Auflistung Workshops 2023 nach Titel
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 59
2326 - Algebraische Zahlentheorie
[OWR-2023-28] (2023) - (25 Jun - 30 Jun 2023)Algebraic Number Theory is an area of Mathematics that has a legendary history and lies at the interface of Algebra and Number Theory. The last four decades of the last century witnessed rapid developments that led to ... -
2341 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Cluster Algebras
[OWR-2023-45] (2023) - (08 Oct - 13 Oct 2023)Cluster algebras, invented by Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky around the year 2000, are commutative algebras endowed with a rich combinatorial structure. Fomin-Zelevinsky's original motivations came from Lie theory ... -
2351 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: QFT and Stochastic PDEs
[OWR-2023-59] (2023) - (17 Dec - 22 Dec 2023)Quantum field theory (QFT) is a fundamental framework for a wide range of phenomena is physics. The link between QFT and SPDE was first observed by the physicists Parisi and Wu (1981), known as Stochastic Quantisation. ... -
2314 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Twistor D-Modules and the Decomposition Theorem
[OWR-2023-17] (2023) - (02 Apr - 07 Apr 2023)The purpose of this Arbeitsgemeinschaft is to introduce the notion of twistor $\mathcal{D}$-modules and their main properties. The guiding principle leading this discussion is Simpson's "meta-theorem", which gives a heuristic ... -
2305 - Arithmetic of Shimura Varieties
[OWR-2023-5] (2023) - (29 Jan - 04 Feb 2023)The aim of this workshop was to discuss recent developments on the arithmetic of Shimura varieties and on related topics within the Langlands program, and to initiate and support further research in this direction. The ... -
2335 - Aspects of Aperiodic Order
[OWR-2023-37] (2023) - (27 Aug - 01 Sep 2023)The theory of aperiodic order expanded and developed significantly since the discovery of quasicrystals, and continues to bring many mathematical disciplines together. The focus of this workshop was on harmonic analysis ... -
2336 - Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
[OWR-2023-38] (2023) - (03 Sep - 08 Sep 2023)The workshop focused on the collective behavior of many-particle systems in various application fields: physics (gas dynamics, plasmas, quantum mechanics), mathematical biology (cell mobility, evolution of trait-structured ... -
2301 - Combinatorics
[OWR-2023-1] (2023)Combinatorics is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting and studying properties of discrete objects such as graphs, set systems, partial orders, polyhedra, etc. Combinatorial problems naturally ... -
2345 - Control Methods in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
[OWR-2023-52] (2023) - (05 Nov - 10 Nov 2023)Control of hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) is a truly interdisciplinary area of research in applied mathematics nurtured by challenging problems arising in most modern applications ranging from road traffic, ... -
2308 - Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
[OWR-2023-8] (2023) - (19 Feb - 25 Feb 2023)This was the sixth workshop on mathematical and statistical methods for the transmission of infectious diseases. Building on epidemiologic models which were the subject of earlier workshops, this workshop concentrated on ... -
2327 - Differentialgeometrie im Grossen
[OWR-2023-29] (2023) - (02 Jul - 07 Jul 2023)Over the past several decades, classical differential geometry has undergone a remarkable expansion, helped by the integration of tools and insights from neighboring fields like partial differential equations, complex ... -
2328 - Dynamische Systeme
[OWR-2023-30] (2023) - (09 Jul - 14 Jul 2023)This workshop continues a series of workshops whose current format originated in 1981 under then-organizers Moser and Zehnder, and whose latest iteration took place in July 2023. The general goal of this series of workshops ... -
2309c - Free Boundary Problems Arising in Fluid Mechanics
[OWR-2023-11] (2023) - (26 Feb - 04 Mar 2023)Fluid mechanics is one of the classical areas in the study of partial differential equations and has been a vast subject of research in the last centuries. A relevant class of problems are those in which the evolution of ... -
2334 - Geometric Spectral Theory
[OWR-2023-36] (2023) - (20 Aug - 25 Aug 2023)Spectral geometry is a rapidly developing field with new classes of operators, boundary value problems and geometric objects arising in different applications. At the same time, classical problems continue gaining novel ... -
2350 - Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics
[OWR-2023-58] (2023) - (10 Dec - 15 Dec 2023)The 2023 Oberwolfach meeting "Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics'' was organized by Gil Kalai (Jerusalem), Isabella Novik (Seattle), Francisco Santos (Santander), and Volkmar Welker (Marburg). It ... -
2319 - Group Actions and Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory
[OWR-2023-22] (2023) - (07 May - 12 May 2023)This workshop focuses on new problems and new methods at the interface of harmonic analysis (taken in a very broad sense) and ergodic theory, with applications focused on number theory. Special emphasis is put on ... -
2332 - Homotopy Theory
[OWR-2023-34] (2023) - (06 Aug - 11 Aug 2023)The workshop brought together experts in homotopy theory from many areas, including chromatic homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory, derived algebra and equivariant homotopy theory. We had a lecture series on the recent ... -
2321 - Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry
[OWR-2023-24] (2023) - (21 May - 26 May 2023)The workshop titled "Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry" was coorganized by Davide Barilari (Padova), Xiaonan Ma (Paris), Nikhil Savale (Köln) and Yi Wang (Baltimore). It was well attended by 55 participants, with 45 of ... -
2323 - Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory
[OWR-2023-25] (2023) - (04 Jun - 09 Jun 2023)The workshop "Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory" covered interactions between geometric problems involving fractals, dimensions, patterns, projections and incidences, and ... -
2315 - Komplexe Analysis - Differential and Algebraic methods in Kähler spaces
[OWR-2023-18] (2023) - (09 Apr - 14 Apr 2023)Our workshop focused on recent results in our main field (complex geometry) and its connection with other branches of mathematics. The main theme of an important proportion of the talks was Hodge theory, combined with ...