• 1305 - Numerical Methods for PDE Constrained Optimization with Uncertain Data 

      [OWR-2013-4] (2013) - (27 Jan - 02 Feb 2013)
      Optimization problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in many applications in the form of optimal control, optimal design, or parameter identification problems. In most applications, parameters in ...
    • 1337 - Noncommutative Geometry 

      [OWR-2013-45] (2013) - (08 Sep - 14 Sep 2013)
      Noncommutative Geometry applies ideas from geometry to mathematical structures determined by noncommuting variables. This meeting emphasized the connections of Noncommutative Geometry to number theory and ergodic theory.
    • 1307b - Mini-Workshop: The p-Laplacian Operator and Applications 

      [OWR-2013-8] (2013) - (10 Feb - 16 Feb 2013)
      There has been a surge of interest in the $p$-Laplacian in many different contexts from game theory to mechanics and image processing. The workshop brought together experts from many different schools of thinking to exchange ...
    • 1310 - From "Mixed" to "Applied" Mathematics: Tracing an important dimension of mathematics and its history 

      [OWR-2013-12] (2013) - (03 Mar - 09 Mar 2013)
      The workshop investigated historical variations of the ways in which historically boundaries were drawn between ‘pure’ mathematics on the one hand and ‘mixed’ or ‘applied’ mathematics on the other from about 1500 until ...
    • 1311 - Representations of Lie Groups and Supergroups 

      [OWR-2013-13] (2013) - (10 Mar - 16 Mar 2013)
      The workshop focussed on recent developments in the representation theory of group objects in several categories, mostly finite and infinite dimensional smooth manifolds and supermanifolds. The talks covered a broad range ...
    • 1320c - Mini-Workshop: Localising and Tilting in Abelian and Triangulated Categories 

      [OWR-2013-26] (2013) - (12 May - 18 May 2013)
      The workshop brought together experts on localisation theory and tilting theory from different parts of mathematics with the aim of fully exploiting the power of some recent developments in so far rather independent contexts. ...
    • Low rank differential equations for hamiltonian matrix nearness problems 

      [OWP-2013-01] Guglielmi, Nicola; Kreßner, Daniel; Lubich, Christian (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-02-08)
      For a Hamiltonian matrix with purely imaginary eigenvalues, we aim to determine the nearest Hamiltonian matrix such that so me or all eigenvalues leave the imaginary axis. Conversely, for a Hamiltonian matrix with all ...
    • Sharp constants in the classical weak form of the John-Nirenberg inequality 

      [OWP-2013-07] Vasyunin, Vasily; Volberg, Alexander (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      The sharp constants in the classical John-Nirenberg inequality are found by using Bellman function approach.
    • Even-homogeneous supermanifolds on the complex projective line 

      [OWP-2013-02] Vishnyakova, E. G. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      The classification of even-homogeneous complex supermanifolds of dimension $1|m$, $m<=3$, on $\mathbb{CP}^1$ up to isomorphism is given. An explicit description of such supermanifolds in terms of local charts and coordinates ...
    • The algebraic combinatorial approach for low-rank matrix completion 

      [OWP-2013-05] Király, Franz J.; Theran, Louis; Ryota,Tomioka; Uno, Takeaki (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      We propose an algebraic combinatorial framework for the problem of completing partially observed low-rank matrices. We show that the intrinsic properties of the problem, including which entries can be reconstructed, and ...
    • Multiple Bernoulli series and volumes of moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces 

      [OWP-2013-04] Baldoni, Maria Welleda; Boysal, Arzu; Vergne, Michèle (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      Using Szenes formula for multiple Bernoulli series, we explain how to compute Witten series associated to classical Lie algebras. Particular instances of these series compute volumes of moduli spaces of flat bundles over ...
    • Legendrian rational unknots in lens spaces 

      [OWP-2013-06] Geiges, Hansjörg; Onaran, Sinem (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      We classify Legendrian rational unknots with tight complements in the lens spaces $L(p,1)$ up to coarse equivalence. As an example of the general case, this classification is also worked out for $L(5, 2)$. The knots are ...
    • On the geometry of regular maps from a quasi-projective surface to a curve 

      [OWP-2013-03] Parameswaran, A. J.; Tibăr, Mihai-Marius (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-03-14)
      We explore consequences of the triviality of the monodromy group, using the condition of purity of the mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of the surface X.
    • Noncompact harmonic manifolds 

      [OWP-2013-08] Knieper, Gerhard; Peyerimhoff, Norbert (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-04-10)
      The Lichnerowicz conjecture asserts that all harmonic manifolds are either flat or locally symmetric spaces of rank 1. This conjecture has been proved by Z.I. Szab ́o [Sz] for harmonic manifolds with compact universal ...
    • Calculating conjugacy classes in Sylow p-subgroups of finite Chevalley groups of rank six and seven 

      [OWP-2013-10] Goodwin, Simon M.; Mosch, Peter; Röhrle, Gerhard (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-04-10)
      Let $G(q)$ be a finite Chevalley group, where $q$ is a power of a good prime $p$, and let $U(q)$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G(q)$. Then a generalized version of a conjecture of Higman asserts that the number $k(U(q))$ of ...
    • G-complete reducibility in non-connected groups 

      [OWP-2013-09] Bate, Michael; Herpel, Sebastian; Martin, Benjamin; Röhrle, Gerhard (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-04-10)
      In this paper we present an algorithm for determining whether a subgroup $H$ of a non-connected reductive group $G$ is $G$-completely reducible. The algorithm consists of a series of reductions; at each step, we perform ...
    • Solid extensions of the Cesàro operator on the Hardy space H2(D) 

      [OWP-2013-11] Curbera, Guillermo P.; Ricker, Werner J. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-04-23)
      We introduce and study the largest Banach space of analytic functions on the unit disc which is solid for the coefficient-wise order and to which the classical Ces`aro operator $\mathcal{C}:H^2 \to H^2$ can be continuously ...
    • Mesh Ratios for Best-Packing and Limits of Minimal Energy Configurations 

      [OWP-2013-13] Bondarenko, A. V.; Hardin, Douglas P.; Saff, Edward B. (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-06-10)
      For $N$-point best-packing configurations $\omega_N$ on a compact metric space $(A, \rho)$, we obtain estimates for the mesh-separation ratio $\gamma(\rho_N , A)$, which is the quotient of the covering radius of $\omega_N$ ...
    • Obtaining Error-Minimizing Estimates and Universal Entry-Wise Error Bounds for Low-Rank Matrix Completion 

      [OWP-2013-12] Király, Franz J.; Theran, Louis (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-06-10)
      We propose a general framework for reconstructing and denoising single entries of incomplete and noisy entries. We describe: effective algorithms for deciding if and entry can be reconstructed and, if so, for reconstructing ...
    • Linking and Closed Orbits 

      [OWP-2013-15] Suhr, Stefan; Zehmisch, Kai (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013-06-10)
      We show that the Lagrangian of classical mechanics on a Riemannian manifold of bounded geometry carries a periodic solution of motion with prescribed energy, provided the potential satis es an asymptotic growth ...