Now showing items 1021-1040 of 1107

    • 0529 - Explicit Methods in Number Theory 

      [OWR-2005-32] Workshop Report 2005,32 (2005) - (17 Jul - 23 Jul 2005)
      These notes contain extended abstracts on the topic of explicit methods in number theory. The range of topics included modular forms, varieties over finite fields, rational and integral points on varieties, class groups, ...
    • 0528 - Dynamical Systems 

      [OWR-2005-31] Workshop Report 2005,31 (2005) - (10 Jul - 16 Jul 2005)
      This workshop, continued the biannual series at Oberwolfach on Dynamical Systems that started as the “Moser–Zehnder meeting” in 1981. The main theme of the workshop were the new results and developments in the area of ...
    • 0527 - Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications to PDE 

      [OWR-2005-30] Workshop Report 2005,30 (2005) - (03 Jul - 09 Jul 2005)
      There have been important developments in the last few years in the point-of-view and methods of harmonic analysis, and at the same time significant concurrent progress in the application of these to partial differential ...
    • 0526 - Topological and Variational Methods for Differential Equations 

      [OWR-2005-29] Workshop Report 2005,29 (2005) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2005)
      These notes contain the extended abstracts of the talks presented at the workshop. The range of topics includes nonlinear Schrödinger equations, singularly perturbed equations, symmetry and nodal properties of solutions, ...
    • 0525 - Algebraische Zahlentheorie 

      [OWR-2005-28] Workshop Report 2005,28 (2005) - (19 Jun - 25 Jun 2005)
      The workshop on Algebraic Number Theory was attended by 53 participants, many of them young researchers. In 19 talks an overview of recent developments in Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry was given.
    • 0524 - Geometric Topology and Connections with Quantum Field Theory 

      [OWR-2005-27] Workshop Report 2005,27 (2005) - (12 Jun - 18 Jun 2005)
      In recent years, the interplay between traditional geometric topology and theoretical physics, in particular quantum field theory, has played a significant role in the work of many researchers. The idea of this workshop ...
    • 0523 - Complexity Theory 

      [OWR-2005-26] Workshop Report 2005,26 (2005) - (05 Jun - 11 Jun 2005)
      Computational Complexity Theory is the mathematical study of resources like time, space, or randomness that are required to solve computational problems. The current workshop was focused on recent developments, and the ...
    • 0522 - Nonlinear Evolution Problems 

      [OWR-2005-25] Workshop Report 2005,25 (2005) - (29 May - 04 Jun 2005)
      In this workshop three types of nonlinear evolution problems— geometric evolution equations (essentially of parabolic type), nonlinear hyperbolic equations, and dispersive equations— were the subject of 22 talks.
    • 0521 - Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen 

      [OWR-2005-24] Workshop Report 2005,24 (2005) - (22 May - 28 May 2005)
      The workshop Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen, organised by Randolph E. Bank (La Jolla), Wolfgang Hackbusch(Leipzig), Gabriel Wittum (Heidelberg) was held May 22nd - May 28th, 2005. This meeting was ...
    • 0519 - Stochastic Analysis and Non-Classical Random Processes 

      [OWR-2005-23] Workshop Report 2005,23 (2005) - (08 May - 14 May 2005)
      The workshop focused on recent developments in the theory of stochastic processes and flows, with special emphasis on emerging new classes of processes, as well as new objects whose limits are expected to coincide with ...
    • 0518c - Mini-Workshop: Particle Systems with Several Conservation Laws: Fluctuations and Hydrodynamic Limit 

      [OWR-2005-22] Workshop Report 2005,22 (2005) - (01 May - 07 May 2005)
      The Mini-Workshop is concerned with the large-scale description of microscopic many-particle systems with two or more conservation laws. This is topic of common interest for statistical mechanics, probability theory and ...
    • 0518b - Mini-Workshop: Aspects of Ricci-Flow 

      [OWR-2005-21] Workshop Report 2005,21 (2005) - (01 May - 07 May 2005)
      The workshop studies Hamilton-Ricciflow of Riemannian metrics on 3-manifolds. The participants give detailed technical lectures on recent work of G. Perelman concerning a priori estimates and surgeries during the flow. The ...
    • 0518a - Mini-Workshop: Numerical Upscaling: Theory and Applications 

      [OWR-2005-20] Workshop Report 2005,20 (2005) - (01 May - 07 May 2005)
      Numerical upscaling is often the only way in which various multiscale problems can be handled. Numerics related to solving auxiliary problems appearing in asymptotic homogenization, as well as numerical treatment of ...
    • 0517 - Kommutative Algebra 

      [OWR-2005-19] Workshop Report 2005,19 (2005) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2005)
      The lectures of the conference whose participants included a significant group of researchers from affine geometry were devoted to the following areas: characteristic p-methods, combinatorial commutative algebra and effective ...
    • 0516 - Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE 

      [OWR-2005-18] Workshop Report 2005,18 (2005) - (17 Apr - 23 Apr 2005)
      The Workshop Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE was held from April 17th – April 23rd, 2005 in the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. The scientific program covered various topics such as controllability, ...
    • 0515 - Discrete Geometry 

      [OWR-2005-17] Workshop Report 2005,17 (2005) - (10 Apr - 16 Apr 2005)
      The workshop on Discrete Geometry was attended by 53 participants, many of them young researchers. In 13 survey talks an overview of recent developments in Discrete Geometry was given. These talks were supplemented by 16 ...
    • 0514 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Algebraic Cobordism 

      [OWR-2005-16] Workshop Report 2005,16 (2005) - (03 Apr - 09 Apr 2005)
      The aim of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft was to present the theory of Algebraic Cobordism due to Marc Levine and Fabien Morel through the lines of their original articles: Inspired by the work of Quillen on complex cobordism, ...
    • 0513 - Free Probability Theory 

      [OWR-2005-15] Workshop Report 2005,15 (2005) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2005)
      Free probability theory is a line of research which parallels aspects of classical probability, in a non-commutative context where tensor products are replaced by free products, and independent random variables are replaced ...
    • 0512 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Type Theory and Constructive Mathematics 

      [OWR-2005-14] Workshop Report 2005,14 (2005) - (20 Mar - 26 Mar 2005)
      The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Type Theory
    • 0511 - Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory 

      [OWR-2005-13] Workshop Report 2005,13 (2005) - (13 Mar - 19 Mar 2005)
      Abstract. The study of Enveloping Algebras has undergone a significant and continuous evolution and moreover has inspired a wide variety of developments in many areas of mathematics including Ring Theory, Differential ...