• Proof Mining and the Convex Feasibility Problem : the Curious Case of Dykstra's Algorithm 

      [OWP-2024-06] Pinto, Pedro (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-07-15)
      In a recent proof mining application, the proof-theoretical analysis of Dykstra's cyclic projections algorithm resulted in quantitative information expressed via primitive recursive functionals in the sense of Gödel. This ...
    • The Subgroup Structure of Pseudo-Reductive Groups 

      [OWP-2024-08] Bate, Michael; Martin, Benjamin; Röhrle, Gerhard; Sercombe, Damian (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2024-07-31)
      Let $k$ be a field. We investigate the relationship between subgroups of a pseudo-reductive $k$-group $G$ and its maximal reductive quotient $G'$, with applications to the subgroup structure of $G$. Let $k'/k$ be the minimal ...