Browsing Workshops 2011 by Title
Now showing items 37-56 of 56
1109a - Mini-Workshop: The Homotopy Interpretation of Constructive Type Theory
[OWR-2011-11] (2011) - (27 Feb - 05 Mar 2011)Over the past few years it has become apparent that there is a surprising and deep connection between constructive logic and higherdimensional structures in algebraic topology and category theory, in the form of an ... -
1120b - New Directions in Algebraic K-Theory
[OWR-2011-27] (2011) - (15 May - 21 May 2011)This meeting brought together algebraic geometers, algebraic topologists and geometric topologists, all of whom use algebraic K-theory. The talks and discussions involved all the participants. -
1137 - Noncommutative Geometry
[OWR-2011-45] (2011) - (11 Sep - 17 Sep 2011)Noncommutative Geometry applies ideas from geometry to mathematical structures determined by noncommuting variables. This meeting concentrated primarily on those aspects of Noncommutative Geometry that are related to index ... -
1113 - Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals
[OWR-2011-17] (2011) - (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2011)The central focus of the workshop was Kadison-Singer conjecture and its connection to operator algebras, harmonic analysis, representation theory and the theory of fractals. The program was intrinsically interdisciplinary ... -
1132 - Partial Differential Equations
[OWR-2011-38] (2011) - (07 Aug - 13 Aug 2011)The workshop dealt with partial differential equations in geometry and technical applications. The main topics were the combination of nonlinear partial differential equations and geometric problems, regularity of free ... -
1118 - Random Matrices, Geometric Functional Analysis and Algorithms
[OWR-2011-24] (2011) - (01 May - 07 May 2011)The workshop gathered close to 50 participants on the topics of random matrix theory, high dimensional convex geometry and probabilistic methods in theoretical computer science. It favored cooperation between researchers ... -
1130 - Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications
[OWR-2011-36] (2011) - (24 Jul - 30 Jul 2011)The workshop has focused on important developments within the last few years in the point of view and methods of real and harmonic Analysis as well as significant concurrent progress in the application of these to various ... -
1116 - Real Enumerative Questions in Complex and Tropical Geometry
[OWR-2011-20] (2011) - (17 Apr - 23 Apr 2011)The workshop Real Enumerative Questions in Complex and Tropical Geometry was devoted to a wide discussion and exchange of ideas between the best experts representing various points of view on the subject. Enumeration of ... -
1108 - Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras
[OWR-2011-10] (2011) - (20 Feb - 26 Feb 2011)Methods and results from the representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras have led to many interactions with other areas of mathematics. Such areas include the theory of Lie algebras and quantum groups, ... -
1121 - Schnelle Löser für Partielle Differentialgleichungen
[OWR-2011-28] (2011) - (22 May - 28 May 2011)The workshop Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen, organised by Randolph E. Bank (La Jolla), Wolfgang Hackbusch (Leipzig), and Gabriel Wittum (Frankfurt am Main), was held May 22nd–May 28th, 2011. This ... -
1102 - Set Theory
[OWR-2011-2] (2011) - (09 Jan - 15 Jan 2011)This stimulating workshop exposed some of the most exciting recent develops in set theory, including major new results about the proper forcing axiom, stationary reflection, gaps in P(ω)/Fin, iterated forcing, the tree ... -
1122 - Stochastic Analysis
[OWR-2011-29] (2011) - (29 May - 04 Jun 2011)The meeting took place on May 30-June 3, 2011, with over 55 people in attendance. Each day had 6 to 7 talks of varying length (some talks were 30 minutes long), except for Thursday: the traditional hike was moved to Thursday ... -
1104 - Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
[OWR-2011-6] (2011) - (23 Jan - 29 Jan 2011)This workshop brought together leading experts and a large number of younger researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance from all over the world. During a highly intense week, participants exchanged during ... -
1150 - Stratified Spaces: Joining Analysis, Topology and Geometry
[OWR-2011-56] (2011) - (11 Dec - 17 Dec 2011)For manifolds, topological properties such as Poincaré duality and invariants such as the signature and characteristic classes, results and techniques from complex algebraic geometry such as the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch ... -
1135 - The Analytic Theory of Automorphic Forms
[OWR-2011-43] (2011) - (28 Aug - 03 Sep 2011)The workshop brought together leading experts in the theory of automorphic forms. Recently developed analytic, geometric and ergodic methods have enabled several important results in the theory for $GL(2)$, and also made ... -
1111 - The Renormalization Group
[OWR-2011-15] (2011) - (13 Mar - 19 Mar 2011)Invented as a multiscale approach to the theory of critical phenomena, the renormalization group has become a powerful mathematical tool in the analysis of infinite-dimensional systems. Its applications range from classical ... -
1106 - Topological and Geometric Combinatorics
[OWR-2011-8] (2011) - (06 Feb - 12 Feb 2011)The 2011 Oberwolfach meeting “Topological and Geometric Combinatorics” was organized by Anders Björner (Stockholm), Gil Kalai (Jerusalem), Isabella Novik (Seattle), and Günter M. Ziegler (Berlin). It covered a wide variety ... -
1105 - Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
[OWR-2011-7] (2011) - (30 Jan - 05 Feb 2011)Motivated both by industrial applications and the challenge of new problems, one observes an increasing interest in the field of image and surface processing over the last years. It has become clear that even though the ... -
1149 - Variational Methods for Evolution
[OWR-2011-55] (2011) - (04 Dec - 10 Dec 2011)The meeting focused on the last advances in the applications of variational methods to evolution problems governed by partial differential equations. The talks covered a broad range of topics, including large deviation and ... -
1140 - Very High Dimensional Semiparametric Models
[OWR-2011-48] (2011) - (02 Oct - 08 Oct 2011)Very high dimensional semiparametric models play a major role in many areas, in particular in signal detection problems when sparse signals or sparse events are hidden among high dimensional noise. Concrete examples are ...