Browsing by Title
Now showing items 580-599 of 2031
1413 - Flat Surfaces and Dynamics on Moduli Space
[OWR-2014-15] (2014) - (23 Mar - 29 Mar 2014)Dynamics of the Teichmüller geodesic flow on the moduli space of curves and asymptotic monodromy of the Hodge bundle along this flow have numerous applications to dynamics and geometry of measured foliations, to billiards ... -
Fokus-Erkennung bei Epilepsiepatienten mithilfe moderner Verfahren der Zeitreihenanalyse
[SNAP-2016-008-DE] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)Viele epileptische Anfälle entstehen in einer begrenzten Region im Gehirn, dem sogenannten Anfallsursprung. Eine chirurgische Entfernung dieser Region kann in vielen Fällen zu Anfallsfreiheit führen. Aus diesem Grund ist ... -
Footballs and donuts in four dimensions
[SNAP-2016-012-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016)In this snapshot, we explore connections between the mathematical areas of counting and geometry by studying objects called simplicial complexes. We begin by exploring many familiar objects in our three dimensional world ... -
Formal adjoints of linear DAE operators and their role in optimal control
[OWP-2011-15] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2011-05-16)For regular strangeness-free linear differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) the definition of an adjoint DAE is straightforward. This definition can be formally extended to general linear DAEs. In this paper, we analyze ... -
Formal punctured ribbons and two-dimensional local fields
[OWP-2008-01] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008-03-05)We investigate formal ribbons on curves. Roughly speaking, formal ribbon is a family of locally linearly compact vector spaces on a curve. We establish a one-to-one correspondence between formal ribbons on curves plus some ... -
Formation Control and Rigidity Theory
[SNAP-2019-017-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-12-11)Formation control is one of the fundamental coordination tasks for teams of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous formations are used in applications ranging from search-and-rescue operations to deep space exploration, with ... -
1922 - Foundations and New Horizons for Causal Inference
[OWR-2019-25] (2019) - (26 May - 01 Jun 2019)While causal inference is established in some disciplines such as econometrics and biostatistics, it is only starting to emerge as a valuable tool in areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. The ... -
2118 - Foundations of Bayesian Inference for Complex Statistical Models (hybrid meeting)
[OWR-2021-22] (2021) - (02 May - 08 May 2021)In this virtual workshop a variety of recent developments in Bayesian high-dimensional and nonparametric statistics were discussed in depth. There were 12 in depth talks delivered via zoom in the afternoons (to allow for ... -
0632 - Four-dimensional Manifolds
[OWR-2006-35] (2006) - (06 Aug - 12 Aug 2006)This workshop has provided a broad panorama of recent developments in the study of topological, smooth, and symplectic 4-manifolds. Related invariants of knots and 3-manifolds were also discussed. -
The Fourier Transform on Harmonic Manifolds of Purely Exponential Volume Growth
[OWP-2019-12] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2019-05-08)Let $X$ be a complete, simply connected harmonic manifold of purely exponential volume growth. This class contains all non-flat harmonic manifolds of non-positive curvature and, in particular all known examples of harmonic ... -
Fourier-Mukai transform on Weierstrass cubics and commuting differential operators
[OWP-2016-03] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-05-10)In this article, we describe the spectral sheaves of algebras of commuting differential operators of genus one and rank two with singular spectral curve, solving a problem posed by Previato and Wilson. We also classify all ... -
2402 - Fracture as an Emergent Phenomenon
[OWR-2024-1] (2024) - (07 Jan - 12 Jan 2024)The mechanics of fracture propagation provides essential knowledge for the risk tolerance design of devices, structures, and vehicles. Techniques of free energy minimization provide guidance, but have limited applicability ... -
2309c - Free Boundary Problems Arising in Fluid Mechanics
[OWR-2023-11] (2023) - (26 Feb - 04 Mar 2023)Fluid mechanics is one of the classical areas in the study of partial differential equations and has been a vast subject of research in the last centuries. A relevant class of problems are those in which the evolution of ... -
Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics
[OWS-54] (Birkhäuser Cham, 2024-06-20)This book, originating from a seminar held at Oberwolfach in 2022, introduces to state-of-the-art methods and results in the study of free boundary problems which are arising from compressible as well as from incompressible ... -
1524 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2015-28] (2015) - (07 Jun - 13 Jun 2015)The workshop brought together leading experts, as well as promising young researchers, in areas related to recent developments in free probability theory. Some particular emphasis was on the relation of free probability ... -
1849 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2018-53] (2018) - (02 Dec - 08 Dec 2018)The workhop brought together leading experts, as well as promising young researchers, in areas related to recent developments in free probability theory. Some particular emphasis was on the relation of free probability ... -
0513 - Free Probability Theory
[OWR-2005-15] (2005) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2005)Free probability theory is a line of research which parallels aspects of classical probability, in a non-commutative context where tensor products are replaced by free products, and independent random variables are replaced ... -
Freeness of Multi-Reflection Arrangements via Primitive Vector Fields
[OWP-2017-10] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017-04-20)In 2002, Terao showed that every reflection multi-arrangement of a real reflection group with constant multiplicity is free by providing a basis of the module of derivations. We first generalize Terao's result to ... -
Friezes and tilings
[SNAP-2015-004-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2015)Friezes have occured as architectural ornaments for many centuries. In this snapshot, we consider the mathematical analogue of friezes as introduced in the 1970s by Conway and Coxeter. Recently, infinite versions of such ... -
1310 - From "Mixed" to "Applied" Mathematics: Tracing an important dimension of mathematics and its history
[OWR-2013-12] (2013) - (03 Mar - 09 Mar 2013)The workshop investigated historical variations of the ways in which historically boundaries were drawn between ‘pure’ mathematics on the one hand and ‘mixed’ or ‘applied’ mathematics on the other from about 1500 until ...