathematics which, since its inception in the 1940s, has always been driven by interactions with other fields of mathematics and physics. The scope of these interactions is very ... -
0834 - C*-Algebras
[OWR-2008-37] (2008) - (17 Aug - 23 Aug 2008)The theory of C*-algebras plays a major role in many areas of modern mathematics, like Non-commutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Harmonic Analysis, and Topology, to name a few. The aim of the conference “C*-algebras” ... -
1244 - C*-Algebras, Dynamics, and Classification
[OWR-2012-52] (2012) - (28 Oct - 03 Nov 2012)Classification is a central theme in mathematics, and a particularly rich one in the theory of operator algebras. Indeed, one of the first major results in the theory is Murray and von Neumann’s type classification of ... -
1010 - C*-Algebren
[OWR-2010-13] (2010) - (07 Mar - 13 Mar 2010)The theory of C*-algebras plays a major role in many areas of modern mathematics, like Non-commutative Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Harmonic Analysis, and Topology, to name a few. The aim of the conference “C*-algebras” ... -
0535 - C*-Algebren
[OWR-2005-41] (2005) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2005) -
1335 - C*-Algebren
[OWR-2013-43] (2013) - (25 Aug - 31 Aug 2013)C*-algebras play an important role in many modern areas of mathematics, like Noncommutative Geometry and Topology, Dynamical Systems, Harmonic Analysis and others. The conference “C*-algebras” brings together leading experts ... -
2411a - Combinatorial *-algebras
[OWR-2024-12] (2024) - (10 Mar - 15 Mar 2024)This workshop aimed to strengthen ties and foster collaborations between different communities working on combinatorial $*$-algebras, including $C^*$-and pure algebraists. -
1406b - Dirichlet Series and Function Theory in Polydiscs
[OWR-2014-6] (2014) - (02 Feb - 08 Feb 2014)The interaction between Dirichlet series and function theory in polydiscs dates back to a fundamental insight of Harald Bohr and the subsequent groundbreaking work on multilinear forms and polarization by Bohnenblust and ... -
1524 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2015-28] (2015) - (07 Jun - 13 Jun 2015)The workshop brought together leading experts, as well as promising young researchers, in areas related to recent developments in free probability theory. Some particular emphasis was on the relation of free probability ... -
1849 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2018-53] (2018) - (02 Dec - 08 Dec 2018)The workhop brought together leading experts, as well as promising young researchers, in areas related to recent developments in free probability theory. Some particular emphasis was on the relation of free probability ... -
0513 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2005-15] (2005) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2005)Free probability theory is a line of research which parallels aspects of classical probability, in a non-commutative context where tensor products are replaced by free products, and independent random variables are replaced ... -
2140b - Geometry and Optimization in Quantum Information (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2021-49] (2021) - (03 Oct - 09 Oct 2021)Quantum information theory seeks to understand the fundamental limits set by quantum mechanics for information processing tasks. The mathematical aspects of quantum information rely on tools from various fields including ... -
2101b - Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces (online meeting)
[OWR-2021-2] (2021) - (03 Jan - 09 Jan 2021)Spectral theory is a gateway to fundamental insights in geometry and mathematical physics. In recent years the study of spectral problems in discrete spaces has gained enormous momentum. While there are some relations to ... -
1949 - Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation
[OWR-2019-55] (2019) - (01 Dec - 07 Dec 2019)The workshop covered a wide range of topics, with emphasis on Geometric Group Theory, Ergodic Theory and links with Functional Analysis on the one hand and Mathematical Logic on the other. The goal of the workshop was to ... -
1648 - Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
[OWR-2016-55] (2016) - (27 Nov - 03 Dec 2016)The general topic of the 2016 workshop Heat kernels, stochastic processes and functional inequalities was the study of linear and non-linear diffusions in geometric environments including smooth manifolds, fractals and ...