Browsing by Title
Now showing items 855-874 of 2031
K-Theory for Group C*-Algebras and Semigroup C*-Algebras
[OWS-47] (Birkhäuser Basel, 2017)This book gives an account of the necessary background for group algebras and crossed products for actions of a group or a semigroup on a space and reports on some very recently developed techniques with applications to ... -
K-Triviality, Oberwolfach randomness, and differentiability
[OWP-2012-17] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2012-12-21)We show that a Martin-Lof random set for which the effective version of the Lebesgue density theorem fails computes every $K$-trivial set. Combined with a recent result by Day and Miller, this gives a positive solution to ... -
The Kadison-Singer problem
[SNAP-2014-008-EN] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2014)In quantum mechanics, unlike in classical mechanics, one cannot make precise predictions about how a system will behave. Instead, one is concerned with mere probabilities. Consequently, it is a very important task to ... -
Killing Tensors on Tori
[OWP-2016-20] (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2016-11-10)We show that Killing tensors on conformally at n-dimensional tori whose conformal factor only depends on one variable, are polynomials in the metric and in the Killing vector fields. In other words, every first integral ... -
0018 - Kodierungstheorie
[TB-2000-19] (2000) - (30 Apr - 06 May 2000) -
0350 - Kodierungstheorie
[TB-2003-53] (2003) - (07 Dec - 13 Dec 2003) -
0001 - Kombinatorik
[TB-2000-1] (2000) - (02 Jan - 08 Jan 2000) -
0917 - Kommutative Algebra
[OWR-2009-22] (2009) - (19 Apr - 25 Apr 2009)The workshop brought together researchers on various areas of Commutative Algebra. New results in combinatorial commutative algebra, homological methods and invariants, characteristic p-methods, and in general commutative ... -
0517 - Kommutative Algebra
[OWR-2005-19] (2005) - (24 Apr - 30 Apr 2005)The lectures of the conference whose participants included a significant group of researchers from affine geometry were devoted to the following areas: characteristic p-methods, combinatorial commutative algebra and effective ... -
9932 - Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
[TB-1999-32] (1999) - (08 Aug - 14 Aug 1999) -
0507 - Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie
[OWR-2005-7] (2005) - (13 Feb - 19 Feb 2005) -
0740 - Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie
[OWR-2007-47] (2007) - (30 Sep - 06 Oct 2007)The Conference focused on several classical theories in the realm of complex algebraic geometry, such as Abelian Varieties, Jacobians and Pryms, Moduli spaces, Variation of Hodge structures and Algebraic surfaces. New ... -
1735 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2017-39] (2017) - (27 Aug - 02 Sep 2017)Complex Analysis is a very active branch of mathematics. The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. Topics included singular Kähler–Einstein metrics, ... -
1035 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2010-39] (2010) - (29 Aug - 04 Sep 2010)The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. Special emphasis was put on the interaction between model theory and the classification theory of complex ... -
0635 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2006-40] (2006) - (27 Aug - 02 Sep 2006)The main aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. The topics included: classification of higher dimensional varieties, mirror symmetry, hyperbolicity, Kähler ... -
0035 - Komplexe Analysis
[TB-2000-35] (2000) - (27 Aug - 02 Sep 2000) -
0435 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2004-42] (2004) - (22 Aug - 28 Aug 2004) -
0235 - Komplexe Analysis
[TB-2002-41] (2002) - (25 Aug - 31 Aug 2002) -
1236 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2012-43] (2012) - (02 Sep - 08 Sep 2012)The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments in several complex variables and complex geometry. Special emphasis was put on the interaction of analytic and algebraic methods. Topics included Kähler geometry, ... -
1435 - Komplexe Analysis
[OWR-2014-39] (2014) - (24 Aug - 30 Aug 2014)Complex Analysis is a very active branch of mathematics with applications in many other fields. The central aim of our workshop was to present recent results in several complex variables and complex geometry, and to survey ...