Browsing Workshops 2011 by Title
Now showing items 19-38 of 56
1115 - Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis
[OWR-2011-19] (2011) - (10 Apr - 16 Apr 2011)The purpose of this workshop was to discuss recent results in Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Symplectic/Contact Geometry with a special focus on the interplay and exchange of ideas among these areas, which ... -
1112 - Geometric Numerical Integration
[OWR-2011-16] (2011) - (20 Mar - 26 Mar 2011)The subject of this workshop was numerical methods that preserve geometric properties of the flow of an ordinary or partial differential equation. This was complemented by the question as to how structure preservation ... -
1148 - Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Numerics and Applications
[OWR-2011-54] (2011) - (27 Nov - 03 Dec 2011)This workshop concentrated on partial differential equations involving stationary and evolving surfaces in which geometric quantities play a major role. Mutual interest in this emerging field stimulated the interaction ... -
1107 - Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting
[OWR-2011-9] (2011) - (13 Feb - 19 Feb 2011)The purpose of the workshop was to bring together mathematicians interested in ”quantization of manifolds” in a broad sense: given classical data, such as a Lie group G acting on a symplectic manifold M, construct a quantum ... -
1138 - Homotopy Theory
[OWR-2011-46] (2011) - (18 Sep - 24 Sep 2011)This workshop was a forum to present and discuss the latest result and ideas in homotopy theory and the connections to other branches of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry, representation theory and group theory. -
1145 - Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
[OWR-2011-52] (2011) - (06 Nov - 12 Nov 2011)The workshop “Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics” was centered around proof-theoretic aspects of current mathematics, constructive mathematics and logical aspects of computational complexity. -
1126 - Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
[OWR-2011-32] (2011) - (26 Jun - 02 Jul 2011)The field of quantum chemistry is concerned with the analysis and simulation of chemical phenomena on the basis of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics. Since the ‘exact’ electronic Schrödinger equation for a ... -
1134a - Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Stochastic Systems and their Approximation
[OWR-2011-40] (2011) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011)The aim of this workshop was to bring together specialists in the area of stochastic dynamical systems and stochastic numerical analysis to exchange their ideas about the state of the art of approximations of stochastic ... -
1103a - Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Trace Maps and Applications to Spectral Theory
[OWR-2011-3] (2011) - (16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011)Recently some exciting results for the spectrum of Schrödinger operators with self-similar potentials and the dynamics of the associated Schrödinger equation have been established using input from complex and smooth dynamics. ... -
1109b - Mini-Workshop: History of Numerical and Graphical Tables
[OWR-2011-12] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)Numerical tables were one of the most commonly used instruments of calculation from the earliest periods for which we have evidence of mathematical activity until the appearance of computing machines. Such tables (including ... -
1109c - Mini-Workshop: Level Sets and Depth Contours in High Dimensional Data
[OWR-2011-13] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)Extraction of information about the distribution underlying a high-dimensional data set is a formidable, complex problem dominating modern nonparametric statistics. Two general strategies are (i) to extract merely qualitative ... -
1103b - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Analysis for Peridynamics
[OWR-2011-4] (2011) - (16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011)A mathematical analysis for peridynamics, a nonlocal elastic theory, is the subject of the mini-workshop. Peridynamics is a novel multiscale mechanical model where the canonical divergence of the stress tensor is replaced ... -
1117b - Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Models, Analysis, and Numerical Methods for Dynamic Fracture
[OWR-2011-22] (2011) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011)The mathematical foundation of fracture mechanics has seen considerable advances in the last fifteen years. While this progress has been substantial, it has been largely limited to quasi-static evolutions based on global ... -
1134c - Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Machine Learning
[OWR-2011-42] (2011) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011)This is a report for a mini-workshop on the mathematical theory of learning. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together internationally recognized experts and young researchers to discuss new approaches, trends, and ... -
1117a - Mini-Workshop: Modular Representations of Symmetric Groups and Related Objects
[OWR-2011-21] (2011) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011)The mini-workshop focussed on the modular representation theory of the symmetric group and other closely related objects, including Hecke algebras and Schur algebras. The topics and problems discussed include computations ... -
1134b - Mini-Workshop: New Developments in Newton-Okounov Bodies
[OWR-2011-41] (2011) - (21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011)The theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies, also called Okounkov bodies, is a new connection between algebraic geometry and convex geometry. It generalizes the well-known and extremely rich correspondence between geometry of ... -
1103c - Mini-Workshop: Nonlinear Least Squares in Shape Identification Problems
[OWR-2011-5] (2011) - (16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011)This mini-workshop brought together mathematicians engaged in shape optimization and in inverse problems in order to address a specific class of problems on the reconstruction of geometries. Such a problem can be formulated ... -
1117c - Mini-Workshop: Random Trees, Information and Algorithms
[OWR-2011-23] (2011) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011)The subject of this Mini-Workshop is the probabilistic analysis of random tree models that originate from applications in Computer Science. Emphasis is put on their connections to algorithms and information theory. Trees ... -
1109a - Mini-Workshop: The Homotopy Interpretation of Constructive Type Theory
[OWR-2011-11] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)Over the past few years it has become apparent that there is a surprising and deep connection between constructive logic and higherdimensional structures in algebraic topology and category theory, in the form of an ... -
1120b - New Directions in Algebraic K-Theory
[OWR-2011-27] (2011) - (15 May - 21 May 2011)This meeting brought together algebraic geometers, algebraic topologists and geometric topologists, all of whom use algebraic K-theory. The talks and discussions involved all the participants.