Browsing Oberwolfach Seminars by Author "Dörfler, Willy"
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Photonic Crystals: Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Approximation
[OWS-42] Dörfler, Willy; Lechleiter, Armin; Plum, Michael; Schneider, Guido; Wieners, Christian (Birkhäuser Basel, 2011)This volume collects a series of lectures which provide an introduction to the mathematical background needed for the modeling and simulation of light, in particular in periodic media, and for its applications in optical ... -
Wave Phenomena
[OWS-49] Dörfler, Willy; Hochbruck, Marlis; Köhler, Jonas; Rieder, Andreas; Schnaubelt, Roland; Wieners, Christian (Birkhäuser (Springer Nature Switzerland), 2023)This book presents the notes from the seminar on wave phenomena given in 2019 at the Mathematical Research Center in Oberwolfach. The research on wave-type problems is a fascinating and emerging field in mathematical ...